whats mylot rating?

November 17, 2009 3:37am CST
im new here,and ive no idea of mylot rating.how can i know mine?
2 responses
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
Welcome to mylot! Your first star rating will show up when you reached about 100 posts. Happy mylotting! Hope you'll stay long here.
• India
17 Nov 09
What is that posts?
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
The posts that you are doing right now, the responses and discussions that you made. It is rated on how well you respond and make good quality discussions. If your only posting nonsense and bad grammar and spelling on your posts that will only give you a bad rating. Your post should have 2-3 sentences, content has quality, sense, and informative/descriptive. That's how you are rated, I think.
• India
17 Nov 09
Iam also unaware of this fact.. please can anyone give a dettailled explanation.. Though I dont mind about my rating, i enjoy to be in mylot.. But explin ya..