Fellow Liberals - Does This Make You as Angry as it Makes Me?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 19, 2009 3:03am CST
I hadn't heard about this until I watched Jon Stewart awhile ago. If you saw the Daily Show you'll know what Jon's reaction was, and all I can say is ME TOO!!
This is what Bernie Goldberg said on Bill O'Reilly's show Tuesday night discussing Sarah Palin:
“When she was still on the ticket a disease broke out in liberal America- Palin Derangement Syndrome. But I don’t think Bill that they detest her simply because she’s a conservative woman, a pro-Life, pro-gun conservative woman. I think there’s something else that’s working here. Here’s a woman that didn’t go to Harvard, Yale or Princeton. She bounced around at a bunch of colleges before she wound up at the University of Idaho which is practically a crime against humanity among liberal elites. She has 5 kids. Liberals don’t have 5 kids. One of them has Down Syndrome, liberals certainly don’t allow that to happen… They detested her Bill, they detested her because she was so ordinary. Because she was like a Middle America. And you know what? The liberals and the lamestream media, that’s who they really detest.”
This is the part Jon Stewart showed - "She has 5 kids. Liberals don’t have 5 kids. One of them has Down Syndrome, liberals certainly don’t allow that to happen..." It's also the part that REALLY pi$$ed me off! Who the he11 does Goldberg think he is? What makes him think he knows what I or anyone else is thinking and why we like or don't like someone?
Read it and see it here: http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2009/11/bernie-goldberg-on-oreilly-liberals-hate-palin-because-they-hate-middle-america-video/
Jon brought up Eunice Kennedy Shriver - I guess you could call her a liberal - one of many, many children who had a large family herself and founded the Special Olympics. I happen to know many liberals with various numbers of children, some over 5, and I also know some liberals with children with special needs. Some have even adopted children with special needs. I must say, I'm not personally acquainted with ANY liberals who went to Yale or Harvard, they're all, as am I, MIDDLE AMERICA!! Some went to community colleges, some went away to school and some, like me, didn't GO to college!
Sorry, I just had to rant! If I didn't get it out I'd never get to sleep...lol! Anyone care to join in?
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6 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I don't know who Bernie Goldberg is but, I think that he should be asked this- Does he detest Obama because he is a black man with a Harvard education, pro-choice, pro-education with 2 children?
I have three kids one with special needs and probably would have had more but, I couldn't afford more children and actually I felt to old to have more children after 30 years old. I went to college and have a degree in Business but, I only went to 1 college.
And, just for the record the last Bush turned me off on that folksiness in a president. When Palin talked it reminded me of Bush and I really didn't want to listen to that for at least another 4 years.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
21 Nov 09
Yeah I happen to agree. I have a lot of book smarts and common sense but, I in no way feel that I am capable of running the nation.
@jb78000 (15139)
19 Nov 09
don't usually reply to these discussions but this reminds me of a very conservative poster here who was saying that most conservatives were better education than liberals (i think it was college versus high school as the highest level) - are the stereotypes very flexible then?
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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
19 Nov 09
the distinction is IVY League versus State Universities & community colleges.
Ivy league being more expensive & more revered than the others.
Most Ivy schools are on the north east coast (Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Penn, Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia, & Brown) so the educational distinction is ALL OF US on the NE corridor are snobbish due to this, which is really not the case at all.
I will argue curriculum north vs south though, 8th grade in Georgia is equivalent to 6th grade in New Jersey, which simply should not be, but is. This goes to class distinction also. Welcome to another Americanism.
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@jb78000 (15139)
19 Nov 09
big social divides america has got hasn't it? and plenty of pointless snobbery. not saying we don't either (most members of the conservative party and a significant minority of the erm labour party went to public (i.e. fee-paying) schools, including the dreadful eton where no matter how thick you are you seem likely to get a place at oxford or cambridge afterwards).
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
20 Nov 09
The FIEND! the CAD! You should be outraged! In FACT you should complain!
Yes, complain, to congress, next wednesday on "complain to congress day".
Everyone can complain to congress, everyone should complain to congress. Somewhere, right now, as we speak, someone in congress is doing something to complain about. Complain about it!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Well his argument does not hold much water. Pelosi has a lot of kids and she is a liberal.
As for why they hate Palin so much? Well I have my own ideas on that. But he does have a point just about all of our presidents and high elected officials are ivy league or stinking rich. Including Obama. He was a millionaire before he was elected. Most of our elected officials have TONS of money. No real "normal" people there. No middle class people there.
I don't think he was referring or comparing them to the average liberal in America but the elite that run the party and country. But the same can be said of the Repulican elite too.
Sarah did not fit in on either side of the elite.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Nov 09
I just don't know why it is that whenever anyone expresses dislike or disagreement with her it means that they "hate" her personally and/or that they have some irrational and totally unfair reason for how they feel about her! The fact that she's a mother of five is one of the few positives about her, in my opinion! I think she's a great mom. I could never see myself with five kids but that doesn't mean I don't love kids or that I have anything against anyone who has however many of them they have, as long as they love them and care for them. I give her tons of credit because I know being a working mom, no matter what her job is, isn't easy. I also give her credit for the choices she made regarding baby Trig and I've said so from the beginning. I mean, she could have taken the "easy" way out like many women and couples do, regardless of their political affiliation, but she didn't. I've paid no attention to the nasty rumors about Trig really being Bristol's or any of the trash Levi's been spreading about her and the family, in fact I've defended her.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Nov 09
You can read it and watch Stewart's selective contex, but you'd have to see the whole thing from the moment Bill introduces Bernie to the moment the interview's over.
In the context of Bernie's discussion with O'Reilly, they were talking about a certain "type" of liberal: Elitist, propaganda media, Ivy League, sh1t don't stink -- the kind that thumbs their nose at Palin and rushes up to Alaska to dig up some "dirt" and bothers actually putting a team together for fact-checking her book as if she's the President and always, constantly, no matter what, berate her for anything. That's the "type" of liberal Bernie was speaking of. Uber-elitist.
He wasn't talking about everyday liberal-leaning people.
If that's "guilty" of something, then I'm guilty of the same thing also.
I often chat here about "liberals" and I fail to put up the disclaimer and to take breaks mid sentence to remind people that I'm not speaking about ALL liberal people, but only the uber-progressives subscribing fully to lib administration policies without so much as a question or a concern for anything that isn't bashing the opposition.
Bernie's a good, fair-minded guy. He's been outnumbered by the "type" he's talking about for his entire professional career. He didn't mean every single person who would classifly themself as a liberal.
Of course, maybe you know this already and are taking the opportunity to dig in at someone who appeared on Fox News. I don't know. But I do know what Bernie means, as I watch him a lot when he discusses this "type" of uber-elitist azzhat liberal.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Nov 09
I'm pretty sure I did read the whole interview and hear most of it but I do see your point when you say, "...I often chat here about "liberals" and I fail to put up the disclaimer and to take breaks mid sentence to remind people that I'm not speaking about ALL liberal people..." Same here, only when I'm writing about conservatives. When I say something about "the right" or especially "the far right" I'm not speaking abut your typical "Main Street" conservative or anyone here.
Regarding Sarah Palin...it ALWAYS goes back to Sarah, doesn't it...I thought it was the AP that was fact-checking her book with about 11 people working on it.
By the way, I'm a liberal who's still waiting for some "lib policies" to come out of this Administration!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Nov 09
While the AP may not be considered by most to go the Times' route with their hardcore bias, there's still the fact that they sought previous nor seek now any fabrications from others' books, like President Obama's (2), for the biggest example.
So there is an element of we're-better-than-you elitism in a former governor's book being fact-checked by an entire task force in the context of everything Palin's had to go through since accepting the VP nomination.
When Bernie Goldberg goes on Bill O'Reilly's show, he's there for one reason: to talk smack about the liberal elites in media. That's his "theme," his niche; it's what he does twice a week on the show. He has the proverbial insider knowledge having worked in media for decades.
So anyone in the media acting like a smug elite, going after someone SOLELY because they're not a liberal, falls under his seemingly encompassing rhetoric. It's really streamlined and directed at one group. They know who they are.
The feigned outrage from guys like Stewart is to be expected. He knows Bernie. He's probably glued to O'Reilly's show every night hunting for joke fodder. But the only joke is that there's an actual story coming from Goldberg's bashing of the media.
He's said far "worse." I guess, this time, he just used the right keywords for some people to snap their fingers and scream, "Oh no he didn't!"
hmm... I think I've lost my thoughts here... I had something else to say.
Oh, well. That'll do for now. 

@apierson (15)
• United States
20 Nov 09
HAHAHAHA. Ummm most liberals don't have 5 kids because we have regular jobs (unlike Sarah Palin) and cant afford to feed 5 kids! Texas is the most conservative state in the US and LIBERALS are trying to stop them from killing their mentally disabled (which by the way Mr. Bernie Goldberg, is the proper term). How this guy thinks he can get away with saying that not going to an ivy league is a crime against humanity for liberals is just ridiculous considering you go into any community college and the majority of students are liberal. State universities actually (surprisingly enough - not) tend to be more conservative. We don't like Sarah Palin because shes an idiot.
P.S. Aren't those conservative middle Americans like Bernie Goldberg and Sarah Palin the ones who are convinced they were abducted by aliens or saw a UFO? Nothing against aliens but ummmm... Ya.
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