What the funniest thing that happened to you?

@tatutino (107)
November 28, 2009 9:40am CST
This weekend i was very unlucky, I woke up late, then i didn't had breakfast, so i went to school, but i forgot to take money with me, then when i arrived, the teacher was sick so I went to a shopping to eat something, but i had no money T_T. When i was going home, i waited 50 minutes in the bus stop, and started to rain. When I finnaly was in the bus, the driver was very slow, so i arrived home 1 hour before that i usually do.
1 response
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
28 Nov 09
Well, I wouldn't call to your day "funny", to tell you the truth. Many funny things have happened to me, but I can't recall them all. Lately I get mistaken by being from a different nationality than I really am, and I find that amusing.