Why do people love being poor?

November 26, 2009 10:33am CST
This really buffels me.. I was reading the economist magazine and statics show that in America 70% of Americans who work retire on a pension that is just an average of $200 a month, 20% are living just on a shoestring and the other 10% live below the poverty line. Only 2% of the American population is actually wealthy, about 4% of the population have some kind of financial stability. In other parts of the world especially the third world countries over 80% of people live below the poverty line. Now at first I used to feel sorry and say why is this but then it got me thinking. Take an example of me.. I was born in a very poor family, my father was worse than hitler to the point where I ran away and spent all my teenage years sleeping in cardboxes on the side of the streets. I've been raped, stabbed, shot, betrayed and never had any money. But then one day it dawned on me that there's got to be more to life than this so I didn't give up, I worked hard and I never needed to spread my legs for anyone in order for me to get some kind of incentive. After years of hell it finally paid off and now I can gladly say "I'm rich"! Now I look at America as the most powerful country in the world and also one of the richest country in the world. How is it that their citizens are struggling to live in propserity? Same as the third world countries.. there are so many resources available for one to have a comfortable life but still people are poor. So I realised that poverty is not a phyical thing... it's a mental problem. I mean look at here in my lot.. try going over the make money section and what will you find? just people going on about how neobux, trekpay and all those pathetic ptc sites have paid you $5 after you slaved away wasting time, energy clicking on advertisments that dont even appeal to you. Tell me what can you buy with $5? you cant even get a Macdonalds Happy Meal! (last time I checked the price was $6.95) You cant pay a bill or take a train or even buy a theater ticket with $5! and yet everyday somebody will come here and either ask how to be paid by ptc site or "I've been paid $5!" So poverty is not phyisical problem..it is a mental problem and people do not use the gift of imagination and positive thinking to better perfect their lives. You look at the rich people today (except royals and heiressess) every single one of them was poor at one point but they never settled for that. People are poor today because they have settled on that and are happy with that. So my question is why settle for being poor? There is so much gold opportunities out there but you have to WORK SMART to get it and not WORK HARD. People who work hard will never be rich but work smart and open your mind up! Anyway am just in a ranting mood and it annoys me when I see people are lazy and just want to click on ptc sites instead of them letting go of fear and actually doing something worth it.. So again why do people love being poor and struggling on a day to day basis? If you read the economist, you'll understand what all this is about... ok lets see who'll be the first person that will not understand what am talking about and take things out of context?
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9 responses
• United States
26 Nov 09
Jellymonty, If that really is your picture it wouldn't surprise me if you became a successful model. Your homepage shows that you live in London and are 29. Or do you own you page link: http://incomenews.weebly.com/ ? Regardless, I am happy for you that you are "rich." By your story your were able to compete and rise to the top. Understand this, our system is designed to keep most people poor. The poor do not choose a system that keeps them poor. The wealthy, powerful bullies, choose this system. The dreamer Marx envisioned Utopian ideals with communism as his "solution." Well the former USSR shows how that worked... But we still have China who claims to communist. China, like the former USSR, is a giant slave state where the elite bullies brutally punish any dissent. While it is true that they have an emerging middle class, they still rely on censorship and they need the "managers" and intelligentsia to grow their Empire. As Orwell pointed out in his novel 1984, published in 1948, the World was dominated by three Empires: Oceania - USA and The United Kingdom, Eurasia - thing Eurodollar Union, and East Asia - China's Empire. These three Empires engage in perpetual war in the disputed territories of the rest of the world, like the Middle East, Vietnam, Africa, Central and South America. The poor are preoccupied with fighting alligators when they need to join in the effort of draining the swamp. THE ANSWERS will come from transforming the world. Since you seem to be young, strong, and financially independent maybe you can be part of transforming the world? For starters, we need to outlaw bullying in all its forms, and jail violent bullies, not venerate them.
• Indonesia
26 Nov 09
i am pleased when i realized you now become a successful person. comes from the bottom to the top. but life has two distinct side, like a coin you select heads or tails, to be poor or rich. but that make life color full someday i will become the next rich person. i'm sure of it
• United States
26 Nov 09
I do not think anyone actually likes being poor. I know people would rather be comfortible then rich mainly because your whole life style changes when your rich and friends start to take advantage of you also since they will ask you for stuff because they know your rich. Even though I would love to be rich someday especially in an ecconomy like this.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
26 Nov 09
I am so pleased I read the responses here before posting mine. I too do not want to be rich ever! I am perfectly happy to have enough to get by with and not be a burden on anyone but I do not want it piling up in a bank somewhere and serving no purpose at all.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Oh, jellymonty, this is such a good post, I just had to comment on it! I have also wondered many times, why people are poor, and never get ahead even when helped along! Your statistics up above have really been buffered, it is really much worse than that! SteveSlaton on here has the answer that is the closest to the way it really is, and what the problem is! I am glad for you, but you are one of only a few people that realize, they are the ones that have to pull themselves up, because no one is going to do it for them! I am poor, but I finally got enough 'education' to realize what I had been doing wrong all these years! Now I help others, especially young ones, to understand how to keep from being on the lower income side of life!
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Hi, first I want to say, you are smart... so keep it like that. well, most people work hard and never know how to deal with their money. sometimes it ends up with over spending and who should you blame? well, I think it is depend on people. you got the right point, if you work hard and not being smart then you will end up poor. For me, I can say I am in the middle class family and I am still looking for the wealthy someday... lolz.. wish me luck
27 Nov 09
well, I was born poor and the rest of my family is poor, starting from my great great ancestor they were already poor..they do there best but no luck all they can do is to survive, but there happy, were happy Iam happy...one of the reason they were poor is they dont have enough education its beacuse there parents is poor to send them to school plus 80 years ago education is not a main thing...so what ever they do even if they work 24/7 still what they were making is just enough for living...being smart sometimes doesnt work if there is no opportunity...if you are ment to be poor and God wants you that way, just accept it and be happy, rather than be sad and grumpy through all your life,because if being poor is what Gods plan for you....just live happly and genuinly without hurting anybody...
@Loki44 (6)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Could it be because you have a happy life with a partner? Or have a good life with family and are happy to be a little different than others?
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
27 Nov 09
I don't know where you get your statistics from, you are not citing any referenc links for us to read ourselves. In any case they are totally skewed. I don't know if you have ever been to the US or not but if you have you will know that no one can live on a pension of $ 200 per month. It would not even cover your food costs. So obviously if your pension is that small you have considerable retirement savings to provide an income for you. Apart from the recent crisis in the USA most Americans own a car, a house, big screen TV and any gadget you can think of. There are no council houses there and vey few geared to income or public houses. I go to the USA maybe once a yar or every two years and am constanly appalled by the wastefulness and rampant consumerism. A lot of communities don't even have a recycling program. As for your statement that you are rich. Good for you. It has however, been my observation that "rich" people usually don't hang out on Mylot for too long.
@Bevsue (251)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Your statistics are REALLY off, so you have the wrong idea of how things are in America. If the article said the average American has only a $200 per month pension, they were probably referrring to private pensions paid from the companies people worked for. In addition to this most people also get their social security-the average for that is $1000 per month at this time, but can go up to $more than $2000 based on the workers lifetime income. NOW, having said all that, it is true that most people are having to struggle and probably have not made really good financial choices in life--but there is a huge difference between $200 a month and $1200 or more amonth.
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
Hello there jelly, Frankly, we didn't choose to be poor but some how i can sense that it's my fault. but thank god i got to know these online money making sites such as mylot and others. otherwise, i wouldn't really know what to do once my computer got screwed. i used to have the edge in working smart but recently i slowly became a working hard like individual. until i got tired and lazy, probably i would try to turn it around next year, i know am not getting any younger. but still am lucky that there's still some money coming in, unlike others that are "now" begging on the streets.. one more thing. i like it this way so that i wouldn't be bothered by crooks