Do you go for current fashion ,retro, name brand or otherwise ?

@ronnyb (6113)
December 1, 2009 7:39am CST
I have always had a problem with looking like everyone else when I was going out hence the answer for that question would be retro and otherwise .If you choose current trend or name brands then you willl look like everyone else but there is a high possibility that when you go for retro clothes then less people will be in it because most people like current trends .Granted I am not saying that I will go for sixties or seventies clothes but I may go for something that was hip in the nineties . So what do you gop for when you shop?
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24 responses
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
I rarely follow trends.when I like a style,I will wear it even if it's not in season.I usually buy printed dresses.I love pop-art prints,psychedelic prints,floral,animal prints,stripes and boho.I don't really care if they're not in season.I love prints.I will wear them as long as I want.
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1 Dec 09
For me, whatever clothes is comfortable is the best for me. Yeah, you're right, I don't want to look the same way as most people do. But sometimes, I follow the trends in fashion but have a touch of myself too. I go with simple colors and girly styles. I am not into branded things. I do have a some but I am being practical also.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
2 Dec 09
Well being comfortable is always best ,it makes no sense you are wearing the latest fashions and you dont feel comfortable in it .I guess we will always have to wear something that someone else has because all our clothes are made by designer who has mass produced our clothes but I suppose if we can put our own spin on it then we will be ok ,mayve used different combinations
@Wizzywig (7847)
1 Dec 09
I hardly ever go out with the intention of buying clothes so I just go with whatever catches my eye as long as its comfortable. I dont give a monkey's about being " fashionable" (whatever that means) and I wouldn't pay out for branded clothing. I just wear what I feel like at the time, it may be black lace/leather/satin or my sons cast-off hoodies...or both together....whatever.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
3 Dec 09
Lol you are so liberal when it comes to clothes and thats how it should be after all you are the one wearing it .Thank you for asnwering my discussion
• India
25 Dec 09
Happy Chrismas - Let's Pray
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, I am with you with going as per changing fashon pattern. But it may be surprising to you as well as for evryone taht right from my grand and even before my attire ha sbeen left un-effected as we Indian Ladies never change other than sarees. Colors/design may chnange according to person butdress has never replaced. Now a days Salwar sui from Pumjab has become order of teh day as it suits everyone pockets at all occasions. I am most comfortable in my saree. Wishing you a very happy Chrismas and New Year-2010. May God bless You and have a great time.
2 Dec 09
I guess i m more into the so called "emo" fashion. I don't consider myself emo but i seem to be classified. They are mostly name brand clothes i guesss, even though some are too damn expensive.
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@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
I'm not a fan of fashion. When it comes to clothes I shop for something I'm comfortable wearing. I can wear pants and t-shirt and still look good. It doesnt have to be expensice too, the quality is more important since they last longer. Sometimes, experimenting with clothes is fun too. But I never wear that is too fancy and eye catching.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
2 Dec 09
I do not have that problem as I do not buy fashions, but rather go for a classic look, even in casual clothing. I am more interested in comfortable clothes (and a good price) than an image, although there is some truth in the fact that artists have a certain look. I suppose that to some extent I dress to look like an artist. Artists usually go against the trend, I think.
@liquorice (3887)
2 Dec 09
I agree, looking like everyone else is a bit boring. I don't like current fashion, and never like following it, I like retro a lot, but never have time to go anywhere that sells these kind of clothes! I hate designer labels, and if I see someone wearing one it just puts me off - what's the point? I'd rather spend my money on food, lol! I just buy what I think suits me and looks nice and is comfortable.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I just wear what I like. I don't care about any fashion or trend. I don't care if it's name brand; I am not willing to spend a hundred dollars on something I could get from Walmart or whatever for like $10. I like clothes that looks good to me. I don't care what a magazine or Tyra says. And the whole "retro" thing is a trend, so actually a lot of people wear it.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Dec 09
I am not one for fashion. I like to wear what I like and whatever I feel looks good on me. I don’t care for the latest trends or designer names; it’s too stressful not to mention expensive to be a fashion follower. I find that fashion trends come and go anyway. I hardly ever go clothes shopping because I don’t enjoy it; I usually buy things as I see them the stores. Some of my best pieces I have found in op shops and recycle boutiques for next to nothing; the idea is not to be looking for anything specific and you would be amazed what may catch your eye!
• United States
2 Dec 09
I'm definately an otherwise kind of person preferring comfort while hiding my similarities from the world. Its bad enough to need to wear a uniform to work without thinking I need wear a uniform in public to satisfy a lemming clique need. Enjoy!
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hi... I usually look for current trends every time I shop for clothes.But I do not go for everything which is in the market now. I will also put consideration of whether that item would be of a longer use or would it be comfortable or else would it fit on my activities.
@mawong79 (215)
• Malaysia
2 Dec 09
Well, I rarely follow the latest fashion and trends. For me, whatever the clothes is comfortable and I like the style, I will wear it as long as I happy.
• Turkey
2 Dec 09
I don't follow fashion-although I do have a weakness for some 90s trademarks like torn jeans, jean skirts, leather jackets. The problem with not abiding fashion is that if you need something specific, and it is not considered in fashion, you just can't find it. That's a big problem. Another problem is that since I choose clothes according to my liking, they don't go out of (my) style and that causes big wardrobe issues :D
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
2 Dec 09
I dont care what is the latest fashion. I love what is comfortable and looks good to me. I wear jeans and t-shirt to go out cleaning. Shorts in the summer. My everyday clothes all year round is sarongs. If i can get three matching them i make a tunic out of one. If not i will wear a shirt with them.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I am not necessarily 100% "up and with the times" or whatever the saying is for that..Just because I think a lot of the trends these days are ugly, and it's annoying NOT to add your own sense of style and personality into your clothes. I try to do this. I will never, ever, ever wear any kind of clothes I DON'T like (unless it's for work..In which case I have no choice!)
@wenjule (107)
• Jamaica
2 Dec 09
I am not much for the name brand clothing because frankly I cannot afford them. Besides that, everyone is already wearing them as you said. If I see some current outfits that catches my eyes and are in my price range then yes I will buy them. There however are times when a special occasion comes up and I go all out. I prefer too some styles that have kinda past their phase, not reto mind you but styles that still look good and no one else still in them.
@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
hi ronnyb^^;; i go for any style i want and doesn't mind the fashion..but i don't go retro either like those of the 70's? those of the 90's are still acceptable and there's not much difference with now i think. fashions are in a cycle but people are just transforming it in a different way to make a trend. i buy first the design and doesn't care which era it came from as long as i will not look strange and become a fashion terrorist i also buy quality clothes but not those luxury items that really cost an arm and a leg.
@ced_cap (207)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
for me branded clothes, current fashion or retro doesn't matter at all. it's all up to you which would you prefer as long as you feel comfortable with it. sometimes there are current trends that doesn't fit you and you feel awkward wearing it. just go for clothes that make you comfortable.
• United States
1 Dec 09
I never follow the latest fashion trends because they are always changing and I will always be buying clothes and I don't care to be seen as a materalistic person I want people to like me for me not for my clothes or even for my wallet. I do love brand name clothes that I find at the thrift stores funny thing is you can tell people you spent $30 on the shirt and they buy it