WOW! What a surprise!

United States
November 30, 2009 4:24am CST
What do you think about the following article? Is this a sign that the Media could be changing from their blatant pro Obama coverage? Your opinion please? Turning Point: Couric Rips Obama Katie Couric may be best known for her unflattering interview with Sarah Palin. But her nightly news broadcast this past Monday night may be an indicator that the big liberal media are now turning their guns on Obama. Couric said on “CBS Evening News” that Americans are growing “disenchanted” with Obama and are openly questioning his credibility. “Is the honeymoon over?” anchor Couric said at the beginning of her correspondent’s report. “Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan . “His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent.” Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy. Some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.” The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is over 10 percent and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem. CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and only 7 percent believe that the stimulus has created any jobs at all. The report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan , and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.” An expert was quoted as describing his trip as the “amateur hour,” as he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad.
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20 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Nov 09
There's nothing that they said that isn't true. Suddenly, they are reporting facts and yes, that is surprising. It may be that the reason behind their falling ratings has finally sunk in - the public wants to hear the truth, facts, and unbiased reporting. I wouldn't expect all the media to fall out of love with Obama, they have too much invested. In a strange way, the liberals have a lot of emotional investment in Obama. It isn't political ideology so much anymore as the desperate clinging to a beautiful vision, a dream, even though one is slowly coming to a conscious state. In a way, I understand this. They believed that this well-spoken man was the culmination of everything they had hoped for. That's hard to give up. Yet things are falling apart faster than the polls. They need to come to the honest conclusion that Obama isn't qualified, he hasn't got good ideas, he can't handle the job and that choosing a candidate because he represents all they dreamed of didn't make it all come true. They chose an image. The image has no more substance than the cover of a magazine. Image isn't everything, we need a real president.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Nov 09
Hi Rollo1,, Everyone thought that Zapatero would have had enough experience by now to stick to firm decisions but he is not doing that. A group of young lads from his own Party spoke out and protested about his idea for the unemployment because they proposed to him to listen to their ideas and he just refused outright. Not only that he has had them sacked so now there are seven more unemployed to add to the nearly Five Million we have already. I did read the article White Heather forwarded and I understand all of it but again because I live far away from there and not really knowing what´s cooking makes it difficult for me to say he´s this that or the other. But I do try to learn about what goes on over there. Take care.
• United States
30 Nov 09
Rollo1 I agree that most of the young voters were voting for a dream. Unfortunately I had the impression they thought it was like voting for a new "American Idol". Sadly their new "Idol" is not a man of experience and substance able to lead our country into a bright future.
• United States
1 Dec 09
I don't follow politics that all I can is - as long as he continues to extend unemployment benefits until he finds a solution for unemployment then I cannot say anything negative. And in actuality even if he finds a solution to bring back the manufacturers that were plenty at one time in my own town, it still ends up in the hands of our Mayor who makes the zoning possible for these manufacturers to come in. Right now almost all our manufacturers have closed for numerous reasons and not just because of the president....Unfortunately, whether some want to believe it or not...Walmart played a big part in closing them all up, because they want to sell things cheaper than the cost to make them. What we don't need is another retailer coming in because their pay is not enough to live on in our town, and we don't need anymore resturants that we can't afford to eat at. Right now, our town is considered a Bedroom town, where all the Bostonians live and sleep, but work and have their careers and night life in Boston. It's cheapers to live here then Boston, but there is no work here anymore. Health system?...I'm all for free health insurance for everyone. Half our senior citizens can't afford to get sick because of the cost of health insurance. And Afaghanistan...It was the Army General who advised Obama on how many troops he should send there - and Obama didn't agree with the total amount he suggested. Obama is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't...he will never make everyone happy.
• United States
1 Dec 09
At least he seems to make you happy so good for you!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
1 Dec 09
Hi, just your neighbor from above the notch chiming in here. "- as long as he continues to extend unemployment benefits until he finds a solution for unemployment then I cannot say anything negative" It sounds to me as if as long as the money keeps flowing, your ok with what ever he does. Are you really so easily bought? No offense, but you flat landers are an odd lot some times.... It sounds to me as if most of the problems you are describing are local and state issues, better solved at the local and state level. Why do people look so adoringly to the federal government for everything? Are people so willing to sell out their state soviergnty for a few pennies ? As to the health insurance thing, hows that government run system working out for you guys so far? If it works, why would you want to exchange it for a nationaly run beurocrocy doomed to failure before it even starts? If it isn't working, do you really believe the federal government can run it any better? Carefull what you wish for my friend.
• United States
1 Dec 09
So happy to see you chiming Of course I would like to see more jobs,and hope he comes up with some solution, but again, is this going to help the individual towns, I don't know. The kind of jobs we need here, may not even be produced if we don't allow rezoning, or if the local mayor doesn't stop looking at us as a bedroom town. YES, I blame alot of it on our local politicians, which is why I am not on the negative side of Obama, as yet. As far as health insurance, being unemployed I have qualifed for free health insurance - Blue Cross and Blue SHield, and right now don't see any differences than when I had it. Of course I am never sick. The one day they deny me coverage, is when I might feel differently. Until then, I have no right to disagree with what I have so far. I only know what I paid when I was working, and I know what the elders, who are on a fixed income pay each month...and it's sad.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
30 Nov 09
It would appear from your summary that your media are less biased at the moment. Could it be the problems are far more than Obama invisaged that he could solve? 10% unemployment! That is very high. Is your media tradionally biased to one side of politics? Our media used to be biased in favour of the conservative party, especially in my state. This seems to have changed over the years. We hear quite a bit about Obama, although it doesnt often critisize him. This morning there was news that he met our Prime Minister and asked Australia for more military presence in Afghanistan.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Our media has been very biased and pro Obama ever since he appeared as an unknown on out political horizon. The have been very obvious in placing a smoke screen over his very murky past. The have made sure never to publicize anything that could be construed as critical of Obummer.
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• United States
1 Dec 09
Ten percent is a conservative estimate on unemployment. Some states are as high as 20% and in the black communities, it is going over 25% unemployment with no end in site. To hear the folks on Capitol Hill stand up and tell us how good the economy is doing,turns my stomach, as I watch the parade of businesses, especially the small ones close their doors. Of course, the job summit Obama is holding should do wonders for the situation (but I wouldn't hold my breath). The government seems to be best at standing up and telling us flat out lies about any situation. Truth would be a nice change. They might find the people actually ready to help, if polticians had the nerve to talk plain and tell us the real situation. We all know what is really going on, so their lies just make them look all the more incompetent. Sad they don't realize it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I must respectfully disagree with the statement, "Katie Couric may be best known for her unflattering interview with Sarah Palin." Katie has been a popular and respected journalist for many years. The Palin interview is just the one thing that some people are thinking about more than others in the past year but I doubt if it will end up being the thing she's remembered most for. Anyway, I don't think the purpose of an interview is to be "flattering", do you? If Sarah thought it was going to be nothing more than a conversation between "two working moms" I'd say that's her fault, not Katie's. Also, Sarah's the one to admit having been so annoyed she'd intentionally refused to answer her question about what she read and she's the one who referred to Katie, quite unflatteringly, as "the perky one". Sorry for getting off-topic! I'm afraid I haven't watched much of any of the network evening newscasts for years but the media I've been watching has hardly been giving the President a pass for months now. I mean, granted the news shows I watch aren't like Fox's 24/7 Obama attackfests but they've been criticizing him when it's been deserved. It's not a surprise at all, in my opinion, in fact the same thing has happened with every President I can remember. In the beginning they all get a "honeymoon" which can vary in length depending on what's happening in the nation and the world but then the gloves come off. Annie
• United States
1 Dec 09
Thanks for your response.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Bush didn't even get one day. The newspapers on his first day decried his spending of $50 million for the Inauguration Balls. Yet, when Obama, with his usual do it better attitude, spent $150 million plus having quite a bit given gratis, he was lauded as knowing how to throw a party! That was a preview of how he expected to top Bush's spending and, by golly, Obama has not disappointed us. He's spending us to oblivion. What a man!
• Kenya
30 Nov 09
Hey Obama has recently come under heavy and severe pressure and criticism even from the United States than from the International Community. As we all know that the house that is divided against itself shall not stand, Obama needs the support and co-operation of all the United States to be successful in this sensitive position of the "President of the United States Of America". Pray for him and support him and he shall do well.
• United States
30 Nov 09
I am sure that you and your fellow Kenyans are all praying for him.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Where was this thinking when Bush was being destroyed from day one of HIS presidency. Then it was get 'im, get 'im, get 'im, and to heck with the country. But with a leftist leaning president, suddenly its join hands and support our president! Maybe that should be the case no matter who holds office.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I don't agree with most of Obama's policies because they are leading us toward a Socialist state. I think his credibility is in serious question - but I felt that way before he was elected. I think we are seeing more of his real agenda day by day. But he isn't the only one - we have to take aim at our congress too. They are just as guilty as he is about ignoring what the people tell them to do. It's time for REAL change - the old congress needs to go and new blood brought in. People who realize their job is to represent what we want - not decide what is best for us. I think that is why Obama's ratings are falling - he thinks he knows what is best regardless of what we tell him we want. He missed that part about us being a democracy.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Thank you! You have said exactly what I also think about our current political status. I also think we should get rid of the old congress and start with a clean slate where our elected officials remember they are representing our wishes not following their own agenda.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Hurrah! Folks are waking up to the fact that our only weapon is the ballot box! Don't be surprised though if, at the next presidential election, you see bullies manning the voting booths to insure the 'right' person is put into office. They have already made a start at a few places in the last election. Chicago politics at its best!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Nov 09
Well I think he spends to much money going to these countrys to do nothing but bow to people he shouldnt bow too. and why if they want talks and agreements dont they spend the money to come here. als Media now might just be trying to cover thier butts
@laglen (19759)
• United States
30 Nov 09
Maybe they are remembering what their job is? They probably heard enough crap about them being in Obamas pocket. But I would like to see Chris Matthews wake up too.
• United States
30 Nov 09
Chris Tweety - Where is the Puddy Tat
I do not see that happening anytime soon. There something about Chris Matthews' personality (or lack thereof) that really turns me off. I cannot even bear to look at his pasty face.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Dec 09
If by "waking up" you mean you'd like to see Matthews criticize the President you obviously haven't watched AT ALL because he's done so from the start. I guess the problem is that he also criticizes his detractors, Annie
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Why be surprised? Is this any different than with any other politician? They are pretty much all the same.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Dec 09
That's very encouraging to me! All that blind worship made me nervous that we had a new Hitler-type person that people would obey without question. I think it's high time that people realized that so far, the person they elected is an empty suit with no idea what he is doing, a man in permanent campaign mode. Mr. Obama is a good speaker and exceptional at getting people excited and involved in something. He would make a better vice president than president because he could keep peoples' support for whomever was in office. I'm glad people are waking up. I also hope that Obama finds his stride and begins to lead the country soon.
• United States
1 Dec 09
I agree it is very encouraging the blind adoration of Obama's followers immediately reminded me of Hitler using his glib tongue to enare the Germans was one of the first comparisons I made regarding Obummer.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I hope, no pray that the news media is finally realizing that the America people are starting to understand just how liberal and unfair the media is. The Fox channel has proven that Americans do understand that when O stops a news reported from getting on his plane because he does not like what they say they we are on the verge of big trouble. Now we have the Internet that gives us the news we can not get from them. If not for the Internet, The NY post and Fox news and The Wall Street Journal we would never know that most of the people around O are very left wing or out right Communist. Because of the liberal media love affair with O we now have a country on the brink of destruction. He lied from the beginning. No more Troops(40,00 are going over). The economica(we are on the verge of bankrupt). Our leader bows to other rulers that this country had to fight to keep America Free. I am waiting for him to invite Al Quad er for a state Dinner. God help us for the next three years.
• United States
1 Dec 09
Believe me I pray every night that God's Will along with the people's will is on Obummer's agenda
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
30 Nov 09
There's a great line from one of my favorite movies ever, Quiz Show, where the guy tells Charles Van Doren, basically, "I don't think an adult of your intelligence should be commended for simply, at long last, telling the truth." I don't give media, especially Katie Couric, one iota of credit for reporting honestly on something they (she) should have been reporting about since Obama came on the scene, and that's that he, although brilliantly charismatic, lacks experience to the point where his election to the Senate is even suspect (a whole other debate). And it's not about President Obama; it's about Barack Obama. Maybe supporters can't see a difference in that, but I do -- many do. Not every criticism of Obama is an attempt to smear. Heck, even the Wright and Ayers stuff is legitimate, and I don't care how many liberals moan that it's racism or that it's not "fair." We're talking about a man who was trying to become and who now is America's President. What's out of bounds? It's not like people need to invent things. "Closet muslim," "Hitler" and that "antiChrist" hogwash aside. Loonies are around for every President. This isn't the door greeter at Wal-Mart. This isn't some lowly town council position. And maybe hardcore supporters don't see America in the same light as the rest of us, but his experience and his character and his past were and still are concerns for millions upon millions of people. So is the "honeymoon" over? No. I really don't think so. It just got the point where they can't bury this stuff anymore. Fox and talk radio run it and it eats away at Couric's ratings. It's killing other news organizations that they only run Obama fluff pieces, pro-progressive pieces, or anti-right-wing pieces. I think this rolled from her lips for the same reason CNN had Dobbs and MSNBC has their RINO in the mornings: ratings. News cannot survive catering to a niche market... well, unless they're owned by GE and have federal backing if worst comes to worst.
• United States
30 Nov 09
Well said! I love your quote "I don't think an adult of your intelligence should be commended for simply, at long last, telling the truth." I had never heard that one before and it is so apt that I may borrow it. Hope you don't mind :-)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Matersfish, I wouldn't worry too much about the GE television station. Have you seen their stock prices lately? GE is at a low of $15 and falling! Methinks people aren't as blind as the once corporate giant would like to believe.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
1 Dec 09
They are finally admitting his honeymoon is over... its about time. I think it has been over for about 3 months or more.
• United States
1 Dec 09
You are IS about time but I am afraid it may be too little too late.
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Nov 09
Hiya whiteheather, Honeymoon with our President lasted very few days lol.I really can´t give a proper opinion of Obama because we see practically nothing of him. All we see is our President and when I see him I switch him off or turn it over. He does seem Obama I mean to make firmer decisions than the one we have or I suppose I could be wrong. To be fair because I don´t live there I really don´t know what to say about him. To Spain he seems like some kind of salvation to help get Zapatero out of the mess he is in. Everything Zapatero promised has been blatantly broken. Anyway I am sure there has to be something that is taking us forward with or without their help.
• United States
3 Dec 09
I don't know how even biased new agencies could deny Obama's problems any longer. They're just too obvious.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Dec 09
No president, or anyone in politics or public live, should think of the media as their friend. Like a mad dog, they will turn on anyone. We consumers are the ones who should be angry with the media. This reminds me of Rush Limbaugh's comments about Donovan McNabb. He told the sports media, "...I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well." I believe the same can be said of Obama becoming president. The liberal media was so desirous of having a black president, that they chose to ignore his lack of ability or readiness to handle the job. How many people voted for Obama on what the liberal media told us? It's the media's job to report accurately and honestly. We can no longer trust our media to do that.
@chulce (1537)
• United States
30 Nov 09
After dealing with the government for so many years here in the United States, it has been a 3 ring circus for many years. This circus is on all levels of our government. Everything is always pinned on what ever president is leading the way however, what a lot of people don't take into account is that many of the decisions are made by the house and the senate not by the president. Yes, he is not experienced enough to run our country and does not have a full understanding of the U.S. Military or Health, but, it shouldn't all be on him. It should be on the full government in general. I think when he was elected a lot of people saw a man that has not had to experience the military life, has not devoted his time other than to family obligations and being in the many different levels of the government and figured that he had a better grasp of the situation. But, with out the additional knowledge it does leave a person lost. I do feel that his 4 year reign is going to be it. Or he may not even make it the full 4 and hand over his reigns to the vp and let him deal with all of the problems. I guess we will see what happens. I have given up following a lot of what has happened, it makes my head hurt to try and listen to all the guff that has been going on. Our media does have a tendancy to make a mountain out of a molehill and doesn't give anyone a chance. Look at the reports and facts on many different issues that are still going on and how the media has torn some of them apart to scare people.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Conversely, Bush's approval numbers didn't fall below 50% until after his 6th year in office, if I remember right. Unfortunately, Americans have only themselves to blame. The vast majority bought into the idea Government could fix our problems, and it can't. They bought into the idea government can spend money without raising our taxes, and it can't. They really thought Obama would declare defeat and withdraw? He won't. So now we have a wishy washy, does nothing useful, blows tons of money, improves nothing president, that was as bad as Bush, only 10 times worse. Everything I hated about Bush, Obama has made worse than I could have imagined.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
2 Dec 09
After going thru many reports and articles what I can say here is that he needs more time to concentrate on things at home. It shows by his attitude that things will be turnign differently but the footstampos of past 8 years need sometime to get off
• Italy
30 Nov 09
Believe me, you are very lucky because you don't have prime minister such as berlusconi or others, who think of becoming richer and richer and they don't give a damn about people in their country!
• United States
30 Nov 09
We are not lucky at all because we do have a president and his toadies who don't give a damn about the people in their country.