Palin/Beck in 2012??? RRUUUNNNNNN!!!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 19, 2009 3:53am CST
I've heard this several times today that Sarah Palin has floated the possibility of a White House run in 2012 with Fox's Glenn Beck as her running mate.
"But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way. And he's so bold - I have to respect that. He calls it like he sees it, and he's very, very, very effective."
Read it here:
Does anyone here, no matter how much of a fan you are of either person, actually think they would make a viable ticket for the GOP nomination or even a third party run, which I can't see happening, too much money is needed for that?
Does anyone here also fear she's burned her bridges and pretty much destroyed her chances for another political run in the near future based on her treatment of the staffers from the McCain campaign, with much of what she's written being disputed as being false or at least inaccurate? Who would she ever get to work for her to help run her campaign?
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11 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Does Beck associate himself as a GOP member? I thought he was something else. He could always get Rush to run her campaign LOL
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I do believe that Palin has burned her bridges when it comes to running for any major office in the future, annie. Aside from the issue regarding the campaign staffers, airing your dirty laundry in public is a political no no and I believe that she's lost a lot of the support she originally had as the months have gone by. The staffers did not go after her...she went after them...and few people support ugly. She should have taken McCain's lead and acted like she had some class instead of "writing" a tell all book. There are too many other, experienced and well respected, possible candidates who the party can choose from.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Nov 09
"The staffers did not go after her...she went after them..."
Are you kidding me? Seriously, did you not hear all the lies and garbage spread by "unnamed" McCain staffers claiming she didn't know Africa was a continent, or that she went on redneck shopping sprees with other people's credit cards? Annie wrote a thread or two about that herself.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Nov 09
That justifies writing...well she helped write it...the book she's now pushing?
As much as you may wish to deny it, Taskr, if you want to be respected and taken seriously, you behave in a dignified manner. The unnamed staffers aren't planning to run for office in the future but Palin now has this little Tell All chained to her ankle for life.

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Nov 09
From what I see the Beck thing was a joke and she never "floated the possibility" she was asked about it meaning the interviewer floated the possibility. I don't see how she should be criticized for her treatment of the McCain staffers when, if you remember, it was the unnamed McCain staffers that made up so much crap about her and these bogus shopping sprees they claimed she went on.
"much of what she's written being disputed as being false or at least inaccurate"
Are you referring to the bogus fact checking done on her book or the McCain campaign people that are just denying the charges to cover their own butts?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I said the fact check was bogus because it was bogus, not because it involved a republican. There are plenty of valid fact checks that show republicans like Eric Cantor who routinely prove themselves incapable of telling the truth.
If you read the factchecks you'll see how bogus they are. One criticized her for saying she regularly stayed in low cost hotels instead of luxury hotels like most politicians. They dug through her records and found that ONCE she stayed in a fancy hotel in NYC. They also acted as thought she was dishonest when she quoted Obama as saying under his plan energy costs would "necessarily skyrocket", despite the fact that this is EXACTLY what he said.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Nov 09
"much of what she's written being disputed as being false or at least inaccurate"
Have you read any of the email exchanges that have surfaced since the book came out which contradict claims she's made in it?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
19 Nov 09
Here's the actual interview question and answer:
Newsmax: You've spoken highly of Glenn Beck. It might sound a little farfetched, but if you ever were to run for president, could you ever envision a Palin-Beck ticket?
Palin: [Laughs] "I can envision a couple of different combinations, if ever I were to be in a position to really even seriously consider running for anything in the future, and I'm not there yet. But Glenn Beck I have great respect for, and he's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way. And he's so bold I have to respect that. He calls it like he sees it, and [is] very, very, very effective.
So, it is as I imagined. They asked her about Glenn Beck specifically, she politely said nice things about him without saying that she would run on a ticket with him. That's called being politic.
Palin never proposed the idea that she was going to run for president OR that she was considering Glenn Beck as a running mate.
I love the way the very thought causes so much panic, though, so it's definitely worth seeing it only partially quoted. I know the left continues to report on her lack of viability as a candidate, constantly reassuring themselves that it just can't happen. Methinks they protest too much. The very thought scares them so much they have to keep saying "it's only a ghost" "it's only a ghost".
I don't think she will run in the very near future. I can't say what she might do in the far future though. As far as the "he said/she said" between Palin and the McCain campaign, are you sure you know which side you should believe? Who is going to say "yeah, she's right, we screwed her big time on that". No one is going to take the blame - not her, not them. I don't think her fallout with them is enough to keep her from ever finding people to work on her campaign, but I am sure the thought that it would comforts you so I won't argue that point.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Nov 09
A few points for you rollo. In response to the suggestion that the very thought of Palin running causes panic, I have two words for you as a Republican...Mitt Romney. There are other likely candidates within the party who have the experience and the support to make a win in the Primary very unlikely at any point in the future.
Secondly, I have been old enough to vote for many years and I have never seen this level of discourse between the V.P. nominee and the campaign staff following the loss of an election. To say that the McCain staffers "screwed her bigtime" says what about McCain's ability to run an election campaign? It says what about their dedication to winning the election? Palin said enough on her own during the public...that indicated her belief that she was in charge. "I fired off an email to John telling him blah blah" for example. I don't believe that this was the campaign's first rodeo...but it was Palin's. The idea that they were out to get her...that they were not supportive of their own candidate strikes me as very illogical and, if something doesn't logically fit, it doesn't fit. I guess they caused the big issue over her concession speech and forced her to get up onstage just so they could turn the lights off on her, too, right? She was a prima donna...still is...and has dedicated her life to staying in the limelight as long as she can since the election. Palin making a run for president doesn't panic anyone, rollo. She's popular with a small, core group of supporters but not nearly enough to win the nomination...or the election...especially after writing such an ugly vindictive book. Voters in general do not support a candidate like that. Why do you think McCain has avoided saying too much about it? He's smarter than she is.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
19 Nov 09
I have seen a lot written about Palin's book but I have not seen it called vindictive up till now, so I give you points for originality.
I still say that neither you nor I have any idea how she was handled during the campaign or why. She was new to the rodeo, as you say, and it could be they wanted to rein her in as much as possible while she strained at the bit. I don't know, you don't know. I do know that following the campaign, McCain staffers did toss out some unflattering words for her and tried to pin the loss on her. I do think that's unfair. McCain could not win against Obama because he was too wishy-washy on conservative issues. He was perceived as Bush-lite. When the Republicans realize that voters don't want to choose between two liberals at the booth, they might get somewhere. I have no idea why you mention Mitt Romney to me...
"has dedicated her life to staying in the limelight as long as she can since the election." I must just reiterate here as I have said before and for which the evidence is mountainous, it's the media that keeps her in the limelight. It's people who follow everything she does, report on it, salivate over her mistakes, sharpen the knives when they think there's an opportunity to dissect her every move and basically I think the motivation is fear. They fear that if they don't continue to try to make her look foolish and continue to impugn her reputation and her intelligence, that someday the voters might take her seriously.
As I said, their seeming fascination with all things Palin comes down to fear.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Rollo, you take everything FAR too seriously, but I'll apologize for not copying the question along with Palin's comments about Beck. You're right, "Palin never proposed the idea that she was going to run for president OR that she was considering Glenn Beck as a running mate," so I stand corrected but she's certainly left the door open regarding a run.
You ask, "As far as the "he said/she said" between Palin and the McCain campaign, are you sure you know which side you should believe?" I guess maybe you got me there since it's her word against theirs. Maybe the key word is THEIRS, in the plural. Sometimes, in deciding whom to believe, we must consider the credibility of all parties. We KNOW Palin lied about one thing which nobody could ever have proven either way so WHY she lied, whichever time she lied is a total mystery; I'm referring to her telling Sean Hannity that she took a vote among her daughters about whether she should accept McCain's offer of running for V.P. but she told Oprah that this was one of the times there was no vote taken.
Do you find it just a LITTLE bit strange that pretty much everyone she wrote about had a story quite different from what she said?
Finally, you said, "I know the left continues to report on her lack of viability as a candidate, constantly reassuring themselves that it just can't happen." I don't know but when only slightly over 20% say they'd ever consider voting for her for President that doesn't make her too "viable" in my eyes.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Who knows if she will run. But personally she would not be my first choice.
I think she would like to run....but I dont know if she will be able to position herself to be in a place to do it.
As for Glenn Beck...I don't think she was serious...the reporters asked about him and she said nice things....that is about the end of it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 09
But would she be your SECOND or THIRD If she were to win the nomination, would you consider voting for her based on what you know right now? Also, although she may not have been serious, IF she were to put Beck on her ticket would that be one you could consider supporting? Come on, Lil, help me keep this discussion!

@ElanaS1 (15)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Almost hope it happens, because they could never win. Palin totally scares independent voters. Of course it somewhat scares me people would consider her presidential material to begin with. Even if she had the global intelligence, she does not have the temperament. And Glenn Beck is all over the place. One minute he's saying our president is a racist who hates white people, then he says he's best for the country. He makes divisive statements and then pretends he's crying and wanting brotherhood. Nutty.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
19 Nov 09
....Hi annie, Ahhhh, I am pretty sure that if he hasn't in the past, Senator John McCain is thinking to himself, if not saying to other close friends, "what was I thinking, to chose this woman as a running mate"? He defended her when he selected her in such a blatant error in judgment on his part. But now she is attacking his staff and he defended them. I really think Ms Palin wants to lay into McCain because she feels she knows more than him about running a campaign. The woman has blind ambition. She thinks she can quit a governorship, make money with a book filled with mistruths, (being nice), and come back with her garbled talk about foreign policy being in part based on the fact that she could see Russia from parts of Alaska, fight with a child, Levi Johnston, and portray herself as a credible individual who could speak on behalf of the United States and lead the country. I understand when she spoke in China with no press allowed, many got up and walked out because what she was saying was probably nonsensical. She better make all the money she can now, because the lights will be going out at the party soon. The people whop like her do not take the tine to analyze what she says because of her cute little novel personality, but she is mean spirited, vindictive, she once forced a librarian to quit her job over a book she wanted out of the library. She went after her brother-in-law's boss when he wouldn't fire him.
Ms Palin is, as Newsweek, stated in its article, a very divisive woman, very partisan, witness her calling Obama a terrorist throughout the campaign, she is a dangerous person. She does not know what she doesn't know, but worse, she doesn't care. Palin and Beck, destruction for the Republican party, they would have to stop her somehow or risk complete disaster as McCain's strategist said. Sorry to run on, but this woman to me is worse than the leader we had prior to Obama, and
I get so tired of people falling for people who don't have a clue, Ms
Palin was running for Vice President without any idea what the job entails.
Take care, enjoy your Thanksgiving if I don't write to you again soon.
@spinna54 (79)
• United States
20 Nov 09
All politicians are messed up and corrupt,so it don't really matter who you vote for,I just for for democrats cause they try to help the middle class,dumb republicans always giving tax breaks to to rich people who don't need it,the average class needs it more.
@soybeans612 (122)
• United States
19 Nov 09
That's scary. Sarah Palin had no idea about anything when she was running with McCain. I get that some people who aren't qualified should be given a chance because just because they don't have this huge and impressive resume doesn't mean that they're not capable of being a good leader... but to me, Palin just seemed like someone who didn't know anything. She couldn't answer simple questions and she constantly lied to people to try to appear as this innocent hard working American who was in the middle class, when she has over $1 million dollars worth of assets. Plus she just seemed so hateful and always had extreme things to say about democrats. I don't know she is pretty terrifying, and Glenn Beck's job is just to "report" the news. He makes up his own news and believes everything he says is right. For goodness sakes, he doesn't even listen to what scientists, who have a master's or PHD says!! Both of them are in denial and believe only what they believe to be the truth.