Love at first sight.....

November 26, 2009 12:40am CST
Dear friends, Is it possible to love someone at just first sight. What is your opinion about this? Did you ever faced it? "NEHA"
8 responses
@grobanite (323)
• United States
26 Nov 09
On the subject of love, I've always thought: lust at first sight, love in time. You can be physically attracted to someone immediately, but actual love comes in time.
• India
26 Nov 09
Exactly what i was expecting, But GROBANITE why people says the line "Love at first sight" "NEHA"
• United States
26 Nov 09
...cause love at first sight is more romantic sounding? lol "Love" can also be loosely defined, so any strong, positive emotion towards someone may be considered "love."
26 Nov 09
yea, i feel it is happens....with people...but you need to be very intelligent to understand it at the same time...... would surely say that i have had the experience but never knew it till the time...she wasn't there.....and move away...... Have seen a lot of first .. love threads today.... nice... :) \,,,/
• India
26 Nov 09
do you remember her?
@Godmother (476)
• Indonesia
26 Nov 09
I think the meaning of the word "love" is not like finding true love. it's just "love" in your eyes. It's something "lovely" to look at. And we have to admit that the feeling comes because of physical attraction only, maybe because he fits in your criteria of your ideal guy. But once you know him better...uugghh it might turn sour (LOL). In the beginning stage it's the "falling in love" period, where your heart can't stop beating, and you can't eat or sleep. But most psychologist said it will only last 6 months to mostly 18 months, and after that each one's true personality will turn up. It's after that time that we decide if we love him enough to keep him and marry him or not. So that's when the true love test comes.
• China
26 Nov 09
HI ,kanukrishna i believe love someone at first sight ,but the feeling get lost when you can not see this person ,you just said the feeling is great not love next time you talk about he or she again. so if you said you love some at your first sight ,what you like is his or her apperance .because other thing need to get along with each other then can know .for me ,i don't like this kind of love ,i want to get along with someone to find is he is fit me or not ,then decided to make friends
• India
26 Nov 09
its right, you know after seeing some one and thinks that he/she is the one but if you will not see her/him again you will forget all things. YOu may be fall in love with him/her only if you meet him/her again. at first sight I think that is only a type of attraction right? can we give it the name of love? "NEHA"
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hello kanukrishna hmm.. it is possible for a love at first site.. coz well when you find that person to be perfectly attractive then i think you would fall in love.. but not really a love that deep.. to have loved a person also need you to get to know that person and to experience being with him or else you would end up like any couple that just dates just because
• India
26 Nov 09
i think it is possible to love at first sight but the possibility of disagreement can be raise after some dates. "NEHA"
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
for me if you say that you're in love at someone at just first sight you're are fallen to that person because of his/her physical appearance or let's say "her beauty"..because you got attracted to that person's beauty from the very first time you saw her/his so that is the thing you got in-Love with his/her but you cannot say that you're in-love with that person already at just the first time because of his/her personality... and yeah i did experiences lots of times that i've fallen into someone at the very first time i saw that person hehe
• Canada
26 Nov 09
I don't know if its love at first sight, but when you see a potential lover that you instantly connect with or are attracted to in some crazy way, it is probably alot like love at first sight. But of course you cant love someone without knowing their personality. Its just a crazy strong attraction that tells you that you need this person in your life for whatever reason. Once you know them, then you can begin to love them.
• Australia
26 Nov 09
Yeah I am definitely a believe in love at first sight. I certainly have been in situations where, although it hasn't resulted in a relationship, I have seen someone, and they have seen me and I did feel something for them. Its definitely some sort of chemical reaction that occurs in our nervous system. Some chemical is released by both people and they react. Often with a smile or eye contact. Its so romantic. I guess you have to be in that situation to feel it.