Is Marriage essential for Life?

Difficult decision - This is the photo of the lady who is trying to take difficult decision in her life about marriage
November 17, 2009 4:02am CST
Hi friends, Hope this topic sounds interesting isn't it. All of us who ever married would have come across this question atleast once in our life time. I also have asked the same question in many situations of my life. But finally after getting married, i understand that we feel secure and safe after marriage. Our responsibilities gets increased . What is your opinion friends.
4 responses
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I certainly don't think it is essential to life. I know some single people who have far better lives than I have. I guess it is all in how you look at it though.
• India
18 Nov 09
thank you goldeneagle for your response. you are correct it depends upon the individual's perspective
@yourpal (10)
• Sri Lanka
17 Nov 09
yes my friend my personal opinion is that marriage is essential for life
• India
18 Nov 09
thank you for your response.
@SouravRC (247)
• India
17 Nov 09
marriage is a social binding. We need this for a healthy society. Okay, now the thing is the situation has been changed for last 10/15 years in the Europe and America. Especially in Europe a lot people live together and never get married. And live-in relationship is legal over there. So as far as i know very few people get married there and like to remain either single or in a live-in relationship. To me companion is more necessary that marriage. It depends where you live, whether live-in is allowed or not in your country. I think some kind of binding needs to be there. Whether it's marriage or live-in. Because at the end of the day you need a good company. A good friend who loves you and understand you.
• India
18 Nov 09
Thank you souravrc for your resonse. we need marriage for a healthy society. living together is frequent and becoming most common in india also , not only in europe and america. But it will definitely affect the society only.
• India
17 Nov 09
Yes and a No.. It depends on the person to whom we are married.. I got the best.. So marriage is good.. my sister got the worst.. So marriage is bad.. It is according to the individual and his lifestyle we can decide about it.. In which category do you fall?
• India
18 Nov 09
Thank you archanashakthi for your response. You are correct if we wear yellow glass then everything we see will be in yellow color only. It depends upon the person's perspective. Ofcourse there are some exception.