America's Death Wish
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
November 17, 2009 11:02pm CST
Barack Hussein Obama is America's self-destruct death wish personified. In eight short months, which seem rather like an eternity of hell, he has managed to take a once free nation almost to its doom. Every action, deed and policy express his personal hatred for our country. Have you seen his "crotch salute", two pictures posted in 11/12, along with appropriate caption. They appear in many places on the internet as well. While everyone else pictured in front of our flag has hand on heart or in military salute, this usurper has his hands conspicuously folded in front of his crotch, his preferred position to show his denigration of the symbol of our freedom which he pleasures in destroying.
Even though current polls show his "approval ratings" have dropped, some fools say they don't like his policies, but like his personality. This is not American Bandstand folks. What personality? The teleprompter addicted, Arab cadenced voice which expresses his disdain for all things American? The constant berating of the US to dictators and the world in general, bowing to other heads of state indicating our subservience that his jihad foists on us? His threats to Congress that they dare not "probe" the Ft. Hood terrorist massacre and declaring it not "terrorism"? His declaring, along with henchman Holder,(whose law firm represents terrorists) that they will bring to NYC terrorists,( one of whom brags that he has held the bloody, severed head of Daniel Pearl in his hands and it gave him great joy), so they can gloat at their handiwork at the WTC AND have OUR civil rights, which O denies us, conferred upon them?
What has happened to make us so ignorant and just plain stupid? I know our schools, influenced by Bill Ayers, U of Chicago and other radicals whose indoctrination fills our schoolrooms, have been purposely dumbing-down our students, but what the he== motivates people to be complicit in their own destruction and servitude this way?
This hideous form of self-flagellation, along with a corrupt Congress and Courts makes us not only prey for Obama, his radical friends, including the Islamists he aids, abets and emboldens, and favors, Pelosi and the depraved democrats, George Soros and worldwide America haters, but, if we do not rise up and have him arrested for treason, partakers with them in having on our hands the blood of those at Ft. Hood and everyone who dies for the freedom we no longer have.
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5 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Epicure, we have not been a free nation for quite some time now. We are just now waking up to that fact...but while we were sleeping, decades of laws have been passed whittling away at our Constitution.
Do I see Obama as you see him, yes. But I know he is not the first, only the most obvious and arrogant.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Nov 09
You misunderstand me epicure, the set up for his most obvious dismantling of our Constitution was begun decades before him. He is merely the most recent in a long line of presidents who have contributed. Without this understanding, we run the risk of sounding just as they portray us. It is not just America this is happening in, the entire world has been the victims of the elite's brainwashing and manipulation through many agencies and ideologies.
Take a look and especially under the ISSUES tab there are six links to pdf files that explain this more fully. Obama is only one player we should be concerned about. He is only the tip of the iceberg.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
19 Nov 09
[b]Debra, it's unsettling & odd to see you & Epic at loggerheads. I usually agree with you both. This time, however, both you & Epic have good points, but he is correct when he says Obama is a different case. There's nothing "merely" about Obama.
Truly, he is the tip of the iceberg, but it's our iceberg under his control. That's why it worries me most, not so much the rest of the world. When those other nations finally realize what they've done to themselves (just as eventually, ours will), to whom will they turn then for release from their slavery?
It won't be us; we won't be able to help anyone any more, not even ourselves. America, as a free, sovereign nation, finest ever to grace the earth, will be gone, if Obama is permitted to continue on his swift & deliberate path to our destruction. It should be obvious from the abundance of evidence (some of it his own words!) that our loss of sovereignty is his goal, unless you think he's "merely" inept. I seriously doubt that! No, Obama isn't "whittling," he's taking a chain saw to the bloody stump remaining of America!
We need to humble ourselves before God & get our souls straight. He could still fix our broken country if that happens. "With God, all things are possible."
With Obama & his ilk, only our demise is possible.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Maggie, I am trying to get people to understand there IS an iceberg. lol
Some only see it as a difference in styles of governing. I do agree with Epicure. But it does take seeing how history and BOTH parties involved have led us to the place where some are so willing to accept Obama's chainsaw. If we only speak of Obama's actions we are perceived as haters. If we can show that this is not just one man we are against...but a whole history of abuses and crimes by both sides who are working TOGETHER to destroy is harder to see us as just a bunch of conservative haters. I hope I explained that properly.
Never fear, I do agree he is 'different'. I have given much thought as to how it is that he can be so loved and so blindly followed? It takes a good hard look at the whittling that came before. The way was prepared for him, with conscious forethought. And if I can get people to see that, perhaps they will begin to wonder about that chain saw in Obama's hand, and stop thinking in terms of left vs. right or Republican vs. Democrat.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Everything you say is true. I have been pretty vocal about my thoughts on Obama but I have a dreadful sinking feeling that nothing will be done as long as his followers have this slavish adoration of the man. I think the reason this man got into office was all the first time and young voters thought they were voting for "American Idol" candidate instead of president of the US. His background was murky, his qualifications were non existent but that did not matter they thought he was "cool".! The results are so obvious that this man spells doom for our country we need to get him out NOW!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I think both of you gave very fitting comments! Especially when they are about a man who has been called the "empty suit president" nothing of substance behind the "cool" exterior.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Muscles...I will go one step further and say that stupid people should not be allowed to run for office. If they should require voters to know civics, perhaps candidates should too?
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Thank you, whiteheather, for your discernment. Please, everybody, call Congress and every official DAILY, write, e-mail, DEMAND this be brought before the Judiciary Committee immediately, or that they join one of the 42 lawsuits already in existence or file their own criminal charges against this monster and monstress Pelosi, before it's too late to stop our descent into he--. WE THE PEOPLE also need to file criminal complaints against this man of treason on whose hands the blood of the FT
HOOD massacre rests.
They mock us.
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@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
18 Nov 09
Greedy CEO's and multi-million dollar golden parachute-handshakes for a useless twit that made all the wrong decisions and drove a company to the ground, really don't make much sense to anyone except them.
The US put a noose around its own neck years ago.
US money is toilet paper, US is in Debt for years to come, it can only get worse, why, because nothing has changed, the greedy CEO's are still getting lump sums for making a mess of things.
The so called World economic collapse isn't, it is a US economic collapse.
All the nations that had invested is crummy US Wall Street schemes lost the lot.
All the coutries that have little or nothing to do with the US don't have any problem. They still have their economies much unchanged and they still have their gold, which the US is lacking in very much.
The Chinese like their gold, that actually has value, the US are now doing what your average Banana Republic does, we'll just print more money. Well it's toilet paper and the collapsing value of that bit of paper reflects that the world is awakening to the scam. The Chinese are terrified of loosing their investments in the US, and wish they never had got involved, and how could they be so stupid.
Wall Streeters must have had a jolly good laugh when they were doing this, good foreign gold backed capital in exchange for US toilet paper, Oh sorry it isn't even worth toilet paper, that's what the mess is.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I agree with you on all but one point...the clever Chinese saw this all coming and are anxiously awaiting the day when they will own the usa. They'll have to fight the others waiting in line for our fall though. That's what is real scary.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Thank you so much for your response. Pray, pray, and put faith into action by demanding our corrupt officials act before there is no recourse.
If you can go to and/or to see the video of Pastor James David Manning, a true Christian and patriot who REALLY says it BEST. I do not know how to pass this video on, but maybe you do.
We must pray for this hero, and Orly Taitz, and all who are doing our corrupt courts and congress' jobs and we must support them in any way possible. Also check JBWilliams God Bless You. He so Blessed America, but we have spit upon our blessings and protections and are now under the tyranny of man and they will remove our true liberty under God if we do not act in faith NOW.
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@lazerm (478)
• United States
19 Nov 09
the people who voted for obama get what they deserve! obama is like the pied piper, leading the lemmings off a cliff.he is but a puppet for the international bankers anyway. while he chucks and jives in front of a teleprompter, his puppetmasters rape the treasury, bleeding america dry.whether its bowing to his knees to other so- called leaders, or trying to hoist deathcare er, obama care on the american people,I hope this fool imposter is thrown out of office in 2012.but, will we have an america left- after this marxist and his cronies get through destroying our great republic?
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