Are there much stress in your life? How do you release it?

Guangzhou, China
November 25, 2009 12:05am CST
Hi my friends, Are there much stress in your life? How do you usually release it? As far as I'm concerned, now I have som great pressure in my life , I need a lot to reaise my fiamly. With so quick rapid life, our friends almost have their own cars and own big house which makes me just feel a little annoyed. I want to release the stress, But how can I ? I just thought my stress again and again. What about you? Have you get a good idea?
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26 responses
@madie8008 (209)
• Malaysia
29 Nov 09
Sometimes stress is good do that it can pressure us to be a better person. To release this kind of stress we, have to take a turning point and learn from our mistakes and others. Take that successful person as a mentor who will guide us through many success. Everyone will get their piece of cake in the world, only if they strive enough and take initiative to reach that goal, then only they have a chance. Good luck for you and your family.
• Guangzhou, China
29 Nov 09
Thank you for opinions. I think we can solve the stress now. Happy mylot.
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@giegrace (213)
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
There are many stress management techniques such as deep-breathing and meditation. Sometimes, all you need is a friend, a listening ear to all your concerns and worries. At times, you'll realize that just by simply talking about things will help you ease your burden and feel inspired and strengthened to carry on.
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• Guangzhou, China
29 Nov 09
I think there are much stress in our daily life.But we have known a lot of method to solve the problems. Happy mylot.
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@derek_a (10873)
26 Nov 09
We all get stress because it is after a part of living from day to day. I deal with it with Zen meditation (zazen) that stills the mind as I focus on the inhalation and exhalation. I do this for around 30-40 minutes each day. As a therapist, I help others to handle their stress in the same way. - Derek
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• Guangzhou, China
27 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned, I think I have get a lot of opinions from mylot. Thank you so much , I can release the stress now. Happy mylot.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
25 Nov 09
Well, there are definitely days when there is a lot of stress in my life. Luckily for me, though, it's not everyday that I'm really stressed about something or other. On those days, when I'm really stressed, I will usually try to relax by reading a book, watching a movie, meditate, take a bath, or something like that.
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• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you for your opinions.Ithink I have known a lot of methoeds aboout reduce my stress. I think it is mylot who help me a lot.Happy mylot.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Nov 09
Stress is a big part of life nowadays and I think the first step towards a less stressed life is not to compare yourself to other people and to feel gratitude for what you have. I de-stress by making time for the things I enjoy like reading, writing, films etc although it is very difficult to find the time on occasion! I think overall the best thing is to let go of control a bit and not try to have everything done perfectly at all times, develop a sense of humour and let the house get messy every now and again!
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• Guangzhou, China
29 Nov 09
Thank you so much for your opinions. Have a nice day I think I can have a lot of methods to release my stress.Have a nice day.
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27 Nov 09
there are a lot of stress in my life right now..But as much as I could, I don't mind them..I look for positive ways for me to be happy..
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• Guangzhou, China
27 Nov 09
AS far as I'm concerned, I think positive attitude makes a positive life. I think it is a good way to release the stress.
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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
One of my stress relievers when I was still working in the call center industry was to go on out of town trips. The mere thought of going away was enough to make me relax and it did help me cope with a lot of very stressful days at work. But ever since my mother is sick with cancer, I can no longer afford to go out of town. So my stress reliever right now are my cats and my orchids.
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you so much that you have give so good a opinion. I think I can get a good mood soon . Happy mylot.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Nov 09
I have had a great deal of stress in my life the past few months. This was due to the domestic violence and finally sparating from my husband. I am trying to deal with it, and I dont know if my suggestions would help you. First of all, I try and keep active. Having things to do always helps, even if it is some boring housework. I have spent a lot of time on my garden, weeding and watering. I have a goodbook to read, but dont become obsessed with reading it, but it's good to have a novel to switch off at times. Most importantly, I spend time with my 16 year old daughter. We watch the occasional movies together and I read the stories she writes. My daughter has helped me more than anything else. Plus, Im planning for Christmas, and that helps keep my mind active. I hope you can find some ways to release your stress.
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you for your opinions. I am so glad to see so many friends have help me so much. I think I can help myself come outt of stress. Happy mtlot.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Nov 09
hi monkeylong well in today's economy stress is popping up in a lot of households.but we do not have to react to it.we do not have to stress over little things and most things are little. also you can built an imaginary bubble around you that is stress free and cannot let stress in. also when you go to bed pile all the s tress in a big heap in the corner as you cannot do a thing about your problems at night. Also get a large plastic garbage container, take your food way back and kick that can like crazy and yell out out out stress leave me alone.damn damn. then start laughing at like a charm. really.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Nov 09
error should be take your foot way back and kick that can like crazy
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you for your opinions. I think I have get so many methods to help me to reduce my stress. I am so happy to see so many my friends help me out of stress. I will be happy soon.Happy mylot.
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 09
I'm not as stressed as I used to be! I used to suffer from stress a lot and then I had to see a counsellor in order to discuss my thoughts and reflections. I love easy listening music now and I find that this helps me a lot. I also love watching movies and reading books and this is a form of escapism for me. I'm a keen cyclist too and I love to take in the fresh air, I find that all these things help me to remain in a state of calm! I think that it's important not to constantly rush around trying to get from a to b, that will definitely cause a lot of stress. Well, I wish you luck and keep smiling! Andrew
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• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you for your opnions , I think I may be more positive and look something just in its good side.Maybe I stil need to talk more ,read moer. I think ther are many ways to make me feel less stress. Happy mylot.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
25 Nov 09
there was a time when i used to be stressed out a lot. but now it is no longer a problem. i personally think that stress results when we are not sure what we really want and start chasing things that we may actually not require. because of this we often enter the mad rat race and start acquiring things that we may actually not require. we also tend to compare ourselves with others but fail to see that there are many who have more problems than us. we start counting what we don't have rather than what we have. and that results in more stress. i would humbly suggest you some serious introspection. as to what you actually want from yourself in life
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
26 Nov 09
you are absolutely right. good friends can really ease your stress..and you are at the right place for that....good luck and stay happy..
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned, so many my friends give me some opinions which have made me so happy just forget that come from the life. I like enjoy here,mylot,it is good place for me to come.happy mylot.
• United States
25 Nov 09
There are lots of stresses in my life at the moment. I think most people share the same stress of a worsening financial situation. I do lay awake at night wondering if I will manage to pay the bills ... and just when I think everything is getting better, something happens which takes my money! I find it hard to relax - so a good run helps me release. Happy myLotting!
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• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned, I just feel some stress from the life.But just from the opinions by myloters , I think I fet a lot of help. I am so gald . Thank you for your help. Happy mylot.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
29 Nov 09
There are many methods to release stress, and not all work for everyone. Some people can get rid of stress by chewing gum, other people just begin eating without control, some others need to hit something or shout, and some others just listen to very hard and strong music. Try a few ones and choose the one that will work for you.
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@rhea2009 (49)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
i am a very positive person, i don't get to be down by stress easily. paying the bills and needing to hit the monthly quota is my demons. you just need a little diversion in your life for you not to have your full attention in your stress. besides, did you ask yourself what did your friends do to you to get you annoyed? i think its not your friends having cars or big houses but yourself. you cant control your envy to them. i believe its not stress thats eating but your ENVY to your friends.
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• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
Thank you for your opinons. Maybe I need to try my bestt to be a positive man which can help me overcome more difficult include the stress. I need more to be happy . Happy mylot.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
25 Nov 09
Right now there is a lot of stress in my life. My family and I are currently in the process of moving to Tennesse and we're trying to sell the house in Baltimore but it doesn't seem to be working. To top it off my daughter plans on getting married on May 15th. She's determined for it to be on this day. I'm trying to get my parents to moe down as well and my cousin is having problems with her brother so I'm trying to help her our by giving her a place to stay. I'm not entirely sure how I deal with all of it. Maybe because I work on one preoblem at a time and just do what I can. It's still frustrating but it's not as bad as it is when I let it all get to me.
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
I first wish you a happy life. As many ways to reduce the stress in our life, I think we can have a more enjoyable life. There will be more laugh in our life. Happy mylot. Have a nice day.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
25 Nov 09
Hello monkeylong this is checkmail and think that the stress in our life is an never ending phenomenon as mosty our needs or wants tends to be unlimited.That is if satisfied one than another want or need arises.So there is lot of stress in our life to find the solution for this unlimited wants of our.Yeah too mcuh stress in life can effect anybody's health, personal, social life badly.We can release our stress by diff methods of curing it.There is an way for yoga, meditations, Laughter therapy, camps, etc.Well myslef i mostly use Yoga or meditation techniques to release out mine stress.
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
Thank you for your opinions .think I can deal a very good stress which I will release later.Happy mylot.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
25 Nov 09
Hi monkeylong Well it sounds like that you are under the stress factor at this time. I really know how you feel when it comes to stress. I have stress levels right now that are above the roof level. I try to work on here some, and then I will try and see all the good in my life. If you focus on what is good then the bad doesn't seem that bad. Im not a big book reader so I have to find other ways to release. I'm not sure exactly one thing that I do but I know that I have to release it some way or another. I have gone for a drive by myself and talk outloud and shed some tears. I hope that you get everything in check. Have a good day and keep smiling.
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
I think from the opinions by mylot I have feel a little better now. Thank you so much for your opinions. I think We just need to simle more ,laugh more,talk to your friends more. Mnay ways may make me away from stress. I will be happy soon. Happy mylot.
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
25 Nov 09
Hi, friend,frankly speaking,i don't have any tensions in my job of own consultancy i love so much spending with farmers.But in personal life,some times,i used to get tense about children..relations..etc,then i used to control or try to relieve it by don't speak anything about 10-15 minutes..then i come to normal,more than that i didn't do anything.But rarely i take 180 ml of scotch,sitting in my garden alone. Have a nice time.
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
I think you are so clam down, youu just can make yourself in low stress. Happy you can have a happy life. and happy everyday.
@Pplaya123 (126)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I sure have a lot of stress in my life. I'm a teenager that goes through the basic stuff. Family problems, Friend drama, relationship drama, HIGH SCHOOL WORK, and many other things. The things I usually do to help me feel better are to talk to a good friends to comfort you, listen to some music to get your mind off things, or think of all the positive things going on in your life. Usually I feel better in a matter of time. A hobby would be a good idea.
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
I think your ways like talk to your friends,and some other ways, It just can be some methods to reduce the stress in our life. Many ways as we have , we can have a so happy life.
@Oland18 (63)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
Well, I released it by listening to music, close my eyes and just think of one object, walk to park, always smile. Anyway here is some very good advice, put your trust in GOD!!! ALWAYS!!! His word said All things Work together for Good to them that loved GOD! Smile, Jesus Love You!
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 09
Thank you for your wish. I think I thank so much about mylot, there are so many opinions to help me out of stress. As far as I'm concerned,Ithink I should be happy with the help by mylot.Happy mylot.