Which would you rather have: beauty or brains?
By kjess77
@kjess77 (40)
United States
November 23, 2009 12:49pm CST
Of course most of us would say that we want to have both.. but if you had to choose, would you rather have beauty or brains? It seems that although our country is obsessed with physical image, there is a stigma against people who would say beauty... so get ready for me to be controversial! I would rather have beauty, and let me tell you why. Because our country is so image obsessed, you can get financial stability, respect, friends, family and everything you need even if you were not intelligent. I do believe that if you were unintelligent you really wouldn't know the difference, and would probably be happy with what you have and your life. On the other side intelligent people would know that they were not good looking, and would feel depressed about that. I guess the old saying "ignorance is bliss" is what I would prefer. What do you think, and what would you rather choose?
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31 responses
@midnightbliss (541)
• Philippines
23 Nov 09
for me, I'd rather have brains, there are a lot more things you can do when you are intelligent. you v=can also make better decisions in life and achieve what you want through your efforts and not through your beauty.
@axmadrigal (3)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I have both, so I don't have to worry about this one. My wife is a bombshell too, but her first quality is her intelligence and ability to breakdown people for who they really are.
I find that beautiful people tend to be the most insecure and they tend to end up alone more than those who society consider unattractive.
@KimDeal (3)
• United States
25 Nov 09
Interesting theory Mr. Marginal.
Your conclusory comments bring two rebuttals to mind.
A) Primarily, your argument goes astray when you mention that beautiful people are lonely. 1) Beautiful people can get whoever they want because Everyone loves beautiful people. 2) Beautiful people don't Need other people so they can drop them whenever they want, because they aren't superficial and don't need others to validate themselves.
B) Notice that you first mentioned your wife's beauty (because that's the first thing that came to your mind, because subconsciously you value it More.) You Then mentioned that her intelligence allows her to tear down people. Is that a value we want in this country? We ought to be building people up, not tearing them down with intelligence.
I don't mean to tear you down, I just want to help you see the light.
@KimDeal (3)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I do apologize Mr. Madrigal. Please don't close your mind from illuminating dialogue about diverse perspectives because of my error and your intelligent misinterpretation of my intentions.
It's true, the wonder of this modern age is that humans with diverse and differing perspectives can come together in this electronic world to grow and share ideas, without even knowing each other. I'm an honest Christian who simply tries to apply my faith the way God tells me - it isn't easy but it's Right.
Without knowing you, there are a few things I can surmise about you. Because I know that beautiful people only like other beautiful people (even if they might be psychologists), if your wife really is a bombshell, you must be attractive in some way. If you don't think your mug is movie quality, you must At LEAST have a towering physique. I doubt this blogger would be your friend and know you otherwise.
@axmadrigal (3)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Well, I'm not sure if you meant to do it, but did you mean to change my last name to "Marginal"? If you did, I am a bit insulted.
I take you don't know me. I know that Jessica knows me and my humor. She also knows that I'm not the best looking guy, therefore, I was joking about "I have both". My second statement is based on something that I read in an article on MSN, so this is partly my fault for not taking the time to write down something with more detail and as eloquent as yours.
And about my wife and the comment I made about her being able to "break down" people, and which you decided changed to "tear down", I was talking about her profession as a psychologist who works with marriages/couples and who she the the ability to know peoples personalities, problems, and insecurities easily.
This is the beauty of the written expression, everyone will read it and break it down to their liking.
I will not take the time to read your comment and comment on why I feel the same or different, and make any personal attacks. Because again, I do not know you.

@HADDOWZ (1469)
28 May 10
Well if it was up to me I would have both brains and beauty. Why not ? There is no law says you cant have both in life. And yes there are many many people who have both, so why only want to have one.
Remember beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, and there is no way to judge true intelligence. What works for some may not work for others.
@angelsmummy (1696)
23 Nov 09
I would rather have brains than beauty. Eventually you will want to settle down and at least if you rae ugly you know that your partner is with you for you and not your looks. I am not the prettiest or the brainiest but I am happy I have a loely partner and 2 beautiful children so I dont need either but I would choose brains!
@SACHIN2708 (1634)
• India
23 Nov 09
well ofcourse brain will be first preference because if you have brains you can carry your personality in better manner and express your self infront of others but if you dont have brain and have just beauti so every body will use you and you will not understand that what is right and wrong
@TierrasMommy (125)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I would rather have beauty instead of brains I would love to be a model and make some easy money that way. Sad I know but thats life people love beautiful people and our society could care less for brainy chicks. Also its the beautiful women who get the best money making men. Vain I know....
@Mexuseage (14)
• South Africa
5 Dec 09
Hey kjess77 i would like 2 start by stating that u look absolutely great concidering that thats ur picture there. Talking abt brains and beauty i think you have both. Ok know answering your question , really i would love 2 have both bt u cnt have the best of both worlds ahh ? I would prefer having brains because being a guy beauty/looks dnt help much take it 4rm me , i should knw . Lets face it you women prefer money over alot of things , not to mention security , well brains do it for me. Thanx for the wonderful topic/disccusion
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
Since I'm a man. If I choose both of the two choices I choose brain even do I admire beauty. We have different belief in life, my friend. Here in our country if you haven't brain even if you are beautiful your chances of landing a jobs is rare but most of the managers like beautiful lady that is why they hire them even if they don't have brain...or they are not smart enough to fit to the jobs...Have a nice day beautiful lady
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
24 Nov 09
If given the choice, I would rather be blessed with brains. Beauty can only last for so long. Brains are forever.
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
Can I have both
Well if I were to choose, I rather have brains than beauty. If I am brainy, I would definitely be success in my chosen career. I would have lots of money. And as we all know, those ugly looking, now a day, can have beautiful faces if they have money for cosmetic surgeries.
Well I have the brain, money and artificial beauty... that is fine...
Natural beauty fades and if you don't have money to take care of it... sorry but you will lose that beautiful face eventually. And I with brain can always go to dermatologist...

@DarkMarixx (331)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
Of course it's better to choose both but the most important for me is brain rather than beauty. Beauty can be vanish after years. Knowledge cannot be wiped out in your brain unless you bump you head and got an amnesia. Beauty never remains. Brain remains until you got aged.
@victoriousm (86)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Nov 09
I'd rather have brains because nowadays anybody can possibly alter their physical image. I believe, one's character and attitude also count. This reminds of a short story I have read this morning wherein two male friends were comparing two women they like. Woman No. 1, they agreed was beautiful beyond compare. The only problem is she's gloomy and negative. Woman No. 2 was not that beautiful, but she's very cheerful and smiles all the time. You know what, both male friends wanted to marry woman no. 2 becuase they said they didn't want to live with a woman who's grumpy.
@wiseking_18 (71)
• India
24 Nov 09
both of them plays good roles in life so having both is very very good anf i can tell that brain is very more imporatant tha n the beauty if you have brain their is lot of tips to apperar beauty abnd we can do any thing if we are clever than alll the people and thats great to be identified as clever
@KimDeal (3)
• United States
24 Nov 09
Wow - that takes guts, and most people want to quash this point of view, but I'm with you.
To Start, beauty DOES bring respect, even at First Sight! One need only observe our successful politicians and actors. They are the ones who actually make a difference; they could not do so were they repugnant to the senses (they wouldn't make money from the media, so they wouldn't be on TV!) Try to think about it; the opinions of the beautiful are those that promulgate, therefore they are more valuable and worth more respect.
Furthermore, the cross section of society that JUDGES character based on intelligence is abhorrent to both the Christian virtue not to judge (for, only God Almighty may do so), and is usually self absorbed in the endeavor to effectuate Hoarding further wisdom for who Knows what purpose... What good has this Ever done? Only hurt and useless technology results. Truly Beautiful people are right with God and aren't absorbed in looks because we are satisfied with our looks, which in of itself accomplishes an altruistic end in making people happy! (which is likely the source of the success of God's America (just imagine how much money has flowed to the poor through Hollywood from the global economy and it's love of our beauty.))
Finally, true beauty lasts forever. Bookworms and nerds know that they lose respect and love if they stop going to school constantly or if they stop inventing new things. They are slaves to others' opinions. Well, in contrast, beauty is maintainable without this negativity. Those with good looks have developed highly natural and green procedures to keep us looking good and stave off the effects of age, free radicals, and radiation from technology (alpha hydroxy, moisture beads, minor and green cosmetic procedures, holistic dermal botulinum neurotoxin protein injections, low UVA tanning booths, etc...) Anyone who doesn't look good probably hasn't even tried or hasn't even payed attention to current styles or what's new or cool. It hurts to think about it, but try next time you see one. This indeed is a controversial stand - and I'm not afraid to be different and agree.
@maryann82 (133)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
i'd go for the brains. when you got brains it's easier to earn a lot which you can use to beautify yourself. with the technology and medical advances we have it's not that hard to improve your physical attributes it just cost a lot though haha. beauty can be easily improved but brains is quite hard especially if you don't have one joke!
@republic (15)
• China
24 Nov 09
To tell the truth,I want to have both.But I know that's impossible for me!So if I have a chance to choose,I would rather to have brains!Now let me tell you why:as the time goes by we become aged,so our beauty will be gone,our smooth skin will wrinkle!But our intelligence will not,it will never fade!It will always company with you!And most importantly,in our time,knowledge is power,knowledge is money,and knowledge will make you become more charming!What do you think of this?
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
24 Nov 09
I would rather have the brains so I could earns lots of money and with all the money I would earn I will then be able to have beauty and brains.
@kelly_hello (132)
• China
24 Nov 09
if the brain is not too bad, i prefer to be a beauty.....
coz now i am a ugly one...
oh God, make me be a beauty..
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned, I think I like to have a ordinary look,with a great brain which help me a lot in my life to succeed.So I do hope I can have as wise as a brain. I thnk most people want it like this . This is not a ideal way but still be a better way.Happy mylot.
@dyan_wafa (9)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
i rather choose brains that beauty..
what will you if you have the beauty but you are brainless? right?
the brains will bring you up in career not the beauty even in beauty contest..
you should have the beauty and brains