cook the rice with tea

@peace001 (726)
November 20, 2009 2:21am CST
hi,eveeryone it is reported that cooking the rice with tea is good for our health.and it is more delicious than we cook rice with water.yesterday i had a try,surely it tasted you want to try in person? good day
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10 responses
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
20 Nov 09
I never tried to have rice cooked with tea before. I know that tea is healthy for you to drink everyday. I cook my rice with water too. I even tried to eat brown rice and find it a little bit harder and more filling than the white rice.
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@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,you can have a try.if you put some oil and salt when you cook rice,it taste good,and the brown rice is better than the white rice.have a good day
• United States
20 Nov 09
Oh this is one of my favorite ways to cook rice. Especially for sweet rice dishes such as puddings.
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,really?it is wonderful,isnot it?maybe you can share some with us. have a good day
@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Nov 09
That sounds like a really good idea and I will have to try it. I have used tea to cook other things and it really helps with flavor. Depends on the type of tea and so forth but it is pretty good. Some herbs mixed in might make it real different and tasteful as well. It will interesting to try some different combinations.
@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Nov 09
Yes, nutrition is important. I will have to try the tea, haven't in a while. I love to use herbs in cooking. I even make bouquets with them.
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,celticeagle do you cook with tea?then how do you feel about that?yeterday i cook with some herbs and it is also winter we should eat more nutritious foods and it keeps our body wishes~
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
21 Nov 09
I never thought of that. I drink green tea all the time so I have to really try it. Thanks for the idea. Have a great weekend.
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,lelin if you have some good ideas,you can share with us. have a nice day
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Nov 09
Hi Peace, Are you in the culinary field? or a wanna-be chef? hehehe just kidding. What kind of tea did you use? how was the taste of the rice? was it like herb-smelly cooked rice? i will try this one. Whenever i am in the province my experience with puttig some green leaves on my rice is pandan leaves. tastes and smells good! thanks for sharing this! Have a great weekend!
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,msfrancisco i just like cooking.yeah,i used the treen tea,it tasted do you feel good?have a good day
• Boston, Massachusetts
23 Nov 09
Yes, you're right it tastes really good. It has a "herb-aroma". My son is wondering why about the smell and its taste. But we adults enjoyed it and may be do this once or twice a week. Again thanks for sharing your creativity and innovativeness as far as cooking is concerned.
@Godmother (476)
• Indonesia
20 Nov 09
I've never tried cooking rice with tea before, but I think I'll try it. Try cooking rice with chicken stock. I think the chineese did it to make a meal called "Hainan Chicken Rice."
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
right,it is you like to eat it?or do you like hot food?and it is time to eat the hot pot ,it tastes good.smiling
• Indonesia
23 Nov 09
I like eating it too. And yes, I sometimes like eating hot food, and when we go together with friends, we do go to the hotpot, because we can have fun while eating.
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
That was nice, good work on experimenting. We also try to cook rice in different ways like using a pandan leaf which gives the rice a very nice smell. What tea did you used? powdered? Natural? Home made?
@peace001 (726)
• China
20 Nov 09
hi,charmz i used the green tea,you are have a try.and i also put some osmanthus flowers into rice,and it smells well.good day
@bwanna (282)
• United States
20 Nov 09
This seems like a great idea! I think the next time I make rice I could try this, but what kind of tea should I use? Would green tea be good? Or should I try jasmine? They all seem so good! How will I ever decide?!?!
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,you can try it,maybe jasmine is good.then you can compare which is better.and it is very nice if you share it with wishes
@rcombos (57)
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
This is a really great and healthy idea. I bet this will be really delicious. I will definitely try it in the future and the same with cooking rice in chicken stock.
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,rconbos you are right,it is really can try put others into rice,maybe it will give you more surprise.
• Hong Kong
20 Nov 09
Oh! It is new to me. I have ever heard of it. What kind of tea, green or red? I want to try,too. So, the rice will come out with brown colour. How is it good for health?
@peace001 (726)
• China
23 Nov 09
hi,it depeng on your taste,if you like to green tea ,you can choose the green will find it is delicious