Customer Service Rights

@dfollin (25544)
United States
November 18, 2009 1:06pm CST
As some of you already know.I do not have a car,I am partially handicapped and on social security.In July I decided to take my daughter to see fireworks which we had not done in a few years because of having no car.I went to the nearby Enterprize car dealership and I asked to rent a car for Saturday only.I was told that they were not open on Saturday because of the holiday or Sunday that I would have to rent the car for the entire weekend and return it on Monday. Later I met someone that worked at one of their other offices and he told me that,that was not so.That a represenative from one of their other locations could have met me at that location with the car or even had come to my home and that I could of returned it to that location and dropped the keys in their timed after hour's box.Instead I ended up paying for 3 days instead of one. In September when I got my check it was very hot and my legs were hurting worse then usual and I needed to use a car for the day to do my monthly errands.See,I do not have a major credit card.I have a debit card with a Visa logo on it.Therefore I can use it to rent a car.But am required to bring in a recent pay stub or utility bill.I do not have a utility bill because they are included with my rent.The work that I do I receive cash for,so I need to bring in my benefits statement instead.Also because it is a debit card they charge me a deposit of $200,which gets and has gotten returned to me the next day after I return the car undamaged. When November arrived I called to reserve a car for the day I got my check and was told that because I am on social security they can not rent me a car.I told him them that I had rented from them before and I was on social security then.The agent then told me that his manager told him no. In my mind and other people that I have talked to that is discrimination.What do you think?
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12 responses
• United States
18 Nov 09
I understand your frustration and Enterpise is usually the hardest company to deal with when it comes to renting but they also have the most conviences as the will pick you up. Part of the issue is that many of the Enteprise Rental locations are privately owned franchise and can make their own rules. That is where the issue came with them not being open on July 4th. As far as the debit card goes this is a problem with all rental car agencies. I often travel for work and only carry a debit card, as it is my personal preference not to have a standard credit card. The last time I went on a business trip, my flight plans got changed and I was diverted to another airport. When I got there they told me that I could not rent a car on my debit card even though I had made reservations through another franchise that knew I was using a debit card for payment. Luckily I was able to find another rental location that would accept my debit card. So that may be a solution for you, shop around to see if any other locations of Enterprise are in your area that will accept your debit card or if there are any other car rental companies that can provide you with service. Make sure that you spell out the details of your situation so that you are not embarassed when you arrive to get the car and make sure you get the name of the person that you have talked to as all of that could be important.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Nov 09
The problem is not the debit card it is because I am on social security and the manger there now says that they will not rent to a person on social security.There is no other car rental places within walking distance.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I called the toll free number at their customer service office and the man told me that he does not understand that because he has rented cars to many people on social security.He gave me the number to the corporate office and told me to call them and report it.However that was on Wednesday afternoon and apparently they were already closed.I am going to call them back tomorrow.
• United States
28 Nov 09
Contact Enterpises corporate number. Have a talk with someone there to see if that is a company policy or a site issue. If it is a site issue use your local editorial to call them out on it. If it is a corporate issue then ask to speak to someone above the agent you are talking to. All of the rules they have are obviously written for some legal reason but you may be able to do something to change it.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Sounds like discrimination to me. Social Security is a guarenteed income, working isn't, these days you can loose your job or get layed off anytime. You can maybe try another office or ask to speak to the manager. You can even call corporate and see what they have to say. Its just not fair. They get their money, they charge enough too. maybe there is another place that you can rent a car. Good luck.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I say the same thing.My son and many other people that I know have had many different jobs in the past few years.I have been on social security for almost five years.I have it direct deposited to my debit card and I have never,never had a problem with it being late.I have had private landlords that will not rent to anyone that does not have a full time job.I don't get it actually.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Nov 09
that is crazy. i think you are being discriminated and i think you should call their head office and complain. i guess their reasons are because you dont have a credit card? i once was told that i couldnt open a bank account because i didnt have a drivers license!
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Nov 09
That's weird to.I know people that have checking accounts and don't drive.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Nov 09
If they take a 200.00 deposit from you then I don't understand why they can't rent to you. I do know that my mother was not able to co-sign when my daughter went to lease a car and the reason for that was because she was on Social Security. They said that it was because if for some reason my daughter did not pay and they had to collect from her that they could not legally touch her soc. security. I did not understand their reasoning back then & still don't. I would definitly be questioning some higher-ups for some answers. It does sound as if it could be discrimination.
• United States
18 Nov 09
The reasoning behind not being able to touch Soc Secuity is because of garnishment laws. Something to do with the fact that money/garnishments are not handled/paid by the government.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 09
They take a $200 deposit and even so they can't rent to you because you're on Social Security? Yeah, that strikes me as discrimination. If you rented before and if you paid up, why the heck is it any of their darn business where your income comes from?
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Nov 09
That's what I'd like to know.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
11 Dec 09
Just dropping in to say Hi. I'm WAY behind on my friends posts. Sorry for the generic comment. Happy Holidays!!! I'd call someone higher up and complain or call a lawyer or atleast threaten too. Use the word discrimination and they'll probably get scared.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
20 Nov 09
It does sound like discrimination. I would not be happy. I hope you find another alternative.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
19 Nov 09
Sounds like the right hand doesn't know what the other one is doing with all this confusing or contradictory misinformation..Doesn't this group have a customer service helpline that could give you definitive guidelines for these circumstances?Credit cards are a pain in the neck for those on a low income..I'd prefer using my debit card too on most occasions,but I hear cash transactions are rare when hiring a car..Is there such a thing as "Temporary" credit cards where you are? in the UK,We have a service (one of which is) called 3V..Basically,You go into a place that's an agent for this,hand over the amount of Money you want to use,and you get a "One Time" 16 digit credit card voucher and the security numbers you need to make a visa payment's aimed at those who don't have a permanent card in their name,but would like to make use of online transactions.It sounds like something you could use,if it were available to You.. I hope these car hire agents get their act together!
• United States
19 Nov 09
sounds like it is to me. if you can prove you get that payment every month,they should treat it as any other kind of verifiable income.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Nov 09
dfollin that is just awful.i am also on social security and ssi and I also have a debit card with the visa logo but have never been treated like that place treated you.that is in mymind real discrimination. shame on them. if they trusted you before why not again, thats just awful it does not make sense to'mne. that is no way to treat anyone.that is one stuffed shirt prig of a manager for sure. try a different rental place as being on social security should not matter at all, money is money.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
19 Nov 09
I think it is discrimination and apart from that, the company doesn't seem to have any proper training for their staff. I wonder if they even know what's permitted what isn't. I would lodge a complaint. Here in HK, we have the consumer council if we think we're being cheated or discriminated against.
• India
19 Nov 09
If you have any of the receipt or bill against which you have rented a car, please file a suit to teach them a lesson, if you have sufficient time and money to fight with or else hire in some other's name through a family friend to avoid all these hurdles