Do I really love my husband?

November 20, 2009 10:55am CST
Sometimes I think do I really love my husband? He is very emotionally dependent on me. I do not have any extra affairs. To some extent I feel pity to hurt him or to make hi understand that i really do not feel that much as much he does. I am very confused, I can't leave him because I know no one can love me more than him same time any one can love him more than me. I know I am cheating him. what to do?
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9 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
You must talk to your husband in that situation you have feel, my friend. Because that is really a cheat on the part of him. I don't understand why there are girl like you committing sin to their husband? Why don't you consider what you say love that your husband give to you? Be good to your husband please. He's a great person I think because he loves you so much...
• United States
20 Nov 09
I am pretty sure she has been good to her husband but somehow along the way of their relationship something happened to them to have her fall out of love with her husband. I don't think she is sinning she just probably feels afraid to hurt his feelings by telling him her secret "that she no longer loves him the same". But she needs to see that she is hurting him even though she doesn't tell him. But she is not only hurting him she is hurting herself too!!! Happy mylotting Maria s.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
21 Nov 09
I understand your point, maria120883. But I think it is better to be open up in a relationship with husband or wife to avoid hurting each other. Because in a marriage relationship should mutual respect, cherish and love. To ease her burden in that particular relationship. She should say what she feels to see what the reaction of her husband. If her husband really a good person. Perhaps, he understand his wife in that situation...I do believe there is no impossible for good words. I wish them to settle that misunderstand in part of their part. I don't want to see husband and wife have trouble...I wish them a good relationship after that simple problem... Thanks maria120883, for your concern about this discussion. Wish you have a good relationship also to your husband.
@samawati (140)
21 Nov 09
If you got married in a church then I think you should go back to the priest or equivalent person who led you through your vows to sit you down and have an intervention. People always find the answers they are looking for ...once they get back to where they started from.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
21 Nov 09
Well I can give you the picture from the other side. Because you do not love him there is no question that your love life is affected. You can count on him knowing something is wrong but being too afraid to find out what it is. So what you are doing is cheating both yourself and him of the kind of love you both need. I have been here. For 37 years I lived with my first wife knowing that not all was right but never ever wanting to confront what that may be. We were good friends and once in awhile we would make love and even though that was not nearly enough for me I talked myself in to believing it was. She had a number of affairs I knew nothing of until much latter in our marriage. She was looking for that love she could never find with me. Upon finding this out I experienced perhaps the worse pain I hope to ever have. But after counselling and getting my head back in my butt we went on. At year 37 it happened again. I divorced her and found another love. We both hid our head on this and it came to the point it could no longer be denied. My only regret now was that we carried it on as long as we did. Within only four years however my second wife passed away. I am married again. While it will be very difficult for him to talk about you must do so. This is especially true if there is any chance that a change in your relationship would cause you to fall in love with him. Putting it off because of his feelings only will make it worse for you and, in the end for you both. You must somehow make him understand. Sure it will hurt but he needs to know this so that both of you can work this out. There is always someone that will love you as much as he does but they may not be as dependent. This you may need to finally find the one for you. This is your life too and we only go around once.
@farazkh1 (1153)
• Pakistan
21 Nov 09
The society you live in is responsible to make you feel this way and you are selfish as well.otherwise marriage is the best relation which exist on earth which exist forever and the love GOD provide couples who wants to obay him at any cost so they gets real satisfaction,otherwise you will never find your perfect match ever in your lifetime and you will lose your husband as well. change your mind and share your feelings with your husband who is the only one for you.and stop thinking like those who have lost all the moral values from there culture and they spend there old age lonely & guilty.!
• United States
20 Nov 09
You are right you are to say that you are cheating him!! But at the same time you are cheating yourself. You have the right to be happy as he has the right to be with somebody that is going to love him the same way that he loves you. When you leave someone it hurts deeply especially you saying that you are married and I am sure that both of you have been together for a long time. It's part of life to love some one or not. I think you should let him go and tell him your true feelings so that he understands everything. When did you lose interest in him and that you have no more feelings in that kind of way for him. He of course knowing that he loves you will ask you what can he do to get you to love him again. Or he will ask what did he do wrong? What can he do better? Things like that he will ask you if he cares. It is up to you to tell him the truth can he do something to change your mind, to make you stay with him? To have you love him the way you did when you first got married? If your answer is no to all those questions and that there is no way for you to be with him and love him unconditionally the way that he loves you then you should leave him. It's not fair to you or to him at all. Don't cheat yourself in being able to find the love of your life and for that lucky man to love you the way that you love him. You should want the same for him. He needs to find a woman that is going to love him the same that he feels for you. It is not right to stay in your relationship that you have right now because you are doing bad to yourself and him Please try to do the right thing. If you think you need counseling to save your marriage then do that. Do whatever you may think is right to save your marriage. I wish you best of luck and that you live a life full of love next to the one that loves you the same or more!!! Good luck with whatever you are to do and feel you should do. Keep us here in mylot up to date with what is going on if you'd like. BYE Maria s.
@SACHIN2708 (1634)
• India
20 Nov 09
well dear first you are very lucky that you have very loving ,caring husband .You know many girls pray god for this .No dear you find yourself that where you are lacking behind? If you are cheating him so it is not good ,you should respect his love .I think if you will lose his love after that you will feel repent but that time no one can help you so go and save your relation
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@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
20 Nov 09
taniapaul, You kept harping on this invisible flame that burns - or you reckon that it still does - but what effect does this fire have, in your Love? Does it still give you the strength and endurance to continue ploughing the field of this marriage relationship? Or perhaps you are just afraid of abolishing this security you always enjoyed within the boundary of your relationship, to pursue something outside this familiarity, by artificially having to fuel this dying flame. You questioned the identity of your relationship and could still tell me about the unequal intensity of the flame for each other? A burning flame signifies the immerse drive to overcome the struggles in your marriage and relationship - not just helpless emotions capable of only 'feeling' and not 'initiating', for if you belong to the former, it simply doesn't justify the reason why you should drag things on. 'Feelings' are but a product of our complicated emotions. If you reckon that there are still greater reasons why you should hang on, I say do something about it and not just sit by and watch the relationship decay gradually. Because if there isn't any motivation to do so; your burning flame is probably imaginary. Or be extinguished by your own undoings. You probably made it exist. Take care and have a nice day.
@eLsMarie (4345)
• Philippines
21 Nov 09
i think you're being unfair... you should tell him the truth so that you'll be able to be aware of your real feelings for him. your not cheating but you weren't true to him. how can you justify that you're faithful when in reality, you don't love him the way he loves you? how can you convince yourself that what you feel for him is love and not sympathy?
• Canada
21 Nov 09
That is quite cheating on him. Well, love is very uncontrolable. If suddenly there's a hotter and better guy, you might fall for him. I say be loyal, but discuss this with your husband. Since you two are married couples, it's recommended to talk about it. And if there are any problems, just discuss with him openly, instead of hiding it to avoid hurting him. If he finds out any problems afterwards, it may break the relationship. Be honest and trust! :D