What is your favourite fruites?

@icecubic (1845)
November 19, 2009 1:46pm CST
I like an orange and apple. It takes on my diningroom table, i usually eat it after have a lunch and dinner. I also often make a tomatoe juices, it's very racy. And what about you?
8 responses
• India
20 Nov 09
i love bananas..which has adequate goodness in a single fruit..then i like guava which is rich in vitamin c..
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
20 Nov 09
There is good for healthy, keep enjoying it and have a great day.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 09
hm, i like many fruit but if only one that i must choice so i take durian. it`s very taste for me
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 09
Yes, so did i. I like a durian too, i have eat it last year giving from my friends as he have its tree.
• India
23 Nov 09
I love fruits.I think they are simply delicious.My favourite fruits are apples,mangoes,citrus fruits like oranges,grapes,bananas and so on.I really wonder how man is so lucky to be able to taste so many fruits that nature has provided him with.
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
Seedless Grapes! and Strawberries with mayo! =) i love them. yeah can also make juice or shakes out of them.. =)
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 09
What a sweet the grapes, i often get it from my grandmom's market. Hehe
@mawong79 (215)
• Malaysia
30 Nov 09
I like to eat all kind of fruits. I think cherry and durian is my favourite fruits, eventhough I less eat them.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
29 Nov 09
My favourite fruit is watermelon. Not only is great when you're thirsty, it has a great taste and makes a great ingredient for milkshakes and icecream! Also I like bananas, because they also make a great ingredient for milkshakes.
@Sheingme (35)
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
anyway i like fruits; but my favorites are apples, oranges, mangoes, bananas. i usually eat fruits after lunch and in the afternoon. Fruits are very rich in vitamins C.
21 Nov 09
I like mangoes and water melons it is very delicious if its served cold and raw.