does the weather/season effect your mood?
@dracoserpintenes (614)
United States
November 30, 2009 2:11pm CST
i know it effects mine and often.if its cold and rainy i feel tired and lazy. if its snowing i get exited and jittery. if theres thunder and lightening i get interested and like to watch. if its sunny and not too cold i love to bask in the glory of the day weather i'm inside or out. fog makes life seem mysterious and confusing. in summer i'm happy and cheery and in winter i feel dreary and blah unless its snowing.
how do different weather patterns and seasons effect you or do they not?
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20 responses
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
1 Dec 09
When the winter hits I tend to feel depressed. The reason why I am depressed is because I am inside the house and have no where to go. I have always hated winter. I do love the summer because I can go outside and garden. In the spring it depends if it is warm or cold. In Idaho we could still see snow in the spring. Actually my husband told me one year it had snowed in June.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i believe the term for that in cold country is cabin fever. and yes i have that problem allot too. i love to garden too though i look at winter as the time to give my inside plants some tlc that they miss in the summer when im busy. and snow in june reminds me of a time i think it was april when there was a foot of snow left on the ground and the day was so warm i was barefoot and in shorts (i hate shoes anyway) and running around like a nut it was so fun i wish it could happen again :)
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
3 Dec 09
thats ok, it happens to the best of us. If you can not add me I will go ahead and add you again. I did however get your message. I do forgive you. take care my friend.
@sincere4frdship (2228)
• India
1 Dec 09
Well, its do all the time ...
due to weather some times I miss college and some classes ... some times i don't follow the routine ...
So its happen ...
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@sincere4frdship (2228)
• India
2 Dec 09
Some times I feel lazy in winter and rain also .... That time I prefer to sleep rather attending class ...
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i dont think ive ever missed class due to weather except for snow (because its almost impossible to leave my house if its snowing hard enough) but i do know what you mean.

@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Dec 09
Yes mine too and in the same way you mentioned ,if it rainy and overcast then I am in a lethargic mood not wanting to do much except sleep .However ,if its sunny and bright I want o go out and get some sun basks in its warmth.I guess I can say that the energy from outside filters into your body and similarly lack of this energy takes away your internal energy as well
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
3 Dec 09
well its partially that sun helps humand absorb vitamin d like reptiles but were not as reliant on it as they are. so your health and weather you feel good relys on getting some uv rays every day. i suppose the color and light make a difference in mood too :) and yea i like to bask in the sun people keep their houses too cold in the summer around here for me.
@rika999 (104)
• India
1 Dec 09
definitely .. weather and climatic conditions affect my mood to a great extend.. the hot climate make me feel exhausted and cold climate prevents me from going outside and doing anything.. light cool climate generally makes me work hard and also makes me romantic and enthusiastic...
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i prefer a light cool for the purposes of working outside because it keeps me from overheating. but i love to swim and that can only be done comfortably when its fairly hot :)
@simonamaria (28)
• Romania
1 Dec 09
The weather have verry strong effect over me...if the weather is nice i also am full of energy but if the weather is bad then i am also lazy,bored, unhappy... anyway i prefer the summer...i am borned in summer...i am full of energy in this season, i feel beautyfull, i feel strong and shine. The summer is for me the season of posibilities, oportunities and liberty :) I love the strong colours i love the fresh smell...i live on the Black Sea coast so i love the sea.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i am a child of summer too and love it for that also. and i have always wanted to live by the sea i love to play in the waves and look for pretty shells to make artwork with.
@TierrasMommy (125)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Well I live in Iowa and let me tell you the weather affects me dearly when it snows or rains I tend to want to sleep and just be in a sad or even grumpy mood. I feel angry when its too sunny.. but I tend to feel good when its partly cloudy I know its weird I wonder if anyone else oout there has my problem or if there is anyone else from iowa here
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
3 Dec 09
the rain thing is mostly a lack of sun which is actually somewhat important for out body and im not sure why too mch sun makes you angry i would be interested to know if anyone else has that happen to them too O.o
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I'm definitely affected by what's going on outside my window. A temporary change, like a rainy day, won't usually affect me much. I might feel a little sleepier than usual if it's gray outside, but that's about it. But long-term seasonal changes really get to me. The major factor is the amount of daylight. I live right next to the front range of the Rocky Mountains. Having the mountains in the west means that sunset takes place about an hour earlier than it does in other places. An hour less of daylight doesn't make a huge difference in the summer, but right now it gets dark around 4:30 pm, and it seriously affects my mood and my productivity. Having it dark so early makes it feel like it's later than it really is, and I start to get really stressed about things I don't have done yet. I also get tired a lot faster. I guess you could probably say that I have seasonal affective disorder.
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i can understand what you mean i live on the lower eastern side of the appalatian mountains and its getting dark about that early here too though i will grant the rockies are bigger. and i agree about feeling your not getting enough done i always suddenly realise its dark and ask myself where the day went and why havent i done all my chores? but i try to just brush it off and concentrate on the happy stuff in life because i know how bad stress is for the body and fear that im going to get high blood pressure like my dad if i stress too much.
@charmz1005 (679)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
Well, yeah. I'm on the mood when the weather is cloudy and windy but during summer sometimes it pisses me off because of super hot weather and when it's raining I also don't like that much going to school because of being wet, although I loved to sleep at that kind of weather because it's cold.

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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i agree going to school wet is no fun who wants to study when they are cold and damp? actually i had a horrible score the first time i took my sat tests because i had been soaked to the skin from this horrible storm and the school wouldnt let the kids that got there early in even with the wet and the cold it was so stupid. i love to sleep in the rain too especially when its hard because the sound on the roof is relaxing.
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Hello dracoserpintenes, I know that I always seem to get more tired in the winter time and I think it is because when it gets cold outside we all like to cuddle in the nice warm house under the blankets and I tend to get more comfortable which makes me sleepy. I seem to get more vibrant and alive in the summer times and I think it has to do how bright it is and how you are able to get outside so much more. I also get this loving type feeling during this time of year as well, if that makes any sense.
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@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
I have to say the weather/season affects my mood especially here. When christmas season comes, the christmas wind is here and it cheers me up even when I am down. Like I would wake up and feel the breeze so crisp and cool, it really brightens up my day.
When its summer, I feel so tired and I feel like taking showers ever so often. So yeah, definitely changing seasons affect my mood.
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
thats interesting your the opposite of most people i like that :) i love taking hot showers in the winter and prefer a cool breeze thats on a hot day and not about to nip my nose off :)
@jankhan07 (27)
• Pakistan
1 Dec 09
Yes I feel comfortable in rain. I love spring bcoz of lovely flowers every where.
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@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
hi dracoserpintenes,
Yes, I agree that weather/season does affect one's mood..It has a big contributory effect in a person.. An example is when there is a bad weather like typhoon and due to the change , you have no choice,but to accept the fact that your outdoor activities are stocked up that will greatly affect your mood..
second, persons who have mood swings, if the weather does not conform with his plans for the day? or what ever he will be up to finish that day? It will also add an effect to his moods..
But, somehow it affect one's mood? still there will come to a certain point that his mood will decline after the busy day and wait for the next day to be a better one, meaning, a new mood again..
Moods are expressions of any person, the mood of a person is always changing, but no matter how his mood maybe? it is better to end up the day with a SMILE and an appreciation in our existence, because of all these effects? WE ARE HUMAN, to see, and FEEL all the great things to experience in this world.. It is part of all the changes and it is a cycle we will be dealing to as long we live in this world.
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i have never had a problem with weather interrupting my plans making me depressed like yesterday it was rainy and cold but i had no plans of going outside for any reason though i was still tired and yawning all day not wanting ot get enything done like housework and dishes. though i will ammend that i do have to change plans if its snowing because i cant drive in the snow for poo and always crash if i try :( but its ok because that means i get to stay home and play! :)
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
there is alot of rain here too. and no im not always effected by the weather just most of the time.
@cavalcar (14)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Well, yes. I certainly get more introspective when the weather is not good for outdoor activities, which is understandable. I do appreciate watching the rain / snow falling, and thinking about life in general -- I need to pay attention not to get depressed, though.
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i agree it does take some concentration to not get atleast minutely depressed when thinking about life in general. and to keep my thoughts away from things like the whole planet is going to hell in a handbasket.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Nov 09
The weather definitely effects my mood which is why I moved to the south where it's warm and sunny all year long. Last September we took a trip back up north and just being in the cloudy, dreary chill of the Fall caused my mood to go down. There is scientific evidence that the lack of sunlight during the cold months can cause your mood to fall so I always take advantage of the sunshine here.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i hope to move south some day too i love warm weather. but im going to have to occasionally go north to play in some nice cold fluffy snow!
@samigirl_69 (27)
• United States
30 Nov 09
It does. It's all about the light. If it's bright and sunny out then I normally have more energy but if it's dreary and dark then I get depressed and lag a lot. I'm kind of odd though because I like it when it rains :)
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i like some rain like a light shower in the middle of a hot summer day is wonderful. but rainy cold winter days make me feel like never leaving bed again.
@crazybubu (230)
• India
1 Dec 09
From being tropical country like India,the sultry summers are something which I hate.It may not be very hot,but the humidity is most irritating and pisses me of.Otherwise,I like the winters.Its cold and really like to feel the sunshine on myself.I even like rains but not those with huge thunderstorms.The silent showers so that I can take a walk or play in it.The mood gets lightened up by all this.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
3 Dec 09
if i lived somewhere hot and humid it would drive me insane too id live in a puddle like a frog -_- id like winter here if there was more snow like it was when i was littel i love snow but i hate cold rain its just nasty and blah .
@crazybubu (230)
• India
3 Dec 09
Yeah I can well understand.You from a cold country and it will be more irritating for you to face the tropical heat.You know I have never seen a snowfall,i really wish that one day I get the chance to feel it.
@maliknawaz (104)
• Pakistan
1 Dec 09
yah the season effect me vary hurtly it is my weak point that i cannot cotrole myselfe if the wather change.
@Torrs13 (217)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I am more inclined to stay indoors and be a couch potato when it's cold outside. On the other hand, I'm much more active and energetic when it's summer and the sun is shining everyday. I do enjoy the rain on occasion though because it can be very relaxing. So yes, I think the weather does affect my mood. If I'm having a bad day and it's gross outside, then my mood just tends to keep getting worse, but if the sun comes out, then I'm reminded that there is good things to be thankful for.
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@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
1 Dec 09
i agree fully thanks for replying and have a happy day :)
@meetyouinitaly (20)
• United States
30 Nov 09
Well, living in Arizona, I can get pretty sick of the constant sunshine. I really enjoy rain and overcast days. My girlfriend lived in Ohio for a long time and she said the constant rain and clouds was very depressing. I guess it depends on the person. I do hear that sunshine is good for you though, health wise.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
30 Nov 09
i live in Virginia so i'm not too far from there and the clouds do get pretty depressing. and i have a friend thats serving on a base in Arizona who constantly complains about the sun, heat, and cacti so i know what u mean about that too. and yea the sun helps you absorb vitamin d among other things :)