i want targeted traffic

@aconites (768)
United States
November 23, 2009 10:20pm CST
okay so i have a website and i need to advertise it, i get a percentage form every sale i make .. actually i got a friend here in my lot she have the same problem .. we need targeted traffic .. the problem is we can't do a lot of stuff to put our page in top of Google search ..to drive customers to our sites i mean .. here is a list of the stuff that i can't use to domain names ,urls,keywords,meta tags,and email addresses that include the company name, so what do i have left to do .. i can't bid on the company keywords humm... i got some other keywords to use witch i don't mind .. but when i did i got the Google slap lol cause my keyword not very relevant to my add .. so i got to think there are a lot websites advertising on Google to driving targeted traffic to your website why i don't try this.. but there is so many to choose from and I'm not an expert .. i might start with the cheap ones those i can afford and hopefully i can get a 3-4 customers out of it and use my earning money to advertise some more ..when i used Google add word i had a 100 dollar coupon and i was so happy with it lol i paid $10 to activate it and i got 9 customers out of it .. my first day i got one customer my second day i got two and my third day i got three .. can you imagine the state of happiness i was in lol but my profit with all the 9 customers i had it didn't cover the 100 dollar from Google that mean i can't keep using Google add word cause this is a lose for me to keep using it .. so now I'm thinking in couple of sites that claiming to drive traffic to my website and i will choose one and see how it will work for me .. there is Revisitors and they said they would drive 2,500 visitors for $19 .. its cheap and i can afford it but i don't know how they can do it without using any of the stuff i have mentioned before i should call them to understand how they work.. and i am considering cheap targeted website traffic ..they clam they can drive 10,000 visitors for only $9,95.. well i think this is a really cheap but is it a good website ? can they do it ? i need targeted traffic to my website not any traffic and i need my traffic to be from USA .. my website doesn't ship to a country out of the states .. so i have to check with this site too thug i have to admit its really tempting to buy traffic from this site cause its cheap and i can afford it lol ...ooh guys i was reviewing it and i wanted to close it but i had click the cancel button for a special offer 30% discount .. and i was going to buy it for 9.95 10,000 visits now its $6.95 for 10.000 visits .. you believe that !! so another site i am reviewing tonight is klickonusa the cheapest deal they have that i found is 10,000 not targeted for $7.97 but from the targeted traffic and targeted category and from USA they have $29.50 deal for 10.000 visitors .. so guys what do you recommend me .. i'm still new at this .. any one knows a good site and use it to get targeted traffic? if so tell me please about it .. but if you don't know any site witch site of those you think have the best deal and you think i should buy from them ?
1 response
@camomom (7535)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I'm sorry that I'm no help. (I think you mentioned me in this post) I haven't come up with any helpful sites. I am doing something that you may be interested in though, email me if you're interested. It's fairly cheap. I haven't done it yet but I am as soon as I can get to the post office.
@aconites (768)
• United States
6 Dec 09
sorry my dear.. cause i made a new email for avon as you recomended me and i check the new one all the time .. i'll send it to you
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Cool! I'll keep looking for it. I have 2 emails, one for Avon and one for personal.