Hello Guys, i need 10 Ptc sites that really pays.

@mrfdg1972 (3237)
November 21, 2009 12:00pm CST
I am planning to add more PTC to earn more, i need referrals but i need to take your word that you have been paid by these sites, I am From the Philippines, so i need int'l sites. Thanks My Lotters. D O N T P O S T A N Y L I N K S H E R E , THIS WILL GET DELETED. Just respond, and give me your word that the sites pays and have paid you. I WILL THEN VISIT YOUR WEBSITE AND GET YOUR REFERRAL LINK THERE. if you dont have a website i will add you as friend and we PM the link
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1 response
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Nov 09
Banners and proofs are in my profile and on my blogs.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
21 Nov 09
it is brit bux, w/c one would you recommend. ( there are so many)in your website
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
21 Nov 09
i have neo bux already, it does not allow me to log in cause my computer time is incorrect, i placed an incorrect time on my computer to disable synchronization from hackers. thanks a lot, give me sometime and ill be in your profile and blog.
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