Does beating your kids when they are being difficult, amount to abuse?

December 1, 2009 9:22am CST
I have son who is four years old. He is adorable! However sometimes he can be very difficult. In order to discipline sometimes I have to spank him. But it so happened that at some times I've slapped him really hard on his cheeks leaving them red.Once he even bled from his nose. I think I got carried away. I've vowed never to slap him on his face again for that matter never to beat him in order to discipline him, after that incident. I think beating our kids in order to discipline them amounts to physical abuse. What do you think?
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10 responses
@RyanneD (186)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I COMPLETELY agree with Max. I think what you did DOES constitute as child abuse and is in NO WAY "ok". You need to seek professional help and you DEFINITELY need to learn how to control your anger. If you get to the point where you want to cause physical harm to your child then you have no business even having children!! If you have a conscience AT ALL you will contact someone for help and you will save your son from further abuse!!!
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• India
2 Dec 09
Thanks for the strong words!! I have been very careful with my son since the day I realized and such incidents have been very rare. My son is a very happy and naughty little youngster who is doing well in school. He has a lot of friends and I believe is growing well. He is the pride and joy of my/our life!!
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@RyanneD (186)
• United States
2 Dec 09
That's all well and good, but I don't think that these instances should be "rare", they should be NONEXISTANT!!! This should NEVER happen!!! I honestly think you need to talk to someone. If a person has that much trouble controlling their anger (especially if they're a parent) I feel that it is IMPERATIVE to seek help! Do he is, in fact, the pride of your life, then you will get help because that is what would be best for him!!!
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• India
2 Dec 09
What I meant by 'rare' is in the "past". I am certainly mature enough not to spank or beat my child again and have not repeated it even once. Thanks for the response.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Dec 09
yes i think you went too far. A good rule of thumb is to NEVER discipline while you are mad. Put him in his room until you have calmed down. You should never never never draw blood. I always stuck to just a pop on the butt. The point to discipline is not to hurt, but to get the childs attention.
• India
3 Dec 09
That would be a great way to go!! I will remember the rule.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
1 Dec 09
you need to see a shrink, you did it once you'll do it again
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
2 Dec 09
yeah him being four is hard. maybe alittle tap on the behind, but if you are leaving marks and making his noise to bleed not good. i would try time out with him, if he's 4 then its four min in time out. either on the couch or in a coner works good.
• India
3 Dec 09
I think your advise will be very helpful. I will surely try it out. Thanks!
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
3 Dec 09
You need to call a hotline or something, if a 4 year old can push you to give him a bloody nose what is going to happen when the little guy hits that know-it-all 7 and 8 year old stage that is so much fun for us parents?..The fact you only think you got carried away scares the living hell out of me. Everytime you hit a kid you rob them of something, you change who they are meant to be. Beating and discipline shouldn't even be used in the same sentence..I beat my child should be followed by the have the right to remain silent. I'm stopping now before I cross some line here, I know I sound harsh but you hit my main nerve, about the only thing you get points for with me at this point is the fact you actually asked us what we thought..I just hope you are ready to find out.
• India
3 Dec 09
I feel just a strongly as you do. I love my son a lot and care for him . It's just that I went too far the last time and I am determined that it should be the 'last time'too. I feel about myself just as you feel. I don't think I need a hotline because thankfully I have my family to help me with my child. However Thanks for the response!!
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@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I'm glad you have family support..please please use it. Before you lose your temper
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• India
2 Dec 09
I don't think so. The major responsibility lie on us when we bring up a child. Do anyone think that you had never been beaten up by your parents. It's just a part of training a child when he grows up. It can't be amounted to abuse unless it is over done. Definitely things has to be made understood politely and kindly with all ur love. If taken it lightly then it has to be made understood in a different manner. Hope you got the message.
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I'm sorry but giving a 4 year old a bloody nose is overdoing it! You train animals, you raise children. There are many other methods of discipline you can try, if one doesn't work it is up to the adult to try another one. beating isn't discipline.It's abuse.
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@SanDslnrs (268)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Wow, this was really hard for me to read. I understand sometimes children can be very difficult, but you need to find other ways to discipline your child. Slapping and spanking are two different things, and I really do agree with the others that you need to get some sort of help to be able to manage your anger better. I was a screamer myself when I was younger and believe me I've done so much better with my grandchildren and putting them in the chair or stand in the hallway for 1 minute time out (I stand with them). I never overdid the 1 minute timeout and it's worked great with the kids...they hate being taken away from what they want to do. Good luck to you and I'll keep you and your son in my prayers.
• Melbourne, Australia
4 Dec 09
I have never hit anyone let alone my son. It must have been more than a slap to get a blood nose. I think you need help, or better still your son taken away from you. If you feel the need to ask on here if it is abuse then your in need of some serious help before you 'slap' him hard enough to kill him.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Dec 09
mohinimandokhot wow what a long user name hi Yes you were abusing your child, you lost your cool, beating is abuse it teaches the child thats its all right to punch someone in the face for anything. no never do that. here in the US slapping one in the face is considered an insult and to do 'this to a defenseless little four year old, go see a mental health person,you need help. do not do that to a little child thats unreasonable to the nth degree.,
@judelen (428)
• Philippines
7 Dec 09
I don't believe that spanking a child can change once attitude of a child. For me the best discipline that you can give is to talk to a child. You know when you hurt a child, that hurt remains in their mind forever. So, when they recall the incident they create bad feeling towards you. I'll never spank my children because i really love them. It's natural for a child to play, naughty, and even running anywhere because they are a child. Talking to your child is the best way in disciplining a child. You should know that they are human, subject to commit sin, like you subject to commit sins too. Our children are the gift of God, you should thank that because, there are many parents now have no child at all. They have no gift like a child like you. So you are lucky God given you a child.