Cuz I Said So!!!!
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
November 27, 2009 10:11pm CST
Some people's view of God leads me to question. Some picture God almost as a tyrant. They see God as a mighty ruler who DEMANDS our respect. His way is right and we dare not question a single thing. THey see God ruling through fear and intimidation. Hey! God has hell waiting for those who do not follow. All you evil sinners better get in line if you want paradise!!
Does this really sound like a Being capable of creating universes???? Is this the smart way to be?? We are but ants in comparison to the knowledge and capabilities of God. Does God really have problems controlling His ants?? He can balance the Earth perfectly, make a sun that burns for billions of years, yet He's having problems whipping those ants into shape.
It's so clear man is the one who does not understand. It reminds me of some parents that when their kids ask why, they reply: CUZ I SAID SO!! Parents who do this do not realize what they are teaching their kids. Things like: They aren't worthy of an answer, or might makes right, or even one should not strive for understanding.
CUZ I SAID SO! Does this really sound like God to you?? God really loves us to question. It is the start to discovery. The only ones who do not want you to question are those who want to shield you from the real truth. So what do you think????
13 responses
@dhil_dhil (14)
• India
28 Nov 09
Its all about beliefs each and everyone has towards GOD. All of us has a different perspective of God and everyone tries to connect themselves to God thru some means. This very meaning of connecting to God raises questions in our mind. I believe, there is no only one way to do that. People in one part of world follow some ways and in the other part it will completly the opposite. Gods duty is not to create a person and follow his life like what he should do and what he shouldn't do; if he does some wrong; need to punish him. Do you think God as a nursery teachery running behind you to control you in what way you act? Certainly not. I believe God is a supreme power that lies above all of us like a father sending his son to the ground and sit and watch what he is doing. It is we who go and play in the ground. In the same manner, we live our life in the very precence of ALmighty. Let me tell you one thing, We cant question certain beliefs. A belief is a belief. There is no reasons available to justify it. Rather do it or accept it Otherwise leave all those things and move on......

@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
I agree with Bird123 that we must question beliefs. There is a complete truth and we should seek it with whatever ability we have. We need to educate ourselves and seek rationality. I believe there is one supreme God who is the truth. It's just up to us to try and find it with an open and rational mind without any bias whatsoever. That is the only way that will unite us. If we stick to our belief's which have been passed to us without questioning them or without seeking to find the one true God for yourself, then there is no chance for us to come together as one people.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
I disagree with you. Since all beliefs are not true, IT IS OUR DUTY TO QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!After all, we should be in search for facts and truth. We are all already connected with God. Life is the education of God's children. We are all just trying to understand it all. Wisdom is gained through the struggle to attain knowledge.This is why all the answers aren't just given. I also find that God isn't in the business of punishment. It's education through consequences. When what we do returns to us, we discover what our choices really mean.Once again, education. Thanks for all your comments!!

@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
Let me put this in another perspective. We know that we exist on this earth, and we are capable of doing what we desire but within the limits of natural law. We have this capability to choose. For example, if i'm hungry, i can choose between so many variety of foods. Say i feel like eating a banana. This is my choice that i will go get a banana, i'm not being forced to eat it. My hunger tells me that i need some food, and its up to me to choose if I want to eat and what I want to eat. So, if we look at the point of view of God, knowing that he is All wise, we can come to the conclusion that he created us in a way that we are able to make choices and whatever choice we make, we will suffer or benefit from the consequences. So, it's us who choose our path. Now, if God gives us some kind of instruction or advice that follow this way IF you want to find me, then it's up to us to choose to follow that route or not. If God created us with choice, then he simply cannot force us to follow a certain way. It would be unjust of God to act like this. Also, there would be no need for reward or punishment if God would force us to follow a certain way. So, it's wrong to say that God is having problems setting us straight. To me human beings are the most amazing creation that one could think of when it comes to our intelligence and ability to think beyond our universe. I mean no man can ever create such a machine that could be able to make their own choices and to even question its own existence. So if you look at it in this perspective you see a completely different picture of God. Not a mighty ruler who is a tyrant who demands our respect, but a mighty and a wise ruler who creates with wisdom and provides ways and paths to achieve success. Success only is achieved when you submit yourself to any law, not by defiance. For example, if you consider a radio. You must submit to the law of sound waves being captured by tuning in by a certain device. You cannot accomplish this by defiance. If i say, no I do not believe in such a thing, it simply cannot work. But there others who say, no it does work i've experienced it myself. So the person who doesn't want to submit or even try to experiment with this will never be able to enjoy the good music and information he or she can hear on the radio. My point is that this is the same thing when we talk about communicating with God. If we choose to "tune in" to the spiritual world in order to find God, you would have to submit yourself to divine laws. It is us who would have to struggle and make an effort. It's not that God will come to you and force you into believing in him and finding wut He's all about. He only advises us and does not force.. It is us who create our own paradise and our own Hell. I hope this would give some food for thought.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
Doesn't God want us to see all sides?? Defiance does allow the view from another side of things.Isn't there wisdom from the consequences of bad choices as well as good?? God counts on everyone to make mistakes to learn what everything means. Can't learn this through always being right. God does not punish or reward for our behavior. Consequences just explain what it all means. God loves all His children unconditionally. No one will be left behind. Thanks for all your comments.
@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
I agree with you that we are created in such a way that we do mistakes.. We must defy and make mistakes to find out what the consequence is. For example a burning oven, a child would never know that it is hot until it actually feels it for itself. So I agree that we do need to mistakes in order to learn. It's trial and error. But, we also need guidance. For every child, their parents are their guide. This is needed in order to have a direction in life. But, again there's a choice for you to follow it or not. About punishment and reward, it's how you understand it. consequences are either bad, good or neutral. Either positive or negative, rewarding or punishing. This is proved in our daily lives.. When we fail an exam, we feel horrible. Its the consequence of our being lazy and not trying hard enough. That's wut I understand about punishment and reward. We create it ourselves, and it will be something similar when we'll die. I also agree that God loves everyone unconditionally, No one is left behind indeed. We're God's children, his art!! It is us who neglect him and distance ourselves from him. God is only love! Anyways, it's an interesting topic!!Peace
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Nov 09
Guidance has many sources. Everyone we contact in life aids in our education. We do choose our direction limited to the parameters God sets for our life. After all, there is a lesson God will teach. Parameters must be set for this lesson. That is the reason for this physical world. At any given point in time, we are at a specific place. You define consequences as good, bad and neutral but it's not that simple. The consequence might seem bad but the learning that follows is good. I focus on results and say consequences are all good regardless of what it takes to teach us. You speak of neglecting God and distance ourselves away from Him.Do you really think God feels neglected???? Seems strange to me. God is above that.As far as being distant,how far can one really go? If you are thinking hell waits for those who neglect or try to distance themselves from God, you are wrong. God is Unconditional Love. There is lots more planned than you know. Simple answers are never the real answer with God. Some people feel the consequences of their choices feel like hell but there is no actual fiery pit for any of God's children.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
I agree, God loves those who ask questions and He has had a whole book written to help us reason out the answers.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
29 Nov 09
I have asked many questions and I have found a satisfactory answer in the Bible. That is my experience.
• India
29 Nov 09
1Hopefulman, Do you think you need a book to either think of questions to be answered of to find the answers to the questions that might arise independently?
Take plain life. Take for instance, we read a very interesting and verifiable subject like Physics. Does any book provide all the answers? Let's go one step further, do you think the sum total of all the books in Physics provide all the answers there are, to all the questions that arise? Oftentimes the answers will have to worked out on the basis of what we have learnt, by ourselves through extension of what was learnt, our own thought and answer building process and at times much to our chagrin contradict the very thought on the basis of which we began the enquiry in the first place. Whereas Religions without exception insist that you hold what is told there as sacrosanct, unchangeable and error-free, thus precluding the possibility of [B]your own way[/B]. The iseal religion is one that allows you the freedom to create your own way, to God. Do you think God will be unhappy and push you into Hell, if you find your own way?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
This whole book you speak of.You do know that everyone will insert the name of their holy book in this spot. All holy books do carry some goodness but they carry man as well. Man doesn't want you to question. Will you anyway??? God is more than you can find in any book. God's system works whether you have a holy book or not. Things are thought out beyond what man knows. Thanks for your comments!!

@TerribleMan (579)
• India
27 Dec 09
God is not a tyrant. he is just and fair, But he is also terrible to all those who dare to rebel adn such people, he will surely throw. He will severely thrash. God is final authority and we should respect. Those who fail to respect will have to pay the price in most terible manner.We canot question becaus e has written i the book. May his name be exalted! Surey he is glorious. Yes, we are ants in frnt of him, at is why we should bow down, lest he becomes angry and trample us. Definitely God wil be cruel in the hearts of the wicked and cruel an d he wil caus terror in the hearts of such people. Children need guidance of parents, just as we ned from God. if we obey, that is good for us. Those who disobey will pay th e price. this is the consequence. God is fierce in his retribution. 'Vengeance is mine' says the Lord. God will strike and attack and he will take revenge on the blasphemers and liars.

@TerribleMan (579)
• India
29 Dec 09
Did u say that u are worried about me? you should be glad, since I follow the truth and I know God personally. God s merciful to the good, but to those who dare to be wicked, such people will be thrown to the place of eternal torment. And agony. And in tat horrible place, there will be going all the sinful wicke cruel blasphemers hypocrite and liar. They wil be given the worst of punishment that is beyond descriptoion and these souls desperate wil cry out in agony an their scremas and wails will be like music to the ears of the angels of the Lord. 'Vengeance is mine' said the Lord. God is waiting for revenge. On the right time, God wil strike terribly, in fierce manner, ferocious. God will severely thrash. On tht day, people wil tremble with fear before the Lord. blesses are those who already fear the Lord. Such people wil be amply rewarded.
God is unconditioal love? Definitely God's love is conditional and he is not beyond anger. God is terrible in his retribution and is ferocious. he will punish severely this horible, sinful world where there is nothing but crime and sin. God will strike. The day is nearing for God to have his righteous revenge. Blood will flow in torrents. Entire cities will be burnt. God will make merry in paraidse while the souls of the desperate rbellious ones will undergo severe, painful chastisement in hell. And God will give brief visits to hell to supervise whether these souls are punished terribly or not.
Strike the child with the Lord, lest it goes astray. Fear is very important. Otherwise, who wil listn to the rules? We should tremble in fear. Fear will be amply rewarded.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Dec 09
This is not God you describe. THIS IS A MONSTER!!! How could you enjoy your heaven knowing God was full of hate and revenge. I worry for you because your heart is corrupted by religion and what the evil religious men can do in controlling others. They have taught you to HATE. I worry for you for you will never be happy, hating others.You know your holy book very well but you do not know God. If you did, you could not speak in such terms of hate.Why would God hate and destroy His children. A Being capable of creating universes surely can handle a few wayward children without revenge and hate.God is much wiser than you picture Him. God is Unconditional Love.Put some in your heart. See how the world will change before your eyes!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Dec 09
I am really worried about you! Are you angry with the world and people? Do you want to punish others???? Do you feel you have been punished wrongly??? It is so clear that you do not understand God. A God capable of such knowledge it takes to create the universe surely doesn't need to be a threatening tyrant. God is beyond anger. God never hates and is never angry. He will teach you to be the same in time. God is never cruel. God is Unconditional Love. If one rules by threats, there will always be someone hating you and against you. If one rules by unconditional love. The world will do anything for you just because the unconditional love feels so good. THINK ABOUT IT! Isn't there a better way to raise kids than through terror???? God will never use fear and intimidation, hate, torture or threats with His children. Who you describe is Man.

@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
29 Nov 09
That is why it is important for us to study religion at its roots without any bias. With an open heart and mind and then make a judgment ourselves. Then compare it to how it is being portrayed in the current world. We've all been given the ability to think and use our intelligence. We should use this to the best of our capability. Eventually we'll reach the truth. Religion has always been divine and true at the beginning. It is people who create contradictions amongst themselves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Nov 09
Everybody does want to rule the world. This becomes alot easier if you can get people to not question. So many times the tool religion uses is fear. God is not One to be feared. In time, man will become smarter and smarter until one day they outgrow alot of this stuff.It does seem like there is a long way to go for some. Thanks for your comments!!
@ameng328 (66)
• China
28 Nov 09
I don't believe in God but the discussion is quite interesting since you relate some people to God.I hate people saying something with a strong tone demanding me to do things without telling reasons. But anyway luckily my parents are not in the list of those people.

@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
I agree that religion has become very demanding in certain situations. But, I think religion at the its origin was pure and perfect. If we study religion at its origin, we will get a much better understanding in how similar religions really are and how pure the messages are. It's later when people distort the teachings or change them for some personal benefits, we become divided and distant from one another. I believe prophets came as representatives of God to remind us of how to be pure moral human beings, to love and respect one another. If you read history, you see this trend with every religion. How they were united and one at the beginning. Then they became divided and separate, and with time started to introduce bizarre ideologies, which take us back in time to barbarianism, rather than moving us forward into better human beings!.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
Yes, people and religion can be quite demanding. As for parents, I always say that a parent should out think their kids.This doesn't always happens. God is very very smart. People do not realize how far ahead in the thinking He is on this stuff. When things get complex and people do not understand, they patch things with beliefs. I don't have to tell you about beliefs. Everyone better question if they ever value the real truth. Thanks for your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Nov 09
LoveForAll, I guess religions have to be strong at the start or else they would never get started in the first place. I do question so called prophets. Aren't we all representatives of God??? We all may have a different view but so many views allow us to see more than any one person can. We teach each other. I also question anyone who claims they will tell you exactly how you should live. They can never have a wide enough view to do this. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. God believes in freedom. There really are no rules. Those who commit evil acts simply do not understand what they do. Consequences in time will teach us all.

@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Your version of God sounds much more like the one they teach at my church, the United Church of Christ. UCC congregations exist all over the country. You should check them out. It seems like it would suit you. Yes, we (or at least, I) do recruit.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Thanks for the invite. I might visit but tend to stick to getting my info from God. Seems I tend to shake up a few when I go to church. I just can't resist putting the truth out there. As we all know, lots of people don't really want the truth. Thanks for your comments.
@josga2008 (320)
• Canada
28 Nov 09
I find that that the way people view God is a reflection of how they view themselves. They project their own attitudes and characteristic onto this mythical being.
People who view God as a tyrant and one who punishes sins, tend to be people who are unforgiving themselves and want to punish others.
There is no being from above looking down on us (or from below for that matter, since Satan can only exist because God does). These "beings" are projects we make to justify our attitudes. Change your attitude and God will change.
There is a higher force that influences us, yes, but it is a force that comes from and/or is channeled through us. It dwells within us. "God" is not a being separate from us.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
VERY VERY GOOD COMMENT!! People's view of God is a reflection of themselves. I do have to disagree with one part.God is a separate Being from myself.God is actually Someone. God doesn't think like me. What I mean is that my view is way to narrow. God and I work on it everyday. I do see enough to realize that I have lots and lots to learn. I am an ant. Knowledge will cure all problems. I do have a long way to go. Thanks for all your comments!!
@TerribleMan (579)
• India
31 Jan 10
Wel, wel, I could not respond earlier. Now I come backs and sees ur blindness. Listen, You! God is nota monster. he is very loving and he is prepraed for us a paradise, the likes of wich no man can describe. There is abundant luxury in heaven ther are rivers beneath which there are gardens and abundant trees of glorious fruit and the shades of large trees so that all can enjoy. U feel is a monster who has created a paradise. God is a loving God, so he create u. U fail understad such simple thing.God is not full of hate and revenge, he is loving nad compasionate but he is surely vengeful toward the unrepentant and rebelioys. Such people he will cast into hella nd severely punish He wil chastise in most horiible manner. That is his right and authority We cannot question that. We have no right to question, we have only to obey the law and comandment of the Lord. Those who disobey wil have to face the terrible consequences. This i nothign but the wisdom of God which u canot even understand. And God himself told this to me . He reveale himself to me and tell me the facts and he told m to folow obediently whatever has been written in Al Quran. My heart is not corrupted. The Lord is there in my hearta dn he is helping an dguiding me. i am spreading the word of God. Some wil listen. Most will turn ther backs haughity and purchase the ticket to hell. God will surely destroy the rebelliou souls. Do not ask why. Questioning is not needed, obedience is needed.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Feb 10
God is never vengeful. He is far beyond that. Man is the one controlling and vengeful. Intelligence will show you that there is a better way. Do I question God?? You bet!!! Who better to question than One who holds the sum of all knowledge. God is who I want to teach me. His lessons are free from the hate, greed,vengefulness and anger of man. You might choose to follow man through holy books. I will always choose to learn from God over any man written book.
@TJenkins602 (142)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I used to think that God was a tyrant. I was raised to be afraid of him. But the more time I spent with him, the more I realised that he is the least tyrannical being to know. I'm more tyrannical than him and I'm a passive wuss. Most of the times it's the religious leaders that try to paint a picture of an always angry God looking to torch us at the earliest opportunity.
He can control us but he chooses not to. I find God to be a being of enlightenment, of wisdom. God doesn't have the same limitations that we do. He is patient and loving. He can get angry though. He does explain. The Bible never records God as saying anything close to, "Do this because I said so or else!!!" God always said it like this. Do this because bla bla bla. He told you what and he told you why.
@vandana7 (101422)
• India
28 Nov 09
Funny concept about god actually, he says I said so, he says dont do it, and yet he doesnt put in enough obstacles to block us, which is all that he needed to do in the first place, instead of trying to control and punish generations after generations. Naah. God is only about love. I have this theory. Someday, we will all be filled with love for everybody, at least for a nano second. Then we will all be united to form some great energy that can travel across the universe and meet god in whatever form he is.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 09
With obstacles we would not learn just what bad choices mean.Freedom to choose with freedom to receive consequences. In the end we learn what it all means. Since everything we do comes back to us in time, we learn to love unconditionally given enough time to learn.It has never been about punishment. It's education. We are all spiritual beings in our true natures so your theory of traveling across the distances of the universe will be possible. We always seem to put things in a physical term of reference. Being free from the physical restrictions of time and space will have advantages. God is Unconditional love. In time we will be as well. Thanks for the great comments.
@syaryel (155)
• Malaysia
29 Nov 09
hai bird,
I'm ache-ing for this one, why do people always regard GOD as a he? hmm..does it means that HE, well, has a SHE to have another HE? that sounds so human like to me..
as far as the main discussion concern, despite all the questionable characteristic of the almighty GOD...if GOD helps us to keep the morality issues in check, guess
its OK to keep HIM/HER around..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Nov 09
Welcome, I am guilty of using He for God when I do know better. Gender is a parameter of this physical world. If we weren't in our physical bodies, gender would mean nothing. God has no gender. I am guilty of using He because that is what most people do. I just can't seem to say It. As far as morality issues go, you do have your freedom to choose.Of course, there are consequences for all choices. Keep God around if you wish. If not, it's not so easy to get rid of the Teacher. Thanks for all your comments!!
@deviltamer (64)
• India
28 Nov 09
Well, I not Atheist , I Do believe in God. But for me God is just a friend that is by me always. I see him as a source of light. He created all of it and gave us the chance to rediscover how he created it starting from big bang or just a micro - organism in the sea. This discussion cannot handle my thought about him or her( I just see him or her as a source of light, pure white light .)
He helps me cope up with this world, he has the power to do everything yet he doesn't, because he wants us to do it instead. My atheist part tells me that this ideology makes me a good human being