do you play or interested to play rohan online?
By forester1985
@forester1985 (999)
November 30, 2009 12:50am CST
Rohan online is one of MMORPG(massively multiplayer online role-playing game)that created by korea. you can choose six race on this game. there are human,half-elf,elf,darkelf,dekan, and dhan.
Human race's job is a knight, focus on defense and attack,there is 4 type for human, there are :
A.Human Dex(dexterity)
you can fill your stat by full dexterity or not,but the main goal is to hit a monster/other character by critical hits (critical hits=2-6 more damage than normal attack),the human dex knight is powerful if he/she get critical hits, but the normal attack is low,otherwise the defense of this type is poor.
B.Human Vit(vitality)
you can fill your stat by full vitality,but as my experience the full vit knight will harder to kill other character/monster. because they need dexterity to gain a damage,if not, it will often to missed. but the vit knight type will harder to kill by other character/monster too.
C.Human STR(strength)
you can fill your stat with full STRength, your normal attack damage will more bigger than the other type. but, like a VIT type, the STR type will more got missed when hit the other character or monster,because they need dex to accuracy.
this is my type, this type combine all of type with 2 stat for STR, 1 for vit,1 for can imagine the result.
we can minimize the bad of each type by accessories like bracer,ring,and necklace that have external option like dex,vit,str,int,etc.
for the rest of other race will be explained next....
one of interesting and addicting part from rohan online is forging/combining armor/shield/weapon to become more powerful with new name and new looks.
its cool when you can equip a LEGEND WEAPON or ENCHANTED ARMOR. because the forging/combining can failed, and your materials will gone T_T.
you can downgrade the equip's levels too,its interesting huh?
you can equiped an armor,shield,weapon that not on your levels, by downgrade the equip's levels.downgrade need crone(rohan online money) to do that, the downgrade can failed too,but your materials can not broken, until 15 levels downgrade, if you want more than 15 levels you must take the consequence your materials will gone.
Do you interested to play this online game?
4 responses
@xenobane (202)
• Canada
22 Feb 10
The Korean has mastered the art of mass producing RPGs like fast food. They all got pretty characters, nice musics and flashy combat, but there is nothing you haven't seen already in other games, which are all the same.
There are some good ones like Exteel, ACE Online and RF, which you have more controls over your character, rather than compare stats only.
Right now I can see thier game is at a standstill, despite the more fancy stuff you see in games like Aion, the core mechanics remain the same:" level up, buy better equipments, level up, doing raids over and over, maxed level, start a new character."
The Korean games are trying to copy the successful model of World of Warcraft, but they are never able to master it and taking it into the next level. Innovation is what makes game stands out and last, copy and paste can only take you so far, it will make you some cash in the short run, but it will never outlast the true masters.
@forester1985 (999)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 10 seem you are an expert gamers. I think your words is right, I wonder the korean's can dominate online games on the world. but do you play ROHAN ONINE too?
@Niltusk (131)
• United States
23 Feb 10
I agree, theres a ton of games out now that a few years ago would be considered excellent, but are lost in the glut of the MMORPG world. With what the "average" online game is achieving as a new standard it makes me excited to see what the next big leap in innovation is for online playing.
@forester1985 (999)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 10
are you a game's observer? there is an online game that you play now? do you play ROHAN ONLINE TOO ? What your opinion with that game? I like to know your analysis about ROHAN ONLINE.
@Revan2009 (469)
21 Nov 10
The massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by a country (Korea)?
@forester1985 (999)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 10
yup, I think korea who's created ROHAN ONLINE. what about you? do you interesting play this game? any question about this game?
@lordcaocao2025 (4098)
• Indonesia
1 Dec 09
The Only online game that i played ( exclude browser game ) is RF Online and Perfect World, but now i don't even played them. I don't really take any interest to play any online game again. But i do still played browser game.
@forester1985 (999)
• Indonesia
13 Oct 10
then, you are importance about the graphics? I think the rohan graphics is not bad, it seems good for me, moreover my notebook graphic card not enough for the extraordinary graphics online game. It's help me to slowdown the bandwith.