Not taking responsibility

United States
December 1, 2009 11:51am CST
I am so very tired of people not taking responsibility for what they do and pushing the blame on others. What started this post today? The fact that on another post some one said that stores should not sell they're wares (in this case pets) during the holidays because people buy pets as gifts and some of them end up in shelters. Why is it that it is the seller not the buyer who should lose money and business for others mistakes. Also in a local paper a man in the complaint section went on and on that food stores should stop carrying chips and candy because they make people fat. The food store and the food do not make people fat. Lazy non moving, over eating people make them selves fat! ( yes I have chub and I am responsible for that not the food store). This is making me nuts. any one else find this ridonkulous?
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9 responses
• United States
1 Dec 09
completely ridiculous and just plain ignorant stupidity to say it in a nice mylot friendly way. this reminds me of things like warnings on buckets that a child could drown in them and coffee cups having hot labels as if things like that are not obvious. the people responsible for such idiocy should be locked up for life not awarded money and a new totally ignorant law to plauge the poor manufacturers of such things.
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• India
2 Dec 09
‘ridonkulous???!!!”LOL But seriously, I can understand your anger but I do think likewise, at least in the first instance, though the person who started that discussion on pets may not be absolutely correct. I think that what that person meant to say is that in the festive season and during sales, many people buy pets as gifts either for themselves or to give without any serious thought as to the responsibilities of maintaining a pet full time. So once the novelty factor wears out, many of these animals end up in shelters. So if the pets are on sale at other times when there’s not a mad rush to buy, people would be more circumspect before gong for a pet to take home…it wont be a spur of the moment decision for many. Regarding the second case, well blaming the stores is ridiculous…sorry…ridonkulous OK, there’s nothing the shops can do about junk food. Only if there is either some self-discipline among us or if there is a concerted effort by all to make the manufacturers more responsible, can we see any difference in our health.
@jb78000 (15139)
2 Dec 09
that person was me. i think i might have been slightly misunderstood but i did say what i meant to say. and you have resaid it here - shops not selling pets over the festive period is i think a good idea and i was asking for other ideas to reduce the numbers of unwanted ones.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Dec 09
hi opinionated lady yes indeed and blaming the burger king or coffee shop because the coffee is hot and she burned herself when she spilled it. this woman went so far as to sue the store, I thinkit was Macdonalds because the coffee was hot and burned her 'when she spilled it on herself. hello there,tap her'noggin any one home? Coffee is supposed to be hot and you are supposed to use your common sense when drinking it and handling it. It is not up to the store or the servers to warn you that the hot coffee is indeed hot.
@niara25 (147)
• United States
19 Dec 09
The sad part, Hatley, is the jury voted in her favor. Majority rules. Now, the majority is so damned stupid and ignorant it makes me sick. Too many many people don't take responsibility for their own actions and blame others for their shortcomings. Ridonculous!
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Dec 09
Ridonkulous? Not sure if that is the case.--?? I think Wah! Wah! is the phrase that fits here. People seem to have to have something to gripe about and usually it is petty and pathetic and has little value and is a BIG waste of everybody's time. I agree with the second half of what you said. As far as the pet shops are concerned. Bottom line is money. Few places are really out for the love of the animal and its well being. It is normal for the seller to lose a certain amount of money and it is built into prices and mathmatical reasoning on how much they should or shouldn't make annually. I don't think live gifts are the way to go unless you knew for sure the living thing was going to be appreciated and not end up in a shelter. That would solve alot all round.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
1 Dec 09
Yes, I agree with you 100 percent.. It is Redonkulous.. nice word by the way. That is what society has become.. People sue the coffee place because they spill the coffee on themselves and get burnt.... WTF.. You knew it was hot! It's just nuts!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Dec 09
hi minx lovely word redonkulous. in other words ridiculous to the nth degree huh?
• United States
1 Dec 09
Yes this is ridiculous. People do need to take responsibility for their actions. I have said it myself. Our children don't even take responsibility for their actions because the parents/adults don't anymore. It is a not me society which makes me nuts also. People need to wake up and realize that for every action their is a reaction good and bad. When you goof correct it don't complain about it and play the victim card crying poor me.
• United States
2 Dec 09
Yes like weather disasters being the fault of Politicians, or "Children" who are being supported by parents in there not only early or mid but late 20's and 30's.
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
OpinionatedLady Heloo there!!! I agree with you... Some people always point their fingers to others or somethings... We are in control of our lives... What ever the situations we are in, it is our own doing... We are responsible for it. Okay those sweet candies, fatty foods are really tempting but we should not forget if we have self discipline and know our limitations... we will not get fat. If one cannot control his eating habits then, do some exercise to burn those unwanted fats...
2 Dec 09
Completely redonkulous.
• India
2 Dec 09
i agree with this humans hav a tendancy of blaming others watever gud or bad happens to them and thts y they blame others for the mishappenings. people are not reaady to hav the responsibilty and if they do they can definetly become more modest honest and friendly in their surrounding enviornment.