Which do you prefer, a garden in a park or a garden of your own?

garden - a garden of your own or garden in the park
November 25, 2009 5:11am CST
A garden in the park look pleasing to the eyes and many people go for picnic or just strolling around while taking photos of the garden on the background. However their are restriction as you could not simply pick a flowers you like as it is not your own garden. While if you have a garden of your own you could have all the freedom to design or style it according to your likes and dislikes. Then, you could decide which variety of flowers to plant. How about you, Which you prefer to have a garden of your own or a garden in the park?
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41 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
26 Nov 09
I will prefer a garden in the park.. lol =D for i need not be maintaining it on my own.. lol =D PLus, i will get alot more activities in the garden at the park as compared to my own garden.. After all, it's considered an outing too, so long i'm out of my house compound.. The air and everything will definitely be different from what i'm able to get in my own garden.. haha
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
30 Nov 09
yup ^_^
• Philippines
28 Nov 09
Well, garden in the park tend to receive a lot of care and attention as the administrator need to keep it pretty in the eyes of the public as a form of recreation. It is pleasing to the eyes and the surrounding is new as you mention compare to your home garden. Though, to have a beautiful garden one must have a vacant spaces intended for gardening which a lots of flowers or in the sake of vegetables to grow fully which impossible to do if one have limited land spaces.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
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@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
hi neel^^;; i was suppose to be here early but i was busy with those bugs out of mylot garden hakhak oh sure, who wouldn't want to have a garden of their own. our house (which we abandoned because it's a bit far to town, sigh) has a small garden of flowers and fruits and a part veggies. my mother has a green thumb and likes planting. we have or maybe had variety of orchids, anthurium, wild roses(those with small flowers or petals), and some colorful ones i don't know the names. it's really beautiful when they all bloom. but one thing i didn't like was my parents cemented the center part instead of planting grass which i think it'll look more natural. there's not much beautiful garden i can see nearby my apartment so i have to go parks to take a view.
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hi lucky, Oh! ya I understand and you're a great help in the mylot garden without you flowers members and bees would probably be at risk of dying without applying the pesticides to those bugs have you already fertilize them?? well, garden be it in a park or your own garden is a good things to look at as it could make anyone happy just seeing the blooming garden full of flowers of different variety brings a lot of joy and if you are the one planting it. I know their are plenty of flowers in your gardens as your places is a haven for gardens with the fresh air and good soil. Garden would flourish to makes any places very pleasing to look at and gives a lot of pleasure to the seer. Yup, garden in the parks are well taken care of but have limitation as it is forbidden to pick the flowers.thanks. hi mr. wit, probably it is the bug and don;t worry you're not one of them..
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@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hmm let's forget the bugs because i don't them to ruin our beautiful garden let's just consider those wonderful flowers, and butterflies and bees buzzing around like our friend wit here and with my garden...soon?? i wonder if i can grow one since i also don't know if i have a green thumb like my mother does but if have a chance then i'll try...hope atleast one survives hahaha
@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
what is funny? the bugs? our house? the flowers? my apartment? the park? me? or YOU?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
25 Nov 09
My own garden thats for sure . Love to watch it grow
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Nov 09
yup and I do!
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi lakota, yup, having your own garden being cultivate by your gentle green thumb is still the best as it is your own and could have all the freedom to enjoy it.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
25 Nov 09
Daisy's - This is one of my favorite flowers with such abundance.Clipping them back makes them last ,from spring to fall.The secret is making sure to have healthy garden is love.
We have 4 gardens one for veggies and the others for flowers/tree's.I love gardening wish, I had a green house for year round planting.I also love a park that has a lot of flowers it makes it more inviting. Sad part being kids these days have no respect and ruin it by destroying the park gardens.It has taken many years but, we finally have all flowers that come back up saving money,plus swap with my neighbors this is also a lot of fun. Picking them is the biggest reward,I will miss it,with winter coming . Having my hands in the soil is the best therapy a person could ask for.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
25 Nov 09
Hi Mr.Witt would you like me to send you some next season ? Or would you like a bite of me? lol I thought you would be able to handle the second sentence ,with all your witty answers. Have a great holiday! Nice to see you again.
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
hi capsicum, That's great your gardens must be look fabulous and amazing with those plants and different varieties of trees makes your surrounding a nice place to hang on. It is good that you personally tend to your gardens and not just rely for the gardener to do it for you, just like you mention gardening makes you feel alright and it could be a source of fun and stress reliever too..thanks for your responses.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Im not really into flowers. I mean sure I appreciate them but Im not really passionate about them. Im also not good in arranging gardens. So it may not come as a surprise if I choose the garden in the parks. Other reasons is that if I would have something that beautiful, I would love to share it rather than just keep it hidden inside my home. Its nice to stay at a garden park just admiring the beauty of it all. Its also wonderful to watch all the people passing by and you're able to see just how much the beauty of the place affects them as shown in their facial expressions. I love to not just look at them. I love to touch them. I really would rather not pick them from the stem but I would get those that have already fallen to the ground. Im fond of lightly touching the flowers that are in my pathway. I just lightly touch them and I take care that I wouldnt ruin the petals.^_^
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
10 Jan 10
LOL I think most girls go through that picking flower phase.^_^ Ive had those two and I have pulled the petals out just to test my "fate" with a boy I liked. I also have picked those Santan flowers just to have the sweet liquid for a bit of snack then connect the mini flowers on their ends to make a flower bracelet/necklace/anklet and even hairdressing. Of course it was just all for fun.
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I do love garden in the parks too as i love to shoot pictures while the background is beautiful which could all be found in a parks whether public or private as they are highly under good maintenance. Unlike on your own garden you have to care for it and have enough attention like in having a friend or loved ones if one never get a lots of attention it tend to dry, wilt and die..Well, your so nice just to pick up the flower fall on the ground and never been tempted to pick those in the stem which is likely the opposite of me. As I remember when I am at the age of 3 years old and above i was often scolded for picking flowers and leaves of plants that my mother never allow me to play or to be near to her plants as it would likely get bald from too much picking..lol..Though, I liken pretty things i also love to touch and destroy to have fun on it..But, now i tend to control my impulsive behavior or else i may only invite quarrels or annoying remarks...I also like to to play with flower petals as I remove then one by one saying he love me, he love me not..
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
25 Nov 09
I like to spend time in public gardens as they are very relaxing places to be and you do not have to maintain the ornamental gardens yourself! But I prefer an edible garden at home that is useful. I do not like to have garden beds full of flowers and other plants that require precious water, just for looking at. If I am going to spend the time gardening and using my water, which is a valuable resource, then I prefer the garden to be a vegetable garden. I also like to have some fruit trees. This way I can feed my family good food at a cheap cost!
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi rawbill, well, that fine as you really need to study the soil composition before planting to makes your garden beautiful.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi rawbill, That a great ideas having a vegetables garden as you are a male likely you would opt to plant vegetables rather than flowers which have a good purposes as having fresh supply of fresh pick vegetables is very healthy way to nourish your family. Those fruit bearing trees is also nice to have as every fruit season you could have a fresh fruit at the convenient of your own backyard which a lot of savings. thanks.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
30 Nov 09
Yes, that is right! I have been composting like crazy, trying to improve the soil quality in my yard. That is the key to successful gardening,whether it is ornamental or food gardens!
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
30 Nov 09
i prefer my own garden than visiting a park with a garden. obvious, its a feeling related to it that the thing is mine and not someone else's. my own garden where i am the boss and i can put anything anywhere.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi coolcat, Yup, i do agree and having a garden of your own is a rewarding feeling knowing you let the beautiful flowers bloom healthy and keep growing that it gives the seer a wonderful feeling it makes anyone admire you gardening prowess.thanks.
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
Of course I like to have a garden of my own. I want the one to put design into it. Yes I pick flower to be used inside my home. Having your own garden creates a different environment when I see plants and flowers and trees I feel I can breathe healthy air and its too good to stop by in your garden having your breakfast there because of the great ambiance.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi greychunny, Yup, having garden of your own is a good things as you could appreciate the efforts you put on it to make those plants grow big and healthy. then, when all plants mature those flowers are very enticing and it takes away tension by just looking on your garden it makes you feel relax. Eating though is like having a picnic the only difference it is inside your own backyard. thanks.
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
gardening - plant
i prefer a garden of my own because the plants I put in my garden are my own chosing. I only plant those which I like. I can lso design my own garden and have a landscape of my own. My garden is the fruit of my own labor.
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
yup, definitely it is a good choice and no one would tell you what is not right or wrong as it is your own that you would be the only who know to change or arrange it according to your own likes not bothering to hear other people opinion as gardening from your own interest greatly gives a lot of reward knowing the plants receive better attention from your own supervision..
@bingchen (1119)
• China
7 Dec 09
i have this idea as same as you.if i have owned garden,i can design what i prefer,i hope that i can live owned garden and plant my favorite flower and fruit plant,especially i can pick up fruits from plants and looks the yellow leaves out of plants,scenary of autume,i hope that i share all of thing in my garden.
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
hi bingchen, Yup, having a garden of your own is a nice ideas as you could renovate or style it according to your likes like a Japanese or Chinese inspired garden with zen like style full of serenity and of good views.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
I prefer a garden of my own as i could do anything i want i could either expand it or add some pools with lots of fish in it. then i could also add some bird cages on the ide of each garden to add beauty.i would plant a lot of tress around and pretty flowers. a garden in the park is good too as it is highly maintenance and well cultivated though i could not last to see it as it is not my own garden.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi flower21, Yup, having your own garden you could either expand it and style according to your choice. Then, you could put a ponds then put a lot colorful fishes they are both pleasure to the eyes and very relaxing too. While garden in the park is good for those family who have no garden as they could enjoy it for free as long as they follow the rules. thanks.
@vandana7 (101612)
• India
25 Nov 09
Hi Neeliaanoscet, I too prefer a garden of my own. There is nothing that relaxes mind as much as a walk in your own garden. I am basically a person who can spend the entire day in my own garden. So that is what I desire intensely. :) I hope I will get one soon enough. :)
@vandana7 (101612)
• India
25 Nov 09
Oh Misterwit! :( How come that thorn found only u? Friends of a feather, flock together. Seriously, thanks for wishing that my dream will be fulfilled. :)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hi vandana, Yup, having a garden of your own is a wonderful sight to behold. Cultivating your own garden with your own skillful hands or with the help of garden tools make it more easy and enjoyable to plant variety of flower seeding at your own discretionary tastes. I am looking forward for your bountiful garden to flourish. thanks for your responses.
@allknowing (142887)
• India
30 Nov 09
I gave up my glamour life in a Metro and settled in a rural town just so that I could have space to design my own garden. I am a landscaped garden designer and have designed several landscaped gardens which was my business. Most of my time now is devoted to my garden which is designed primarily to attract birds with a birdbath, fruit trees besides flowering seasonal and perennial bushes.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi allknowing, Well, that is really the difference between living in the city and in the country. The pollution in the city is so high that i think even those flowers in pot or like a tomato plant refuse to bear flowers as they are also suffocate from the air pollution. Then, i watch a Tv series documentary the city owner have many plants in pots that they never even bear flowers for a long time that he decided to bought those plants in pots in his newly bought farm in the province. After a week those plants started to bear flowers and fruits which only explain the air in the province is fresh compare to the city as even plants could feel that an areas is either have free or dirty air. Good for you that you are a landscaped designer as you know at first hand the techniques and other styles of gardening which highly suits your interest. thanks.
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
garden of my own is my likes and i appreciate garden in the park too. but, i am lazy planting and maybe have to hire gardener to make my own garden. i like to have flower and vegetables garden. they are awesome to look at..lol.
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
yup, they are good combination a garden both for flowers and vegetables. the other is for beautification purposes and the other as sources of fresh veggies for the whole family to enjoy. it could be a lot of savings though you never plant it at least you could pick the flowers of your choice and have fresh vegetables which a lot of saving having not to go to the mall just to buy veggies as you already have one in your own garden.
@derek_a (10873)
26 Nov 09
I much prefer my own garden because I get a lot of satisfaction from planting things and watching them grow. I like parks to walk in, but I am often thinking about how the things in the park would look in my garden at home. - Derek
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi derek, Yeah, and looking at your garden one could be inspire to appreciate nature at its simplicity. Also with the beauty of the scenario, one could feel calm and inner peace by just looking as it is therapeutic. thanks.
@youless (112921)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Nov 09
I always dream to have my own garden. I like to have a house with a garden. So I can plan many vegetables, herbs and fruit trees in my garden. Because I like cooking. And then I can get the fresh material from my garden. I love China
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi youless, Yup, havig your own garden is a cost savings as you cold pick your vegetables at your own backyard without having to go to the market which helps a lot in lessening the household expenditures. thanks.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I wish I have a garden too but we have limited area here. My mother only planted the plants in the pots. I want to have a garden of my own so I can plant the plants I like and I can decorate them also.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi agv, That is mostly done by those who live within the cities where their are limited spaces as having a small garden like in the pots is better than none at all. At least you still have a to look at whereas having a garden requires a lot of maintenance which a garden park have although you could not fully enjoy the scenario as their are many rules one need to follow. thanks.
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
Definitely a garden at my own house. I'm really inspired by the zen gardens that are so popular in japan. Not too flowery but very relaxing. I like the idea of having a koi pond and a lot of varities of rocks. I could say I'm more of the minimalist when it comes to decorating or aesthetics but I want the few decorations I have to be very meaningful conversation pieces. Parks are ok too but there are just too many restrictions. "don't pick flowers", "don't step on the grass" . hehe. It's like just they were on a museum. :)
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi bryan, Yup, and you have a lot of freedom to enjoy it and do anything you like to do without feeling being restricted which highly different in the parks as some are their are forbidden rules which everyone need to observe or else they are likely to get fine for disobedient in following the rules. thanks.
@kiuhkj (117)
• China
26 Nov 09
I certainly hope there is a garden of their own, but only if I have enough money to hire workers, and gardeners. If you have to take care of me personally, then I would rather have had.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi kiuhkj, Well that is nice to have a garden of your own just like you say if given the opportunity though even if you have no green thumb you could still hire a gardener to build a garden of your own. thanks.
@samrie29 (112)
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
I like having a garden of my own that way I can plant whaterver it is that I would like to plant on it. That would be very theraputic! Another reason is that there's no need to leave the house just to go to the park and it's safe for my kids or dogs to run around or hang out for picnic since it's right at your own home. Ofcourse I would definitely prefer a really big garden though.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi samrie, Yup that the proper way you put it very therapeutic which is very true as it takes boredom being busy cultivating your own garden needs a lot of motivation as you could see your plants and vegetables grow is a good feelings. Then, you could pick it or harvest your vegetables to be serve during family meal is very healthy way to live as it would help a lot in increasing your immune system. thanks.