Quit Smoking Medicines

November 21, 2009 11:31pm CST
Hi, I am smoking for last 2-3 years and now I am feeling uncomfortable with it. So I just wanted all of you at here, if somebody can tell me, is there any kind of Quit Smoking Medicines. Please help me out.
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5 responses
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
22 Nov 09
So tell me....why did you request my friendship here? I don't even know you. You have started 2 discussions with the same person responding the exact same thing to both and you have never participated in any other discussions at all on here. I am not saying that I would not be your friend but come on now.....who are you?
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
22 Nov 09
oops sorry....not the same person on both discussions. Still.
1 person likes this
22 Nov 09
Hi sid556, Thank you for adding some words at here. I had requested you to add me as your friend so that I can get more and more results on my discussion. That's it. Because not all the persons are same, I believe. Every person has different different knowledge.
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22 Nov 09
And why i have started second discussion because I am new at here and when I posted one discussion after much time I didn't receive any response, so I thought it may not be posted properly. That is why I posted one more discussion.
• India
22 Nov 09
have you ever tried natural ways ? like will power, social bounding etc. ? I think that help a lot in quiting smoking habit.
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22 Nov 09
Hi rajiv, What kind of natural ways you are talking about at here. Can you please explain?
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• India
22 Nov 09
when i say natural things means , something which can applied by you ..for those things no medicine required ..just go and try your will power it will help surely to quit this bad habit..
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
22 Nov 09
Quitting smoking is not a medicine, but with a strong intention to quit from now on.
@sutent (1060)
• China
22 Nov 09
Hi friend, It is good to quit smoking. Firstly you should take the natural way, such as doing more exercise or other things to distribute your attention when you want to smoke. If it can not work, you can try some medicine. I just heard a medicine, named as Chantix in USA, manufactured by Pfizer. But i am not sure what is the name in your country. You can find many introduction on internet about Chantix. Take care of you and good luck.
• India
24 May 12
Taking strong decision is the one of the best medicine to it. Make a strong decision that you will not smoke again and be like a constant star at it. This is the best decision.