@beckysue12121 (37)
United States
November 18, 2009 11:47am CST
I am moving. That is that. I am so very, very angry about my circumstances here that I could just puke. Before I say anything, you should know that my father has displayed crazy tendencies before this (hoarding control freak, who I suspect is just a tad schitzo....seeing as he likes to create and believe his own twisted reality).
I have been working on getting my autistic son who has been diagnosed with aspergers syndrom on social security for a while now. When I brought the idea up to my dad a while ago he went completely nuts, and demanded that I not let them "label him". You see....as much as I try to correct him, he believes that autism = retarded. So I politely conceded, and continued to work on my sons social security in private.
I am 29 years old, and I am the childs mother and legal guardian. It is really none of my fathers business what I do in regards to my kid's wellbeing, as long as he is well taken care of; and, he is. A couple days ago, my dad called me to rant and rave (can't have a conversation with the guy without yelling and criticism) about my son's upcoming dental appointment where he will have to be put under to do the work, because he is so afraid of the dentist that they can't get anything done. My father has taken it upon himself to make this appointment with his own chosen dentist, then insisted on paying for it (a tactic he often tries to use to endebt me to him) even though I told him I definately don't want him to, and I am working on insurance for my son, and I can make payment arrangements if necessary... I can afford to do this on my own.
He insisted that I can't then went into a harrangue about me not applying for heating assistance yet and not going through social services to get him approved for medicare, or whatever. I told him there are other things that I need to get straightened out first...you see, we make too much money to qualify for that stuff, and I don't feel that we need it anyways because we are doing fine. So, he proceeded to yell at me about how irresponsible I was being for not doing EXACTLY as he says; so, I told him...I am still going to put the kid on disability, and that is that. All will be taken care of, please trust me to take care of my own family and worry about your own affairs (entire paycheck being garnished by IRS).
He freaked out, pretended to have a heart attack, threatened to blackmail me with Social Security, accused me of ignoring my son (hence the inability to properly communicate), accused the schools of not doing their job right (again because he can't properly communicate), called his pediatrician a "witch doctor" for helping me get my son diagnosed, then accused me of running out of patience with my son, and therefore having him deemed "retarded", accused me of taking advantage of my kid for the money, insinuated that my current fiance would hurt my kids (NEVER!), and tried to use his fighting with my mother and their divorce (when I was 4) to hurt me.
He has done the last one in the past; he has used my mother, my grandmother, my son, himself, and my current fiance to try to hurt me emotionally, just to get his way. He had also accused me of having munchousen (sp?) syndrom...I should have bailed then. He meddled (up until recently, when I found out) with my child support payments from my kids father. He claimed that my ex refused to deal with me directly (not true...now I know, cus I called him and asked), and that he would take the checks from my ex and ferry them over to me in his stead. That turned out to be utter horse poop. While my father was busy playing monkey in the middle with my child support (also to try to control my income), what was really going on, is that my ex was wanting to go through the state for child support, instead of the private arrangement that we had, due to him having another child with a woman who is being less that cooperative with him. The guy is going completely broke trying to manage the situation, and my dad was trying to keep him broke to try to control his situation, and therefore control him, too.
I have had enough of this crap. I am hurt, I am offended, and I am moving. Thank you all for listening to my rant....I certainly feel better.;)_
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5 responses
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Good heavens! Why does your father have so much control over you? Are you living with him? Why on earth would your ex send the money to your father instead of you? That's ridiculous.
I think you need to do what you feel is right for your child or you are going to regret it later. Your father is probably ranting about your son because he feels it's somehow his fault or a reflection of him. Your child is special and if your father can't deal with that don't let him make you feel bad.
You should try to get SS for your son. One of the best things that will happen with that is even if you don't qualify for the ssi payment, you may qualify for the health insurance for him and he will need it with all the specialists.
I also suggest you get him in the system now just in case in the future he needs the help with disability. He may have trouble getting it later if you don't do it now. Good luck.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 09
You have enough to deal with with a son who has autism without having to deal with all this abusive, manipulative crap from your father, that is for sure. I hope you find yourself in a better situation. How old is your son? Mine is 9 and we found out about the autism before he was 4.
@beckysue12121 (37)
• United States
18 Nov 09
My son is 7, and my mom suggested to me that he may have aspergers at age 2 (she is a psychologist....so, she would know). I was in denial until he was 4, then I cried for 2 days, then accepted it. And thank you for the support, it means a lot to me.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 09
My son is a twin and it was very easy to see that his development was behind his sister's. Still, for a long time we just thought it was normal boy. But at least we found out early enough and he's doing pretty well. Hope your son is benefiting from the diagnosis too. It's hard, but if they get the right help. most kids do pretty well. Not sure what your dad's problem is, but you just don't need that from anybody.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Oh my gosh. That would get on my nerves if my father was trying to control me and everything in my life like that. I would have to move too because that is just ridiculous. You are the mother of your son and you know how to take care of him so he needs to leave you alone and let you take care of this situation. And to fake a heart attack...he should know that's not a laughing matter and if he really did ever have one people might not believe him for acting like it before. I don't blame you for being upset and hurt cause I would be too.
@hvedra (1619)
23 Nov 09
Wow! As has been said, it is a lot to deal with an autistic child without your father interfering and creating problems.
If you are worried about your father being vindictive and trying to cause trouble for you is there some way you can lodge a file with someone (an attorney, social services, etc) but without taking action so that when the poop hits the fan you are prepared and have a record of his behaviour.
I would have thought his booking your son into a dentist would be breaking some kind of law if he is not the boy's legal guardian. Surely you would need to sign consent papers?
I know it sounds harsh but you might need to consider taking legal advice on this and get an injunction of some kind to make your dad back away.
Nobody needs this kind of hassle least of all someone with a special needs kid.
Good luck!
@canesfan1964 (544)
• United States
20 Dec 09
I feel your pain..... Please get yourself a therapist to listen to you. You need it. And I mean this in a kind way. You need someone on your side. You need support from someone. Your father is a therapy issue in itself, your son is another.
I think it would be a good idea to sever your connection with your father. He sounds very needy for attention and you have enough on your plate. Feel confident that you are a grown woman and mother that can make good decisions for your child and family.
It is not uncommon for relatives to not understand autism. I think all of us who have autistic children have dealt with this. But when a relative keeps on then it becomes abusive. You need to get away from this situation and focus on what you and your son need.
I think applying for disability is appropriate. I have many friends that have quit their jobs, etc. in order to qualify for assistance. Their children are doing great now and it was worth it. There is no dodging sacrifice when you have a special needs child. You will have to do it and you will also have to deal with criticism and misunderstandings. It is a tough life for a parent. Not only are you trying to do everything for your child on a day-to-day basis but you are also grieving inside for the child you thought you would have that you will never have. There is so much going on here.
Eliminate all persons and things that are not positive in your life. You have to do it to be successful with yourself and your child. Its part of your survival together as a family.