Do you like summer or winter?

@msq516 (61)
November 17, 2009 7:58am CST
Winter is coming here. It snowed heavily yesterday but the coldest day hasn't come. We will go through hard days in the coming months. I don't like winter because of the severe cold. Compared to winter, I like summer. How about you? Please share.
3 responses
• United States
17 Nov 09
I would have to say my favorite season is neither winter or summer but fall and spring. I love all the different colors on the trees and the more tolerable temperatures
• India
17 Nov 09
I love winters, because where I live there is no winter. Through out the year we have hot weather, and only during December the weather gets a little cold. The temprature during this time is about 92 to 95 degrees.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
17 Nov 09
well i dont like our summers because of the humidity either. we can get temperatures of 90 but it will feel like 110 because of the humidity. but during the winter, we get major windchills which can be brutal. i think i like the fall the best. i would like year round temperatures of 70 degrees F (or 20 C)!