Is it ok for parents that schools should generate income for the charity?

donation, charity, voluntarily donation - Charitable activities includes collecting money or funds use to help the unfortunate.
November 25, 2009 5:57am CST
During my stay in schools a lot of projects and activities are implemented and that is includes the program of the school to let their students contribute a specific amount in the charity. Some parents are willingly allowing children to join the cause and contributes as initiated by the schools. While other parents disagree on this scheme. they think contribution to charity should be voluntarily and not to be imposed regularly. But, the schools insist that students participate as it is the process they become socially participative and they become men and women for others. How about in your places, Are schools encourage students to participate in charitable activities?
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22 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
26 Nov 09
Well, parents are right, charity should be voluntarily, and not be forced.. IN this case, the school is just trying to protray a good image to the public, at the expense of parents.. FOr it's the parents who are contributing the money to make the school look good, while the school is taking all the honour of being charitable?? I had experience it all before, and all those about charities are nothing but lies.. haha =D
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
30 Nov 09
YEah, that should not be the way, when it's supposed to be voluntarily.. haha
• Philippines
28 Nov 09
Some but not entirely as the amount collected especially if it is in terms of money undergo auditing process and the list of the project where the appropriately listed catering to their sponsor charities. Thus, just like you mention it should not be force but not always the rules as I myself study in private schools with a lot of activities to generate fund raising through raffle tickets then I also observe all students are given raffles let say 100 then only 50 were sold , the students are still obligated to pay the remaining unsold tickets which I also find unfair as students were rather force. The collection they say would be donated to victims of natural or man made calamities that would be still acceptable.The things which i disagree is some schools make a fund raising drive for the purpose of helping the athletes or other activities which should not be enforce as the students is already paying their tuition fees and other miscellaneous fees should already fall on such category. Thus, donation should be voluntarily and not imposed habitually.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
in my schools they are not compulsory and when their is fund raising all parents need to attend a meeting before it is approve. so far i've got no problem with it and giving is good it helps a lot.
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• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi flower21, That should be the policy but most of the times it is not follow and students need to participate as participating in fund raising motivates students to learn the beauty of compassion and social responsibility. thanks.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I know that the schools here sell things as fund raisers some I have bought and not got and other things I did get . BUt kids arent forced to do it .
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Nov 09
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
hi lakota, that a good thing giving donation is not compulsory as giving with compassion should be voluntarily within the family capacity.
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@levite (1062)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
School administrators and teachers should not force students to give donations to charity. It should be without constraint. We should ask the teachers if the proceeds really go to charitable organizations and to the poor people because I have heard that some schools and even churches are being used as tools of activism by some teachers and activist priests. The money collected (donations) don't really go to charity but to socialist causes. This is true. We should be really wise today.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi levite, yup, and their should be a line to separate the purely monetary donation to the other items given freely and need to be listed to know where those money and item goes to avoid donation anomaly. The things you mention happen most of the times to private schools as i myself experience it as students need to sell raffle tickets indicating the amount then every students have the quota to sell each and those left they pay it with their own pocket as when examination day comes their test permit could not be sign unless they pay those remaining tickets which assign for every students to sell. I think those policy need to be change for not all students and parents could afford to pay those compulsory donation in the disguise of selling raffle stubs for charitable activities as the main purposes.
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
My niece, when she had been studying in elementary grade, experienced to sell tickets to be used for their annual Mr. and Ms. ____ (name of school). The candidate with the most number of sold tickets wins the contest. You see there is no longer actual contest wherein the child can showcase his or her talents and abilities but instead they just needed to sell the tickets to win the crown . Unfortunately, the said school is already closed already.
• Italy
25 Nov 09
I don't agree. 1) Should you want to contribute to a charity you should be free to choose whatever charity you wish, not be imposed. 2) Contributing to a charity should be voluntary. 3) School expenses, canteen, books (especially), clothes and stationery make up quite a big expense for most families. Most struggle to buy all that but of course it's their children so they'll do the best they can. But when it comes to add up additional expenses for a charity, for parents who already struggle to just buy the books...
• Italy
25 Nov 09
Just to add a thing: ***But, the schools insist that students participate as it is the process they become socially participative and they become men and women for others. *** Then since it's for making the students socially participative, they should give out their pocket money, not ask money from the parents!! Now the teachers will tell that no kids will ever give up their pocket money, alright, then they aren't enough socially participative!
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hi paleorainy, Yeah, you are right as charity need to be non compulsory and let the children donate voluntarily at whatever amounts without the specific amounts as imposed by the schools. Parents need to be supportive of those school charitable activities as it is one way to make the their children aware of the values of compassion to help those unfortunate people. thanks for your responses.
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• Philippines
14 Dec 09
it is alright as long as students are not force and the parents is inform first. some schools participate in charity and know to help others and be good part of the society.
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
Yeah, I know in some schools it is not compulsory and before students can participate need the permit from parents before they are allow to join. So far I find now wrong in allowing a students to participate in fund drive or any social work intended for charity. Because it teach students to become compassionate and participate more in social services to help those unfortunate. It is rather voluntarily participation which is a good things to motivate students that they would realize how lucky they are for having good life that they should be aware of the less unfortunate and share anything they have to alleviate the suffering of those who have less luck, unhappy and not yet well endowed with richness. Though, it is good for a students,the younger they are expose to the not so beautiful side of the society it helps them develop understanding of the flight of other people who suffer from extreme poverty or those who become victims of either natural or man made calamity. thanks.
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@bucketkid (237)
• Australia
25 Nov 09
at our school, we do a lot of fundraising, for the school and for charity. it isnt compulsory but students are encouraged to participate. we hold events and such at school to get students involved. some students are very generous. we are a public school though so we dont make students contribute as some dont have the money. the best fundraiser we have found is mufti-days. these are days when students dont have to wear uniform but in return they must bring a gold coin ($1 or $2) donation if they dont wear uniform. again, it is not compulsory but we usually raise over $1000.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
i bucketkid, That is also happen to my schools which is run by private schools mostly lots of activities are also done which includes selling raffle stubs, joining various contest competition and other fund raising activities which students voluntarily participate with parents approval. thanks.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Nov 09
hi neelianoscet no in the US its not making kids donate for charities its getting kids to sell stuff to help run the schools. they keep cutting back on funds for schools here and the schools have a hard time keeping the supplies they need so the kids are invited to sell candy and other stuff.i dislike that. Ithink this should be done by adults or high school children not little kids at all. Also I do not like the idea of forcing kids to get donations either . this is something that people should be free to do or not do. I am in the US by the way.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi hatley, That is also happen in my place aside from selling the identical stuffs, schools requires children to sell raffle tickets/stubs where the purpose of the charitable activities are indicated then the only things which is annoying those unsold tickets are require to be pay be the student. Then, if they refuse their school clearance. exam permit would not be sign by the teacher. Thus, it look like it is a compulsory and not voluntarily which is a different cases in other schools where they perform the complete opposite.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
25 Nov 09
They encourage the kids at our schools to participate in the charities, but if they do not then there is no penalty and nothing is said. They try to give the kids incentives for selling items such as a small prize to everyone who sells something and big prized to those who sell the most. But there is no pressure. Those charities create a lot of money though that helps to pay for field trips and other things for the kids. If they don't raise money through charities then the families have to pay fees for those trips or the child does not get to go.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi ladym, Well, that is a good things as in my places their are still schools who required student to make a donation sometimes in a monetary amounts or in the form of fun raising activities such as selling of raffle tickets indicating the purposes and like in this season doing visit in different houses to make a caroling which other ways to reach out for a donation. Those things you mention is fine as long as the donation goes to the right recipients as long as the purposes is valid.
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• United States
26 Nov 09
Of course! Charity can help people get good with relation ship because it includes a lot of discussion. Charity can also help them develop what they might want to do because they interact with many people. This makes them give ideas in what they might want to become later in their life. Charity should be recomended by not manditory.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi range, I do think the same things with you as letting the children to develop the values of compassion they would be able to know the importance of helping and the satisfaction which one could get after being able to help those unfortunate people. Anyone who gives donation or become a charitable worker experience happiness which is an unexplainable feelings. Those students learn the beauty of social responsibility.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
25 Nov 09
In my school we adopted a community for disabled youths and we contributted wehther it be finacial donation or raise funds through projects or we just volunteer our time .I believe it is essential for students to know that school is not about learning but also being concerned for other who are less fortunate .The thing is that the schools didnt and shoulnt impose it on the kids or parents ,it should be voluntary but it could be assimilated into their learning curriculum somehow
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi ronnyb, yeah and that is for students to learn social responsibility and learn compassion through the beauty of helping other people who are deeply in troubles and in dire need of immediate help. thanks
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• India
3 Dec 09
I believe that donations to charity and charitable activities should be purely voluntary and not imposed. If someone is not interested in charity or is not capable of donations i.e. does not have money enough to donate then regular programmes of donation can become a nuisance.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi mohin, Yeah, everything should be voluntarily whether in terms of monetary or other items as long as the purposes is for helping those unfortunate people such as in case of typhoon which could either be man made or natural calamity. Thus, donation should be freely and not compulsory. thanks.
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@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
My eldest daughter is an officer for their school newspaper. And part of it (I guess) is to generate some money for their charity projects. One time she ask me if she could stay and hour late from school to do projects. At first it seem to me that schools are for studying and not a charitable institution. But I let her go and agreed with her pleadings. I didn't notice it until I got their school newspaper and see her in front page giving relief good to a flood victim in nearby province. Of course I knew it when she ask me if she could go. I ask her how she felt, and my answer was, "Dad, I just have learned that we are fortunate than these people". That day on, I knew that she had learned one of the most important lesson in life, "COMPASSION".
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi fulltank, that very nice as your daughter is very active and learn at early ages the beauty of social responsibility being able to reach out to those unfortunate people who become victims of either manmade or natural calamity. Well, as a Dad you are definitely very proud of your daughter as she even been posted while giving relief goods which a further evidence for her good demeanor and compassionate behavior toward being kind to serve those who are not so lucky being victim of unlikely events.
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• Philippines
26 Nov 09
exactly... schools can teach charity and generosity in lot of ways not just dole out.. I hope teachers would realize that.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi alexy, Yup it should be voluntarily and not compulsory as not all parents agree on to give a fix amount without consulting first their own opinion. thanks
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
Hello neel, I am not against this scheme.Charity should be practiced,and school teaching their students to participate and get involved in such good humanitarian reason. But,it is not right to give any specific amount. That is why it called charity,charity is anything given from someone's will/willingness so,there is no specific amount,or not mandatory. My daughter's school is doing this charity for many years now,since my daughter entered this school(grade 11,now she's a graduating highschool student)but not in a kind of money. They raised money from scraps,empty bottles,canisters,used boxes,papers,anything can be sold to "junkshop",then,the money raised will be given to the charities. In this manner,they are helping the needy and also helping the nature from waste and trash. And the school is not only teaching their students about humanity but also nature preservation as well.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
hi jaiho, That right helping should be voluntarily and no to be enforced as compulsory. Be it in a private or public schools as the administrator need to let students to participate in charitable activities as one way to learn social responsibility and develop within them selves the beauty of compassion.thanks
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• United States
25 Nov 09
I think charity drive are a good thing, but they should be voluntary. forcing someone to participate in a charity is like forcing someone to follow a religion. How my children grow up and what they believe is my job, not the job of the "village". This "ant mentality" the liberals are puhing leads to socialism, and socialism leads to communism (we all saw how well that worked in the U.S.S.R.), and could eventually lead to facism (we saw how well that worked in Nazi Germany). We did drives for UNCF when I was in school, but it was voluntary. I participated, because I (at 9 years old) thought is was a good thing to help thosein need who had the desire to better themselves. I still do. So today, I personally pick the charities I give to, and the people I help. There, I said it. I'm a concervitave that cares for people and helps out. don't get used to it, because I just don't noise it about. I don't want or need the publicity that liberals crave for doing good. Besides, Jesus Christ Himself said that when you do good deeds, don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, so, in truth, I just commited a sin for telling you I do good for people. But, God is a good and caring god, and I think he'll forgive me..
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
25 Nov 09
yes, some schools do engage in such activities. and i must say it is not appreciated by many as in most cases it turns out to be a compulsion. school children are not mature enough to think in terms of charity and they only do it because their teacher asks so. no student wants to offend the teacher and therefore force their parents to shell out the charity amount. however some schools involve children in social work which is an appreciable work as it makes the students aware of their social responsibilities also.
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
hi sunny, yeah and they do most of the times in my places but they are not compulsory they do activities of fund raising though selling of raffle tickets, selling of souvenir items and caroling during Christmas time. In some schools they let students to contributes in small amounts as they have reason out it is for the benefits of the students and the rest to give to their choose of charitable foundation. students learn the value of compassion being able to share something and be of service to other people. thanks.
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@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
25 Nov 09
It is always been that way here (Phils.) i guess a few bucks would not matter, as long as its for charity. If you remember the last typhoon hits, all my three kids were asked to bring groceries for typhoon victims, Nobody would come to school without their Bag of groceries, But i was fair to them, i asked each one of my kids "Why should we help those people? we dont know them, I dont care about them! ( just for the sake of discussion, but i did not mean it) they all answered fairly well, my youngest said - when the next typhoon hits us, we would also get help, My two daughter replied that we are blessed so we need to help who were not so lucky, After all discussion, they all agreed that i cut their allowance so we can add more groceries.
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
hi mrfdg, well, you have been blessed with kind hearted children and you so be proud of them. I think you are now exclaiming in joy having to raise them to know the beauty of compassion helping those unfortunate people. They really understand the situation as they know to compare and that awareness motivate them to donate voluntarily as long as you have something to give. well, that only a small amount it should not bother anyone if not in monetary amounts but in term of relief goods which still better. thanks.
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• Philippines
25 Nov 09
Oh yes, recently, in my daughter's school they were requested to bring old clothes and things we don't need already (extras). They sold these things in the school fair and the proceeds were donated to the flood victims. Actually, they do this yearly, when there is no calamity they donate the sales to a chosen charity institution. It is a nice way of teaching the children the value of giving or sharing. The school do this not on a compulsory basis.
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
hi triplejazz, well, that is good as your children could learn social responsibility being able to reach out among the less fortunate. anything would do from the stuffs you mention which could be a treasures to other people while to those fortunate would likely end up as their trash. the values of compassion is a good values to maintain as children learn it and becomes aware that other people could not live without any help. thanks.
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• China
25 Nov 09
hi,neelianoscet! charitable activities are very meaningful,I believe,but I think the school shouldn't impose it on students.after all ,it has no right to do so,turning charitable activities into compulsory tasks.I don't think this behavior lives up to the spirit of charity.donating should come from heart and be based on free for some people's worrying about abuse of the money,it is should be taken into account.the school should open the usage of the money raised from students,instead of just raising fact,I believe there are many things the school can do to improve the personality of students,and many if it insist raising money for something,I cannot help doubting their real motive... have a nice day!