Maguindanao Massacre death toll reached 57, Ampatuan still not a suspect?

November 26, 2009 1:04am CST
The world is now closely monitoring this act of evil at Maguindanao. This afternoon, Datu Unsay mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. was turned over to DOJ but still not considered as a suspect. Although it has yet been proven if he is really the mastermind, I am wondering why they don't even want to call him as a suspect. I'm also wondering if he will be treated the same if he is only an ordinary politician. What's your honest opinion? No hurting words, please. By the way, here is a link to the latest news about this so called the worst election related violence ever -
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17 responses
@anne0418 (268)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
Sad to say that I am from Mindanao,its a barbaric way of killing people,the one who did that maybe is insane or out of his mind.This greediness of power is happening long time time ago,until now still it exist.Have lots of actual photo of the people who was killed that day.Maguindanao is in martial today,private armies was already disarmed,but did you know that the sad thing about the massacre that happened in maguindanao is most of the accused killers are government troops who forgot that their jobs is to protect the people in this country and not their padrinos or lets say their GODFATHER.
@dens61 (130)
• Philippines
28 Nov 09
That was obsultely a heinous crime to commit. My honest opinion is that the perpetrators, who ever they are, and in this case it will be safe to presume that mayor Andal Ampatuan did not do it alone, because of the many people killed and mutilated, should be brought to justice and pay for their crimes. But the sorrowful truth is that there is no justice in the Philippines when those involve in the crime are the powerful ones as in the case of the Amputuans. This is the reason that I don't join in the election process because history will tell that there is no man who can bring peace and order no matter how his intentions are pure and honest. That's because the Bible says that "the world is ruled by Satan the Devil." And as such, this is the reason why the world is full of crimes and wars. The only hope we have for a safe and peaceful world is God's Kingdom which we pray "your kingdom come." All others will fail! History has proven this.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I'm not satisfied for the government actions to arrest Datu unsay ampatuan, because if the government really serious in that matter why they don't arrest those people have actual participation with the massacre. The department of justice should not be soft enough to file a case against the perpetrator. 7 count of murder is not enough I think the case should be file before the court is genocide because they those people without resistance...
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
This is only a reflection of what the current administration's leadership can do. This local politician acts and feels that he can do anything under his locality because it the culture of the administration that shows to him just that. It is all about money and power. Gloria and her family of congressmen and businessmen are far worse than than the Ampatuans because they terrorize the whole nation by plundering billions of pesos, add all the political scandals that the Arroyo administration piled up. It is greed in public display, Gloria and the Ampatuans are allies because of their common trait of greed.
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
one need not be a keen observer to notice that ampatuan in not really arrested for the crime he supposedly committed. he was invited (like a dignitary) for inquest. look at him: no handcuff, was exchanging whispers from people who escorted him - (traces suppressed and attempt smiles on his face), was not pushed to mobile cars (like ordinary criminal) , embraces the peace negotiator for mindanao and shake hands with him, was able to bade goodbyes and exchanged pleasantries before boarding the Fokker plane - speaking of Fokker plain: why Fokker plane instead of a C130? why is he being fetch? for all Saint's sake instead of arrested? and best of all he has the services of the fortuns (one of Estrda's lawyer remember? of course, who would forget them, they are brilliant!) as their lawyers.. prominent people in the government seems like showing off, just to show that they are doing their job... if they are sensitive enough, they should heed the people cry for justice, people are angry, people cry out for an efficient move from the government and justice. don't you think so?
@j3mz28 (9)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
seriously, this is not the first time the government will deliberately not judge someone to be a suspect. nor will it be the last. they are cautious in going against anyone who they consider more powerful than them, or who can do a lot for their position in the dirty world of politics. however, i truly hope the government also realizes that Filipinos are the not the fools they thought we are.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
26 Nov 09
i donot know the details about this violence but my heart sure does go out to those innocent victim and their kins .after what little i have read in the news,i donot know who the real suspect is,may the departed souls rest in peace.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Nov 09
Dont seem right some how if he is arrested dont they have to charge him?
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
justice - justice for the victims
Hi there fatherblogger!This is one of the most horrifying news I have had encountered in years. I really feel for the families of these people who were killed. They were slaughtered like animals. I hope that justice be served to these people. I hope that they will not just end up in the statistics.Ampatuan should already be invited for interrogation, whether he is guilty or not. Besides, he is already a suspect.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I guess they don't want to be found overly judgmental until he's proven guilty. I mean, everyone knows or thinks that's he's the culprit, but we can't say anything until he was proven. I honestly have seen the guy personally. You would feel to-the-bones that he's capable of crimes. The way he talks and the way he moves (as if he owns the world) will show you that. He's not alone at this, they're all like that. Perhaps it's because they've been in power so long (before other presidents and not just the current one). All of these elections have always been bloody in that area. It's only now that the world has given its attention to these. It's good that finally they'd see that nobody is above the law. Too bad it needed to take so many innocent lives for the people and government to take notice.
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
Here in my provinces they are the warlord and strong clannish clan. They are the probable suspect as it is very clear that they have the main motives. Though, they are still consider as a suspects as the investigator are still gathering evidences from the crimes. They are already 3 witnesses and is under the protection of the rival politician of the Ampatuan. Those witnesses have the key to be the standard witness and I do hope they would never retract their testimony. My stand on this cases for a long time Maguindanao have been under a lot of peaceful problems and this happening just add to the complexity of life which for many years have already experience by people but they are probably mute, deaf and blind as when you scrutinize those corrupt politician your life may be endanger. Foe a long time many people have silently resist this kind of atrocities. I am highly angered and with greatest sentiments I deeply call for justice be serve by those authorities and caught those assailants in a fair process without biases. It is now the time for Pres. Gloria Arroyo to make a statement that she is never influences by any kind of allies between her and the Ampatuan clan as it is really an embarrassing situation if she let those politician left handcuffed.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I sure the victims will get justice one way or the other. This incident is just too big even for those in power to make a fool of every body. But i don't think putting the perpetrators to jail will solve this problem. Clan wars have been raging in Mindanao for so long and I don't think the Magudadatu's will not seek blood as payment. It's just a matter of timing as I'm sure the relative of the victims are now planning to get their revenge. It's just a matter of time.
@rookie24 (80)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
well,i heard from the news that he was arrested,now he's a suspect.but why not yet vindicted?we have rules for that,right now, all we can do is wait.there is a saying when it comes to law or vindicating people...a man is innocent until proven is better to let a guilty person go than throw an innocent man into that he is arrested,the burden to prove his innocence is on him,let's pray for that.i know justice will still prevail and prayers for the souls of the victims.
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
hey! well first of all this is stupid.. why wont they consider him a suspect since he is the very first person anyone would suspect.. lol.. so yeah i guess he should be a suspect.. and for the DOJ people they are all stup*d fools.. coz they are just paid by the people of ampatuan so that they wont make him a suspect..
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I am still shocked and horrified over this massacre. To think there are innocent civilians caught in the crossfire and killed. The manner of killing and trying to destroy the evidence is really something I never thought would happen here in the Philippines. I have read about such procedures of mass graves, but these are incidents in countries that are at war, even in the holocaust. I believe in our justice system, but can see the preference given by our government and the police to Mayor Ampatuan. I can only hope and pray that come election time, there will be no more reported violence similar to this incident. It makes me actually feel a bit fearful with the coming elections, knowing that our politicians will do anything just to be in power and stay in power. The province where the massacre happened is one of the poorest in our country. I feel sad for the people there who continue to be poor, while those in power can just dispose of people like cattle because they want to.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
Yes I think there is an overwhelming evidence that points to him as the mastermind. But until today administration is still very cautious in dealing with the situation. I think they are also guilty from dealing with the family during the last elections. I just hope that there should be at least one from the Ampatuan's be grilled for this heinous crime committed. I think if this will not be stopped they will continue to wreak havoc in their territory. There must be a lesson to be given to these abusive government elected officials because they owe their votes from their constituents.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
I don't know why Ampatuan is not consider a suspect even if they know that he is capable to do that. There an evidence and I think it is also the fault of the government because they tolerating their private armies even they know that it is illegal.