My dog snores!
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
December 1, 2009 1:22pm CST
Yes you read that right! My dog snores!
My dog, Leslie sleeps like oil.
Leslie sleeps inside my room and most of the time she sleeps first than me. Would you believe, I was walking around and making some small noises but she never even bother to open her eyes!!!
She is really different. Imagine when she is sleeping even if I called her name, she will not respond, unless I touch and shake her a bit.
Hey don't think that she has a hearing problem or something... That is only happening when she is sleeping. When she is fully awake, she will barks when she hears my footsteps even if I am 15 to 20 steps away from her. She also reacts to some small noises like mouse movement or the like...
She has full of reactions --- when awake!
And you know the cute and funny part??? She is sometimes sleeping/lying on her back (nakatihaya in tagalog)
. Just imagine how a big pitbull like her looks like!!!

16 responses
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Mine too. I have a Lab and a coonhound (I know that is two words but Mylot says I can't use the one) and they both snore up a storm when they sleep. The hound also dreams and at times will even bay in his sleep! The lab is a piggy. She burps, a lot. She is the only dog I have ever had who burps.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Actually according to our vet it is how she drinks her water. She doesn't lap it up like a lady she slurps and guzzles like there is no tomorrow. They noticed this behavior when she was there to be fixed and said it is a common reaction to early trauma in life like not having water on a regular basis. We obtained the dog when her owner in a rage threw her from his car window and left her abandoned in front of my husbands job. He never even came back to look for the dog. She doesn't gobble her food that way but she does hide it away for later so we figure the other guy wasn't very good at keeping up with what she needed.
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
oh that is so sad... at least she has found a new home and a family whom will love and care for her dearly... She will get over that... She is now love and soon she will forget all those sad experiences...
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
I never heard my dog burps!!!
That is cool! That is very funny to hear. May be you are over feeding your lab... the reason why she burps a lot... She is very full and just cannot stop eating when you put food on her plate!!! 

@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
Gee that is so funny..
Dogs are man's best friend.. and even if you feel lonely, just look for her, stop for awhile and remember all the funny things of her? would make you smile..
Dogs are intelligent too.. although they are sometimes lazy and do funny stuffs? you can see how they are attached to those who take care of them well..

@missweety (626)
• Latvia
2 Dec 09
you started to tell that dogs are intelligent...
I would like to add my story of my Labrador add that dogs are really intelligent... day I was preparing dinner in was of course sitting near me and looking when something will fall down so she could catch it and eat...
and of course something fell down,it was a little bit of cheese powder, my dog saw it and started to act like a crazy, but as I have a little kitchen, I told her to go out of to her place...she went to her dog bed and lied down still watching me...
but imagine, she was waiting all time long till I finished dinner, till I put the food on my dish, till I get to other room to tv...and then she went to kitchen to the same place where that cheese powder was and started to lick the floor, that dog is so patient!!!! patient and clever!!!
:) I wish I could learn that patience from her :)
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
I definitely agree with you, Genericbe!!! She is really a stress reliever as well. Especially when she puts her head on my lap... They are intelligent and caring... They are really sensitive and they know exactly when you are sad...
My dog stays beside me and never leave my side when I am sad... She is just there sitting. Like a friend!!! Actually more than a friend!
Funny, but sometimes when I am talking to her I am addressing myself as her mom!!! HAHAHAHA!

@missweety (626)
• Latvia
2 Dec 09
P.S. I ma as well addressing myself like her mum and my boyfriend's mum is her granny, that how he cal her!!! haaahaaa

@angel_of_charm (4134)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
your Leslie is looking pretty..I was just a surprise as you when I first heard a dog snoring
..My terrier is snoring also! at first I was hearing noises and I got so silly afraid because I'm all alone with my terrier and so I thought I'm hearing a strange noise. then I looked at him and guess what?! it was actually him snoring so loud..
..He also like to sleep lying on his back..aren't they so cute..

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09

@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Lol...our lab snores a lot too, I have never really noticed her doing it too much before but one noght we were at our friends place and she has a bulldog and he will flip onto his back and start snoring away and at times and can get really loud and of course we all think it is hilarious and I told her that our dog has never snored before well about a month later while the kids and hubby were out for the day I was sitting on the couch and she was sleeping at my feet and I kept hearing this quiet yet weird noise so I muted the television and realized that it was the dog and she was snoring...we have since noticed that she does this a lot more than we ever knew, it is the cutest thing =)
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hi froggieslover!!! I didn't know too that dogs snore before...
Hearing our dogs snore make us all laugh. They are really funny and cute. When my dog snores I really try not to make any noise... I don't want to disturb her good deep sleep! 

@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I never disturb my dog either because I find it funny but she is out of luck when my daughter is home because she always makes noise and purposely wakes her up but to be honest the dog never gets into a deep enough sleep with the kids home anyhow =)
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Same here!!! My little boy always call her and wanted to play with her every afternoon... Maybe that is why at the end of the day, she just wanted to sleep and rest!!! She got tired...
And that is the best time she can get a good rest for my baby boy is also sleeping...

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Right kaufueenu! I feel embarass really to wake her up... Well I think I am successful to that anyways. Well Leslie is alert whole day but at night most of the time she is really in deep sleep
. May be she is tired hahahaha!

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
They hate cats... I wonder why they hate them... ??? Dogs are really noisy and do non stop barking when they see cats... They get very angry! 

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Huh?!? Really? Your dog barks even if he is sleeping... as in his eyes are close? Hahaha That is so funny!!!
Well, I haven't experience that with my dog yet! And I think that is really funnier!

@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
1 Dec 09
Your dog is very cute. My pup sleeps on her back often too. She also snores as well.
I don't mind. I am just happy she is getting good sleep as she is quite active when awake.
Although my dog seems more alert even when she is sleeping than your dog, my first impression is that your dog must feel very safe and secure to sleep so sound. I wouldn't worry about it. Just continue to give her the love that you do. Leslie is obviously well cared for.
I too care well for my pup but she has a bad history in her first 15 mnths before I got her so is why I think she doesn't sleep as sound as your dog.
Although when I am in bed and she is sleeping on the bed, at night, there has been sounds that I was surprised she slept through as well, like Leslie has. I think my pup feels most secure when it is bed time and I am in bed as well.
I will leave you with a cute saying that is So true!
A Dog Sleeps So Much because It Loves So Hard!
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hi EvrWonder! I am sure whatever your puppy had gone through, she will soon overcome and forget about that eventually... I can see that you care so much with her too... And she feels more secure sleeping beside you... Just continue to shower her with love and care!!!
Thanks for sharing!

@missweety (626)
• Latvia
2 Dec 09
Yes, it is really funny and I can imagine it too...
My dog Labrador is snoring as well, and really loud sometimes...
All our frinds are suprised when they hear it. Sometimes she is dreaming that she is running somewhere, then her eyes move a little and she acts like running just lying horizontally on her dog bed...
She is like a human person...and when I woke her up, because sometimes she is making strange noises when sleeps, then she is so happy like just had seen a bad dream and I woke her up from it, she is saying 'thanks' !!! :D
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Dogs are really like humans somehow... I wonder what they dreamt of... I hope they are dreaming about us too
If my dog makes strange noise as well like she was having a bad dream I will wake her up too.
Thank you for sharing missweety!

@kelly10 (678)
2 Dec 09
Wow, it sounds just like my dog. He snores most nights, but on occassions he snores that loudly it is annoying and actually stops me from sleeping. He too cannot be woken by calling his name. Although he does wake up when my boyfriend comes back from work, just as he opens the front door. I think this is because he is in, what I call, security mode. When there is just me and him in the house he is very protective and responds to every single noise he hears, even more then normal. He's just one funny fella.
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Dogs are really protective. And you can really sense their care for you. They know exactly when to be alert... When they don't feel any unusual or like what you said, you are alone... they are relax as well.
It is so nice to have a dog! 

@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
1 Dec 09
That's funny. Our Saint Bernard snores like a truck driver after a long haul. They have such large jowls, that when he lays just right you can hear him from the other room. I swear we had to turn the tv up one night. My husband knd of pushed him to rearrange him and he slept right through it. My son went in the kitchen and opened a bag of chips, the dog was awake, up, and begging before my son even finished opening the bag!
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Are you serious? That loud???
I agree jewels, they are like kids... They get excited seeing food being opened... And when we go out... they are also waiting if we have something for them or pasalubung once back...

@olisaur (1922)
• United States
1 Dec 09
Sounds like your dog's just a heavy sleeper, lol.
All the pets I've had in the past were pretty light sleepers, and none onf them snored. Well, my cat snored sometimes in his old age- it was pretty funny. I did notice that as my dog and cat aged more, they did sleep less lightly. :o
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Hi olisaur! Yes she is a real heavy sleeper!!!!
Hearing pet or any animal snoring is funny!
That was a surprise, I never thought that they snored before I heard her... Thank you for sharing.

@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Thats so cute! My dog lucky (who is a pitbull) snores a lot.. and sometimes wicked loud which would be annoying if it wasn't so cute! My dog will even move her eyes, and her paws when shes sleeping (i thinks hes dreaming )
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
HAHAHA! Yes I believe so, they are dreaming like us humans...
Well if we are really tired and want some quiet time and they do that... yes it is a bit annoying and irritating... I think I will make her sleep outside my room for a while... 

@matt25762 (3)
• United States
2 Dec 09
OMG!! Your dog is so cute. Saw how it snores and that is just histerical. Well my mom snores really loud and though I love her, she is not close to how cute your dog is. Well thanks for keeping it interesting, keep up the good posts lovelyn-medrano!
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hi matt25762! Welcome to mylot and thanks for appreciating my topic.
You are right when people snore they are really not cute but disturbing and irritating...
especially if they snore really loud.

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hi bianca89!! Hope you are enjoying your time in here! I can see that you are a newbie.
Yes actually it is a bit embarassing to disturb her when she is snoring... for she is having a good deep sleep...
Thanks for responding and have a nice day always!

@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 Dec 09

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Your dog is funny but a bit disturbing savypat...
She must be in her real deep sleep, imagine doing all those stuff and still asleep...
My dog snoring is mild... She snores almost every night but there was never a case that I was awaken by her...
Thank you for responding savypat!!!

@ginahinderliter (270)
• United States
1 Dec 09
That is funny. I've heard many animals snoring, but to not instantly wake up when it's name is called and to sleep on its Cute.
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
Hello ginahinderliter!!! Yes they are really funny! Especially if you see them with your own eyes...lying on their back and snoring like humans... having a good deep sleep...
Yes she is not responding when I am calling her name... I need to touch and shake her a bit... then she will open her eyes and look at me. She looks like a lazy child who doesn't want to stand up yet...