What sort of books do you read?

November 29, 2009 8:16am CST
I love reading romance novels. My friend (a very cynical one) thinks it's a waste of time. But a girl can dream can't she. *shrugs* Anyway, i enjoy reading medieval / historical romances. I especially love those with a Scottish setting and alpha males. What about you?
10 responses
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
29 Nov 09
the type of book that i read are typically history books about a certain time in history or biographies of either famous people or not so famous people. now i am reading about a hungarian jew who survived in war torn hungary from the nazis only to have the communists take over hungary after the war. since my background is hungarian, i find this very interesting.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
1 Dec 09
A well written historical novel can be quite educational. Not only that, but the information is presented in the context of a story involving lives of people from that time. It can be quite a powerful format.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
i tend to not pick up such books because i think about them and then i get nightmares of the horrors and all... history and war was never my favourite.. and so i salute those who can take the gory description and all..
@madie8008 (209)
• Malaysia
29 Nov 09
It is the same for me. Reading romance novel can be very entertaining too. I also like motivational books, science fiction and instruction guidebook. There's a lot of thing that I learn from many books, and because of that I feel really happy.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I have nothing against instructional guidebooks, but there is that little problem of staying awake when you read. Have a nice day!
1 person likes this
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
djbtol... i'm with you there...
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
29 Nov 09
I dont read that much anymore but when I used to read I would read a lot of sci-fi,mysteries and detective stories and that has continued throughout this day .Giveme a good cop mystery and I am good although there was a time whne I was involved with romance novels too lol but that ended almost as soon as I went to purchase one of these books and got a really weird look froma fellow purchaser
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Seems like there are a lot of cop detective books out there. I also like romance novels. As a man it teaches me a lot of things about women and how they look at relationships. Wish I had started reading a lot sooner. Have a great day.
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• Singapore
7 Dec 09
weird looks?? haha... perhaps because u're a guy?
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
29 Nov 09
I read almost everything. History, science, philosophy, novels, magazines, newspapers (three every day), blogs. Is it a waste of time? I suppose it could be viewed that way. I don't care. I like it and I will continue to do it.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
no.. i think reading is good.. =) it increases your knowledge..
• China
24 Feb 10
I like reading love story and health books.
• China
24 Feb 10
so am I,I think that in all our life , health is very important .
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I like reading legal thrillers and police detective stories, like that of John Grisham and Michael Connelly. On the other hand, I'm still a sucker for teenager books like Harry Potter and the Twilight series. :-)
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I would say your reading is not a waste of time, even romance novels. When I read a variety of books I find that I can learn a lot from the characters and life situations in the novels. In addition, by experiencing the lives in the book, I am caused to think about my own life in a new way. We can better understand ourselves as we have opportunity to compare our lives with other situations. Happy Reading!
@ElicBxn (63394)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I like science fiction, fantasy, some mysteries and some romances. I kind of like the funny romances best, but the historical ones aren't too bad. I like a strong female lead, I sort of flunked the feminine test...
• China
1 Dec 09
hi,i like to read books,i often read kinds of books ,such as novels ,classic reasdings,campus reading,finacial reading, somes books on computers ,and other books .i am so interested in history that i often seek some historic secrets,and the history will bring us some enlightment and lesson.it really happpened and have modern meaning,apart from that ,classic books are my favorite readings,it includes many minds thought by ancidents,whose minds are beyond our imagination,i often feel out of life when read the classic books,some times i will read modern books to help me pace with the social development.maybe i read too few books ,but i will read them to the end..
@RyanneD (186)
• United States
29 Nov 09
I don't think it's stupid that you read romance novels. If those are the kind of books you enjoy then keep it up. I really don't know the kinds of books I like to read. I like comedy, I really like the Twilight series, I just don't know. I'm actually going to use this blog to my advantage to ask all you mylotters out there to give me some suggestions! I'm open to anything (yes, even romance novels ;-) ) so give me some titles that you've enjoyed. I'm trying to build up my library! Thanks! :-D