love is insipiration or dipression

November 22, 2009 9:44am CST
we all know and talk and do love with someone in many forms. it exits in our heart for parents, siblings ,friends and for girlfriends & boyfriends. so in any way you have love in your life. now i just want to know that do you feel inspired from it or depressed when it creates problem or it give you pain. as per i feel love is a two sided sword . when every thing is OK then it is very joyful but when the situation is bad it give a lot of pain and handling that pain is not possible for all but still i take it as inspiration . what do you think??
2 responses
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
Love is really love.. when you love.. expect to feel different kind of emotions... sometimes you're so in love with love, sometimes you feel alone coz of love, sometimes love gives you depression and pain... but what is important you love and you have been loved as well... =)
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
Love can be an inspiration or depression for people but that depends on how they handle being in love and all the pros and cons that comes with it. I can say that you can never be in love without experiencing both pain and happiness at the same time since there is no perfect relationship because no two people are the same.