What Pet should I get?
By lidiam84
@lidiam84 (151)
November 18, 2009 12:00pm CST
I live in a students house so I can't have "loud" pets. Even though my own housemates are loud already!
I was thinking of getting a fish because their peaceful and pretty colored. But I don't know which kind to get.
Or maybe a dog but dogs bark sometimes so maybe it may not be the best thing. My Neighbor has a small dog and they said it's okay for them to keep it because the other roommates agreed. But I seriously don't get along with my other room mates so I don't even wanna ask.
So what pet would you recommend me? What pet do you think isn't hard to maintain and still be quiet? I just want a companion around here when I'm home alone.
Let me know!
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32 responses
@sleepylittlerose (1648)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Fish are cool but if you want something a little more furry and cute consider a hamster or a rabbit. Neither of these make noise or at least not enough noise to bother anyone. You could keep them in your room as not to bother any of your housemates. I have owned a rabbit in the past and they are cool pets as they are very litter box trainable, much like a cat.

@sleepylittlerose (1648)
• United States
18 Nov 09
My rabbit was very friendly. Usually the standard rabbit is more friendly than the dwarf. He would come when called, play with a ball, and loved potato chips. They like any animal can try to nip at you but typically they are not agressive. If you are considering a rabbit go to the pet store and handle the ones they have. If it has not started with the bad habit of biting and you handle it daily then typically it will not get into the habit of biting. Treats are the way to any animals heart and are a key insturment in training. Give the right positive reinforcement rabbits are not that hard to train.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Nov 09
My daughter-in-law had a rabbit for years. It used the litter tray like the cats would and would wander about the house too. I had never realised that a rabbit could be such a 'comfy' pet and assumed they just stayed ina cage. I was amazed!

@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Nov 09
Hi lidiam!
I have only ever had cats, a dog, a few goldfish which we won at the fair and not by choice, and a budgie. The budgie was not much of a nuisance and would chirp when we whistled to him. He was very easy to look after and if you have your own room he would even learn to fly from his cage, come to you and go back again if tyou have the time and patience to train him to do it.
A cat would be perfect if it wasn't that you can't because your man doesn't want one.
This is hard one and I am curious to see what you end up with 

@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Nov 09
Oh I just didn't think when I said 'budgie'. That would be budgerigar or canary I think but I'm not really sure as I have alwasy called them budgies.
If you want a dog then I guess you had better wait until you can move. It would need training and walking too. Would you have time? Or how about going to the local kennels to see if there is one that is looking for a new home? It would probably already be house-trained.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Nov 09
How sweet! I bet you miss them too!
So if you are already used to having dogs it will be easy for you to have another.
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
19 Nov 09
Yes I am searching for those rescue homes online so that I could go take a look. And well I left 3 little Miniature Pincher at home for my mom to take care of them and I used to go with them to the beach and I loved taking care of them! One of them was the mom and the other two her babies.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 09
Fish aren't really companionship, and like somebody else pointed out, they have an annoying habit of dying on you. Most cats are pretty quiet and easy to take care of. Rabbits are very quiet. Or if you want something smaller, maybe a guinea pig or hamster?
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
18 Nov 09
I totally agree! Fish die very easily! and well the problem with cats is that they tend to escape and go off traveling around and can get road killed. They escape very easily through windows and are fast runners to hard to catch if running away.
I might consider a hamster or something like that since it's like you said, more of a companionship than a fish.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 09
Cats can get used to being inside, but if it's a small place, probably a smaller pet would make more sense.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I think cats are very good for apartment dwellers. You dont have to take them outside. They are very independant. Yet they love your attention and are very cuddly. We can go away and leave them in your apartment for a time as long as you leave out enough food, water and litter boxes.

@greatsasuke (472)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Can I be your roommate? Just kidding. Sounds like you want a pet to keep you company. Fish aren't loud but you can't pet or cuddle with them. Dogs are perfect companions, but require a lot of attention and can be very loud. Cats are pretty self-sufficient, but they only come to you when they want. I think your best bet is a Guinea Pig. They are quiet, don't make a big mess, are easy to take care of, and are big enough to hold and pet. Hope this helps.
@tcup345 (358)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Oh please, no guinea pig! You need a large cage for it, larger than you can put into a room with room mates. Guinea pigs are quite affectionate and don't smell, but you MUST keep the cage clean and they require greens, lots of greens, besides their dried food. Bedding, depending on the type you use, can end up everywhere. I made quilts for my guinea pig for her bedding, the top layer is fleece, the bottom is terrycloth and there is quilt batting sandwiched in between. I was using newspaper for her bedding and her feet became infected, she was sensitive to the ink. The cage I'm using for my guinea pig is 3 ft. by 5 ft., they need lots of room to run around. Usually it is recommended that you own more than one GP and you have them neutered. Guinea pigs make great pets, I love mine, but they take a lot of room, a lot of time and a lot of money. I'm not at all sure they are a good choice for a student's dorm.
@webb_jiang (158)
• China
19 Nov 09
I think maybe you can keep a turtle because it is very easy to keep and it is very quiet.You don't need to take a lot of time to take care of it.It lives long too.
Another pet I want to recommend to you is dog without vocal cords,in China,if we want to keep the dog quiet,we just take off the vocal cords of the dog,then it will be quiet,very quiet.you can have a try.

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
19 Nov 09
Actually it is called Debarking.. I wouldn't do it myself either(although my collie Tennyson could use it).. But it doesn't strip them of their voice entirely.. Their bark afterward is more like a loud whisper.
I knew a Sheltie Breeder who Debarked most of her dogs. I think because the neighbors would have booted her out of town..:)
I think some Collie breeders do it to.. I think I know some chihuahuas who could use it.. lol.
But I wouldn't do it either.. I think they should have a voice.
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
19 Nov 09
OMG that's so cruel!! I would never do that!!! That's like stripping a dog from what they are... if he needs to Bark, let the poor dog be! Poor thing! I webb_jiang help organisations with rescue animals on the street and I would never see myself doing something like that. That is just cruel... I am stunned...

@tcup345 (358)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Fish are great, little work but I suggest you don't get anything bigger than a 10 gal. tank, cleaning takes a lot of water and time. A one gallon tank is best, with one Betta, male betta's are beautiful, eat little, make no noise, you don't need a air pump and it doesn't take much to clean.
A hamster is a great pet. The cage can be small, hamsters are small, can be potty trained, are quiet but they sleep all day. Hamster must be handled every day to keep them familiar with you, vaseline will keep their wheels from squeaking and an exercise ball is fun for them and you. I have a teddy bear (long hair) hamster, he is very gently and has never bit me.
A parakeet is a great pet but I don't know if one would be right for you. They can be a little noisy. I allow mine to fly around my living room, there is always the risk of her flying out the front door in the summer. If your room mates do not keep the room door closed that can be a problem, that is, if you allow your parakeet out of it's cage.
A cat is a nice pet, relatively quiet, affectionate and if you keep it's litter box clean, they don't smell. I suggest you neuter it or problems could come up.
Whatever pet you choose, I suggest that you thoroughly research it on the internet. So often people buy a pet and have no idea what they are getting into, the pet takes time, you must keep it clean, well fed and healthy, you must spend time with the animal, they get lonely too.
Let us know what you settle on.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Some fish sound like a safe bet, as you say that your roommates are not that agreeable. The problem with fish is that they are too quiet. They don't even pretend to listen when you talk to them They do come in pretty colors, though, and it is relaxing to watch them.
@Keola12 (823)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I think a Clown fish would be good. They are the orange ones with white on them, like Nemo the fish in the animated movie of the same name. They are pretty cool to have as pets.
@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
21 Nov 09
if you are living in a students' house,I suggest you get a caged pet.you can get a hamster or a guinea pig.you can also also have a fish.if you have other room mates and have student responsibilities,a dog may be too much.a cat may be hard to look out for especially when you are away from the house often.
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
21 Nov 09
yeah I have my own room but I live with 3 more people my bf included and we share the bahtroom and kitchen. I could have a small dog and keep it in my room and when it's time to poop just walk around with him. But that would be difficult for me knowing I already have a pet for a boyfriend that I need to remind to clean his room. So Maybe a Fish might be a good idea... still thinking about it.
@jahernandezrivas (11288)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I think a fish tank would be good for you the fish are supposed to be a relaxing kind of pet and they are not noisy amd they are supposed to help you relax as well.
@kelly10 (678)
18 Nov 09
For the quietness, I would recommend a fish of some sort, but as you say you want a companion they are not ideal in that respect.
I think you may be best with a hamster, rabbit, gerbil, rat or guinea pig. Don't be scared of a rat. I've known two people that have had rats as pets and they've said they are very warm, loving and sociable.

@kelly10 (678)
18 Nov 09
People mistakenly think that rats are unclean animals with a nasty temper, but that couldn't be any further from the true.
They are an animal that are really forgotten in the 'What to have for a pet' stake and I think that people really should rethink and consider them as an animal to keep at home and have as a member of the family.
@sleepylittlerose (1648)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Rats do make very good pets. My niece who is only 8 yrs old has one named Stewie, for Stuart Little and that rat absoulutely looks forward to you coming over and taking her out of her cage to play.

@spinna54 (79)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Maybe a fish,cat, or a small dog,I suggest a chihuahua,I used to have one. Their bark is not as loud as a bigger dog,and they are peaceful most of the time,only time they really bark is when someone is knocking at the door,or when they see new people they will bark at them for a while. And sometimes they bark at loud noises.
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
19 Nov 09
hmmm guinea pig... never saw anyone with one as a pet... might have to think that over! LOL, thnx for the advice. My boyfriend doesn't like cats and if I get a dog I might get a tea-cup cuz they are very small. What do you think? Are tea-cups very delicate? or just the same as any dog?
@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
hi lidiam84!
well i guess a guinea pig will do but the thing is the smell. right? and they should be given attention from time to time. i myself wanted to have my own guinea pig but haven't bought one yet. oh by the way you should buy 2 for them not to feel lonely.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
19 Nov 09
I used to have fish and Hamsters.. They both make good pets..
Tropical fish can take a little work and a bit of investment..
Hamsters are cool but only live a couple of years.
I have since graduated to cats and dogs. :) my problem is I tend to over do them all.
When I had fish I had 3 tanks.. bred them and had babies..
When I had hamsters I went from 2 to 3 and ended up with over 50 and over a dozen cages.
Now I have 4 dogs and at the present moment 14 cats.. :)
I can't just have 1 of something apparently.
Birds might be another good option.. like a parakeet or cockatiel. And they live for a while.
@DarkMarixx (331)
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
I love dogs! It'll depend on your room mates too if they would agree. Try to ask your room mates. I'm sure they'll answer. I suggest cat as your pet. It's more silent than a dog isn't it?
@mikhailjustin (4)
19 Nov 09
Hmmmm... my opinion will be is to get a rabbit, because it's much quiet and cute too. But my advise for you is to be responsible because they can be very dirty and it might annoy your roommates.
Hope that helps.