Which do you think makes the smarter and wiser choice, the Heart or the Brain?

@Fulltank (2882)
November 26, 2009 9:42pm CST
Just think of it, my mind is much smarter than my heart but my heart is wiser than my brain. The heart cannot think but we get all the instinct, conscience and intuition down to the innermost portion of our heart. To you what you you think make the smarter and wiser choice, your brain or your heart?
2 responses
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
28 Nov 09
There is the thinking half and the feeling half. One should always lead with the thinking half. The thinking half can take into account the feeling part of the equation. If you allow yourself to be lead by the feeling half, you can find yourself lost in a sea of emotion. It's never fun to be lost.
• China
27 Nov 09
I think our heart is sensible.our brain is rational.As long as we separate out sensible and rational .we must make right choice.I am a very sensible girl,when I have problem.I feel uneasy.now I am trying to change myself.. Happy mylot...