Do we really accept that mankind was not created by God?
@claudioangione (127)
November 30, 2009 8:52am CST
Do Christian accept really that the pope said that The man comes from the monkey and was not created by God? Do you really accept this fact?
3 responses
@benny128 (3615)
30 Nov 09
well this is a hard one as is anything religion orientated.
I personally believe that we have evolved from ape's or ape's as an ape is the closest matching species with over %90 of the same genes etc that us humans posses.
Though no one really knows as I for one wasn't alive at the beginning of it all and neither were all the church leaders etc etc
so I guess its down to each persons own individual beliefs. Even though science points towards evolution and religion points towards something entirely different.
@claudioangione (127)
• Italy
30 Nov 09
Yes, you are right! but we must ask ourselves where we come from!
@benny128 (3615)
30 Nov 09
yeah but no body knows for real, so to be honest just live life and believe in your own destiny.
What has gone has gone, where we come from doesn't really matter as we will never know for sure just live your life in the present and be the best person you can be.
@MJay101 (710)
30 Nov 09
Whilst I agree that you cannot ever know for sure - I think it is possible to consider the most probable scenario.
The balance of probability, taking into account all available scientific evidence, is that man is descended from apes, and ultimately, from more distant genetic parents.
Religion "makes sh*t up" and has no evidence whatsoever to back up its ludicrous claims.
The case for evolution is strong, whilst the case for the bearded angry dude in the sky is frankly hilarious (and weak).
So I don't think it's okay to shrug your shoulders and say: "I don't know", when the answer is really quite obvious.

@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
3 Dec 09
Evolution and religion arent two sides of the coin, neccesarily. I mean in the Bible its told that God took some dirt from the ground to create the first men . Now "dirt" could be a symbolism for the "monkey". Other correction there, man doesnt come from the monkey, men comes from a common ancestor of the monkey, hence its not the monkey itself but another animal.
Im catholic and have no problem with evolution theory, and obviously i dont have a problem with what the pope said about it.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
30 Nov 09
There is evidence that we came from ape-like creatures and science also has proved that we evolved, but this still don't rule out a divine creator one way or the other. All a person can do is go with the facts as we know them to be as of now. I still believe that there is some kind of intelligent being or beings who put us here, no one can say even with what we know from science that just evolution put us here. ...