The Ticket System

United States
November 21, 2009 9:59am CST
At my son's school, if they "tattle" they have to pull a ticket, they pull a ticket for interrupting, lying, respect and other things. If they get so many a day they get part of recess taken away, get more during the week, they get more recess taken away to where they can get all of recess taken away. I can see where they need to learn values, morals and such but here's the catch: My son came home one day and said he got hit by a kid. He couldn't go tell the teacher because he would be "tattling" and HE would get into trouble. Now shouldn't there be something that if a kid/child is getting picked on, teased, bullied, be able to go tell the teacher in charge? Why should the one being bullied get into trouble where the one who is doing the bullying is the one that needs talked to, spoken with, and needs to be corrected. What are we really teaching these kids/children today? That it is ok to be a bully? Does your childs school have a system like this?
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9 responses
• Australia
24 Nov 09
My daughter isn't of school age yet as she's 2.5 years old...I am an undergraduate teacher though and the ticket system seems to me like a great idea...With the tattling though, I think that there would be times like when being bullied that the child wouldn't get a ticket...have you asked the teacher to confirm this? It's times like that I don't think they would issue a ticket for tattling. I think the teachers need to define to the students about what ort of tattling they will & won't get a ticket for.
• Australia
24 Nov 09
I hope you can get this clarified - all the best
• United States
24 Nov 09
I have asked him about this and I told him about telling if someone is picking on him. He said he can't do that because it is tattling and he would get in trouble. I have been there. This is something I feel needs to be clarified also.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I have never heard of such a system. The basic concept is actually good...the lying, respecting, interrupting etc. The "tattle" rule is what won't work. We tell our kids not to keep secrets and to tell us if someone does something bad to them. I think that tattling should not fall under this policy. If a kid tattles something then all the kids involved should be called in to discuss the problem with a mediator. They should not call it tattling...they should call it "filing a report". If some kid files a nonsense report on another student then it should be classified as tattling and then they should have to pull a ticket. Tattling is not black & white so I say from a jury. Maybe a jury of students. It'd be a learning lesson for everyone.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Nov 09
If I were you, I'd gather some other parents that feel the same as you do about this and try to get them to have this changed. You are right in your thinking here.
• United States
22 Nov 09
Yes, I tell my son to tell me anything, I want to be able to have an open relationship with him and not have him afraid to tell me ANYTHING. I would like for him to be open and honest even if he is in the wrong, especially when he gets to be a teenager, etc. I feel this is going to harbor him from doing that. If they aren't allowed to say how they are being treated and its "tattling" what if something serious is happening to him and he is afraid to tell me because of this? If something out of school happens and he is afraid to tell me because of what they are teaching him? I feel this gives a mixed message to children and harm their social, emotional, even physical well being.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
21 Nov 09
If your child was hit by another child and he told the teacher that would not be tattling. At least it should not be considered tattling in the schools eyes. If I were in your position I would contact the school and ask them to make it aware to the children that telling on someone for hitting them is not tattling. No child has the right to put their hands on another child.
• United States
22 Nov 09
exactly. i am sure if it was their child the system would have a different outcome.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
24 Nov 09
My son's schools have never done anything like your childs school, but they did have a keep your hands to yourself policy. One time my son got suspended for a day because someone pushed him and he pushed back.
@kezabelle (2974)
22 Nov 09
The system is ok in its self but not the part where they are unable to tell on another child that is very wrong and I would be heading straight down to my childs school to tell them so, Bullying can be devastating to a child and it needs nipping in the bud straight away and I would not be happy if my child was being taught that basically its alright to hit another child cos hey here you get away with it!!! At my childs school they work more on rewarding than punishing as its been found to encourage children a lot more to behave better if they get rewarded for their good behaviour. My child is only 5 but was being bullied I went straight in and both the boys guilty were punished and rightly so I dont ever want my child thinking they cant come to me or their teacher if there is a problem and in actual fact im disliking that system a lot and I would probably be considering removing my child from a school like to one where they are not so unable to trust adults. What a lesson to teach a small child im actually quite appalled for your son and i hope you can get the matter sorted for him x
• United States
22 Nov 09
I have been seriously thinking about taking him out due to other issues also. Just like I said in the post above this one, how are they going to learn right from wrong and who they trust to help them. Its like they are contradicting what we are trying to teach our children at home, no wonder our children are so confused.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
21 Nov 09
My son's school has different systems in plan, it's totally up to the teacher on which method she wants to use. I think they all have issues one way or another but in your case, I would be at the school telling the teacher what had happened. It's gonna take someone to stand up and say this isn't how this needs to work. My child will not sit there and take being hit, he's gonna tell someone because that's the right thing to do, inless you want him to hit the other kid back, because that's pretty much what the rule is stating. If a child hits, kicks, or picks on another, don't tell, just handle it your own way. Most childrens reactions are to hit, kick or pick on them back. If going to the teacher doesn't help, go above her and state your case. This rule needs to be admended for certain things. I can undestand the whole tattling rule, who wants 25 kids coming up to them day in and day out saying Johnny, laughed at me, Johnny ran threw the halls, and so on... kids sometimes tend to tattle about anything and everything. But when it comes to being bullied, pestered or being made fun of that's when the line needs to be drawn. Best of luck getting the school to see your side.
• United States
22 Nov 09
I asked him why he didn't go to the teacher and he told me because it was tattling, then I told him I would write a note to the teacher and he went baserck, so I don't know if he is afraid of telling on people now even for something that needs to be told. I told my son, if it happens again to go and tell an adult, I don't care if its not his teacher or another teacher but I want him to let someone know. Even the cub scout leader said to go and let a teacher know or grown up and my son told him that was tattling, the leader was upset. I will see what happens this week and how he acts. I really feel for your system, because what happens if the teacher doesn't like one child and does the other? Is the other always going to get away with things?
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
22 Nov 09
My son's class has the stop sign system. Green is all is good, yellow means some warnings have been issued and red means punishment is given, weather it's missing recess, note home with child to parents, or a trip to the principle. So far we've not run into any problems with his teacher's he's had on their system.
@MrKennedy (1978)
22 Nov 09
That is absolutely ridiculous. Getting a ticket for "tattling"? There are certain situations in life that you simply cannot take on all by yourself, and the only means of resolve is informing somebody else of your situation so that they can offer you help and intervene in the situation if needs be. This system seems rather flawed to me. What about bullying? Is a child just supposed to accept it and suffer in silence because of the threat of having part of their free time deducted from them if they dedcide to seek the help of a teacher? Most definitely not. Although sometimes, "tattling" can be annoying and that certain people just seem to live for the sole purpose of tattling, many times it can be essential in preventing a problem or issue from continuing. Heck, if "tattling" never existed, I believe prisons would be 1/3 less populated than they are now, because who would inform the authorities and provide them with critical information?
• United States
22 Nov 09
Yes, I feel bad about this situation because I want my child to come to me if he needs assistance or help. This will just cause my son to clam up, be emotionally distraught and not understand why I tell him to tell if something is happening to him, then he in turns gets in trouble at school for letting someone know. I am sure he don't know what direction to go, then others who are the bullies get away with it? doesn't make sense to me.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Nov 09
I think the schools are trying to make it easier on teachers, not teach the kids. If the bully did get into trouble the parents would be screaming that their little angel couldn't possibly do that and many parents have sued schools over punished their little darlings. I think you should have a talk with the teacher and tell her the situation. If that doesn't work, go to the principal and if you still get nothing done contact your PTA and get a committee together--admins don't like large numbers of dissatisfied parents!
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Nov 09
Good idea is to dicsipline all the kids,,But a teacher can not watch all of them all the time,, so there are the bad ones getting away with the mischif
• United States
22 Nov 09
Yes, it always seems like its the bad ones. The one I know is always in trouble and he lives next door also, my son comes home and tells me this kid is always mean to him, calling him names, hitting or whatnot and he is in the same classroom.
• United States
21 Nov 09
I certainly agree with you on this is one thing to want to teach a child not to lie, and to respect other students..but there is a fine line in not telling the teacher things that they should know. Actually telling the teacher what the other kid did, should show that the other kid had no respect. So how do they learn how to respect others, if they get away with hitting other kids. With that said, be, as well as teachers can be cruel. Teachers may not like you going to the principle with this issue, and may take it out on your child. Better to go to her directly, and tactfully.
• United States
22 Nov 09
Exactly, the other child isn't going to learn respect and know they could get away with whatever because the other will get in trouble for telling. Then what if something really serious happens, are the children going to be afraid to "tell?" I know if emergencies my son will know to go tell but really being bullied and hit on to where there are more kids doing it. I usually talk with his teacher alot by email, phone, assignment book and when he has something with the school I will go in and talk to her. I try to get information every week and find out what is going on.