Leaving W, Senior, Obama, and Palin out of this ....
By ladybugmagic
@ladybugmagic (3978)
United States
November 29, 2009 9:30am CST
I don't condone killing, but, I am sure we have some common feelings about some people the world would be better off with had they never been born (ie - Hitler). List your top three (fact or even ficticious characters, dead or alive), off the top of your head, and why. And on the flipside, list the top three you are grateful the world got to see, and why. There will be more, I am sure, but don't put too much research into it. I just want to know who you are thinking about presently.
List your age and country too, if you feel like it. I am interested in seeing the generational and locational differences.
1. James Dobson. He tells 200 million listeners that homosexuality is a choice, when medical and psychiatric groups have already stated otherwise. He says it is not natural, though nature has seen it in 450 species (mammals, too) and counting. He has a facility that abuses children, brainwashes them, and horrifies them back into the closet. He says homosexuality is a reparable mental disorder, but his facility is leading more kids into the suicidal path. Suppressing who you really are comes with grave consequences.
2. Ronald McDonald, the brainchild of McDonald's restaurants. America is the fattest nation, and McDonalds uses Ronald McDonald to lure our children in because he is a clown, and they have the happy meals with those cute toys.
More children recognize Ronald McDonald than they do the president and the caricature of jesus.
McDonalds employs some of the worst factory farming practices in the fast food industry.
3. The men who framed Oswald. JFK would have been an excellent president, would have taken our troops out of Vietnam sooner, and would have helped secure equality for our citizens faster. Meanwhile, we are nearing 46 years after his death, and we are still fighting for equal rights in our nation. He is probably turning over in his grave knowing that some schools still had segregated proms in the 1990s.
Top 3 people I am thankful for
1. Rosa Parks. She gave a level or realism to who she was as a person. A citizen who wanted to sit down. The bus driver told her she had to sit in the back of the bus to make room for a white passenger. Other people also refused to move to the back of the bus, but for some reason Park's action sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
2. Margaret Cho. She is a comedienne who does great advancement for the glbt community, and the liberals.
3. Madonna. She has helped to embrace sexuality, and she has helped with humanitarian efforts, particularly in Milawi, where one million children have been orphaned, having lost their parents to Aids. Many of those kids are infected with Aids themselves, or are raising their four year old siblings, when they are nine. Few of them go to school, or eat, or live in clean shelter. Had I never seen the movie, "I am because we are" I would have been blind to the whole issue at hand.
Obviously, I have more on either side (Harvey Milk, Dr. King, and reverse - Limbaugh, Beck, Anita Bryant, etc), I just want to know who first comes to your mind and why you feel that way.
I am turning 31 on Monday and live in California (blue state) that was recently ravaged by the LDS church of Utah.
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4 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
30 Nov 09
The world would have been better off without ever having a Charles Manson in it. The man who decided to have his followers kill numerous people back in August 8th of 1969. Including Sharon Tate who was pregnant with her first baby. The second and third we could have done without would have to be the person or people who really put the hit on JFK, MLK, and RFK, because the world would have been a better place had all three had lived a long life on this planet. JFK as President would have been great, MLK would have brought more peace to the world trying to get rid of racism. As for RFK he would have been around to help the poor people and their problems. As for the people I'm happy is around or had been around would be Oprah first. She is a strong, vocal, generous person who grew up with nothing and made herself one of the richest people in the world. The second I'm thankful for is Michael Jackson because he too was generous and for peace in the world. He left the greatest songs for us to continue to love forever. The last but not least would have to be President Clinton. When he was in office I think he did more good for our country then any president since JFK. The world loved President Clinton and he contributed alot to our country and is a great humanitarian.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
1 Dec 09
I didn't know that but I definitely believe it. Thanks for the info.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I agree with everything on your list. Did you know that they have to rotate the prison guards for Charles Manson? They say he has such controlling mind powers that he has convince a couple guards to help him escape.

@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
29 Nov 09
I live in California as well and I am 62 (Will you still take my opinion? LOL). My top three people that I wish were never born are: 1. Adolph Hitler for the horrific crimes that he perpetrated against the Jewish people. 2. Osama Bin Laden for the horrific crimes that he perpetrated against the American people. 3. Bernie Madoff for destroying lives and almost destroying a critical piece of the American economy, having done so simply for self gain and having no remorse for what he did. That being said Hitler and Bin Laden changed the course of history and it is interesting to me to speculate how different things might be today. What Madoff's contribution is to history is still to be written. The three people that I'm most grateful for is a lot harder because there are so many people who have made a positive contribution to our lives but I'll give it a try. 1. Mother Teresa who served the poorest of the poor and did so with great love and humility. 2. J.K. Rowling, a welfare mother about to be evicted from her home, who dreamed of writing stories about the characters she created in her head and became the first billionaire author in history. 3. Abraham Lincoln who believed in his soul that slavery was wrong and stood against popular opinion because abolishing slavery was just the right thing to do. The civil war changed the course of this nation's history and became the cornerstone on which a civil rights movement could be built.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
29 Nov 09
What ever happened to Madoff? Was he jailed? Is he still alive?
I am so happy you mentioned JK Rowling. She is someone to look up to, especially if you are in a bad situation. It shows persistance can actually pay off. I love her success story.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Nov 09
Hiya LaureninLA,
I know you only state three personalities but I would also go against Adolf Hitler, Praise for Abraham Lincoln and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Also a fourth one if you let me Florence Nightingale who did much for England and set a trend to lead England out of it´s dark ages.
She was known as the Lady of the Lamp.
There are a few more that I would mention but that´s dragging it on.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
30 Nov 09
The three people or groups I think are the worst are 1. NOW, They have helped to confuse women and destroy the family. 2. The ACLU. They are suppose to fight for civil liberties for everyone, but they only fight for the liberals. It wasn't always that way, but it is now. 3. NEA They don't care a whit about the education of our children. All they want is the money. The three that I admire would be, 1. Mother Teresa. I don't think I need to say anything about her. 2. Pat Robertson because of his organization "Operation Blessing." Here is a link to it just in case you've never heard about it. http://www.ob.org/ and 3. The framers of our Constitution who knew no one should have complete power over another.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
30 Nov 09
Your response doesn't surprise me any, but why do you say Pat Robertson hates homosexuals? He is apposed to the act, but he doesn't hate the people. Did you check out, "Operation Blessing"? What do you think of it?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Dec 09
I went back to look at our lists. You criticize James Dobson and Pat Robertson because, you say, they hate homosexuals and women. You hate Christians and men. By your way of thinking, I can't see much difference in you and them.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I don't hate men. Quite the contrary.
I will say that I am opposed to organized religion. I find it to be oppressive and divisive, and I think it is so distorted and bastardized from its original intention.
@l4dgeneraldefence (60)
• United States
29 Nov 09
Hello. I would like to say that I would definitely put Hitler on the first person to never been born! But I'll just get to the point with this list.
People I Wish To Have Never Existed:
1.) Hitler (Obviousely) And his Right Hand Man. I forgot the guy's name but if either of these peoplee were to never exist the holocaust would have never happened. I mean come on! What did the Jewish do to him so badly as to genocide it?
2.) The People Who Made The School System. I wouldn't really wish them away, I wish that the school systems had been made differently based on individual knowlegde instead of grouping kids by age. I mean take me for example. I knew things way past my grade level, but they won't let me skip ahead because of my age. If someone else would've done then maybe now I could skip ahead.
3.) Left Blank. Don't have one yet here.
And about not having Ronald McDonald, it's actually the consumers' fault not the clown. If I were gonna sell you something that was good it's your choice to choose to buy or not. No one is forced to buy a Big Mac, or a happy meal. But if he did forced it that would be a different subject.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Nov 09
Hi 14generaldefence,
This theme about McDonalds sparks something off for me that I saw the other night about two American Men really overweight. One made it and slimmed down and has stayed that way the other has reverted back to his old eating habits.
This is second program that has moved me to tears because I think more than anything these People have an addiction to this Food but they just don´t realise it.
Can you become addicted to this kind of food? I guess you can but the really problem with them are emotional ones too.
One of the Mens Doctor was so understanding and treated him with such compassion I think that this also saw him through his ordeal.
Now he is able to walk again with crutches but he is not looking back.
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