What do you like better, dog or cat?

December 2, 2009 9:03am CST
Dog and cat maybe the most common pet in every family. Some people have dog or cat, some have both. But what do you like better between dog and cat? Some people say dog is better as dog is loyal to his owner, cat is not as good as dog in loyalty as they will find new owner who treat them nice if the original owner dosen't feed them. Some people say woman likes a cat and man likes a dog haha. Anyway, I love cats better though I also love dogs. I love the downy hair, soft paws, and self clean habbit of cats. So what about you my pals?
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34 responses
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
I love dogs...well I don't hate cats... but I don't feel having a pet cat. Ever since, our pet is always a dog. Cats maybe sweeter than dogs, but dogs are fast learner than cats. You can teach a lot of tricks to dogs than cats. Dogs can also be a very good guard that could protect you from any possible danger. Dogs are very loyal and I like how they bark when strangers are going around our house. I love dogs.
• India
2 Dec 09
Great Friend......... Your point of view regarding dogs are just like me and millions of people............
@agaur7 (87)
• India
3 Dec 09
I like dogs and cat. but i most like dogs. because dogs is a faithful for humanbing. dogs are a great watchman of house. i like cat but not mutch i dont know why? but i dont most like cat
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
i like dog,because its easier to trained its loyal to the owner and it could guard anywhere everywhere as long as it is with you,especially at night, unlike cat it they just guard your house form rats.and i dont want cat to be with me because if i smell the feather i fell sick because of my ashma and allergy
@samawati (140)
3 Dec 09
I also love dogs , as a pet , because they are very friendly and not arrogant as cats .People who prefer cats are very patient , because a cat can make you really angry sometimes and then pretend to be innocent. Oh and , dogs bark really loud , but cats sometimes cry like a baby ..which is very creepy! It's also hard to tell if a cat is sick or dying , a dog will stop wagging the tail and start sleeping all day ... cats sleep all day even when they are ok , because they are arrogant ..lol
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I'm definately a dog person.A dog loves your attention all the time,but a cat will scratch if it don't want you bothering it.Dogs watch over the house,a cat,well I never heard of a watch cat.A dog is more company than a cat.I like alot more things about a dog than a cat.I've owned cats to keep mice away,they're great for that.Cats are great for other reasons.I don't hate cats,but prefer a dog.
15 Dec 09
dogs. i have two german shepherds and they are both gorgeous. cats are cool too but they're always out doing cattish things so its difficult to play with them but dogs are always around, not to mention i reckon decent sized dogs would be better protection if your house is being burgled than a cat.
• India
5 Dec 09
I Love Dogs More Then Cats.They Very Cuddly Ones.:)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Love dogs. Like cats. But a dog is just a better all around pet for a man in my opinion. Security, comfort, friendliness. Different breeds have their own characteristics. Dogs are family animals. Able to protect and be utilized in a variety of useful ways from farming to gardening to even babysitting. Not to mention how it helps our disabled citizens.
• United States
8 Dec 09
Im not one to like any pets had a friend who had her dog at my house and I hated it. Having to clean up all the do do and pee pee is not for me and she would let the dog kiss all over her and had a problem giving me a kiss. No way
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I love both. They both have their pros and cons. But i believe cats are loyal too. They are more self reliant. If somebody didnt feed me id be gone too. Wouldnt you? Dogs are better as a watchdog. Even when they are inside they know whats up outside. They alert you better. Cats are also noticing whats up outside. But unless you are watching them you may not notice. They dont let you know.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
4 Dec 09
Like you, I like dogs but prefer cats. They don't yap, yap, yap every time someone walks down the street. If we want to go away for a day or two, all we have to do is make sure the litter box is clean and there is sufficient food and water left out. We have left our cat alone in the house for as long as 3 weeks at a time. We did have a neighbor come in occasionally to clean the litter box and make sure he had plenty of food and clean water. A dog would have to have been left at a boarding kennel for that length of time. A dog needs to be walked, but a cat can get sufficient exercise running around a normal size house. My husband and I agree that at our age, a cat is a better pet than a dog.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
3 Dec 09
Cats are perfect. You know they love you when the give you attention. Cats don't come just because you call. They are independent creatures. I have 8 cats and 1 dog. Cats rock.
• United States
3 Dec 09
I had a cat and two dogs and I found all of them terrific. My cat and I would take long walks down to the fishing pier and watch the sun set. He was an old guy, but at 27 years, he was still a fab mouser and loved his cat toys. He always wrapped himself around my neck when I wrote my stories at the computer. His purring seemed to put me at ease and it was almost like he was whispering ideas for stories in my ear. The dogs were terrific on the boat! They were a riot to watch trying to grab the fish we caught. One of them learned to dive from the boat when we anchored and climb back up the ladder when he'd had his swim. The other was quite content to stay in the boat and sunbathe. As it turned out my favorite story is almost through the editing process now and it is about the three of them. So, I really couldn't choose between them. They are all special, but in different ways.
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
4 Dec 09
I am a dog lover. To me they are more interactive and have more playful tendencies. It's more like having a friend than a cat is. Maybe that is just because I haven't met any cats with a bunch of personality. I have 3 dogs and I don't think they would appreciate us bringing a cat into their home at this point.
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I think I like dogs better because of their loyalty and intelligence and I think they are more happy than cats. I love cats, too because they are loyal and sweet when they sleep together.
• Canada
4 Dec 09
Man, I love both so much. I grew up with a huge and loveable Irish wolfhound, lab mix. Best dog ever. But now I have 3 cats with hilarious personalities. I would say that within the dog variety I like big dogs better. Anything canine that I can fit in a purse I don't want. I want to be able to give it a big hug you know? Animals are made of awesome.
• Australia
5 Dec 09
I prefer cats,they are so cute.Plus they purr and go to sleep on your lap,so cute. Although my cat does this annoying kneading thing when it climbs on my lap,but I love the purring.... Dogs don't purr,so cats rule!!!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
3 Dec 09
I love cats the most, I always have. I had a cat when I was age 6 to 12 years of age, although he really belonged to my whole family. When I was 13 I got my first own cat, a beautiful very fluffy white cast with ginger patch on his head and ginger circles on his tail. He was so loving. Another cat I had for 18 years was a very large, part feral, grey tabby cat. At the moment I have a fluffy dark tortie and a black & white short hair cat. Both cats sleep on my bed. I do like dogs too, and I have one min fox terrier.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
3 Dec 09
I love dogs when we lived on a farm we did have both a cat and a dog. So I do like cats but I would rather have a dog. We have lived in town for many years now and do not have either. I do not like having to keep a dog locked up and in town they have to be pin up in your back yard.
@Nancy23 (36)
• China
3 Dec 09
I love dogs,because I think that is the most loyal dog owner's
@aguas_aj (498)
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
I would prefer to have a dog as my pet, simply because it's more loyal and they can be a good friend. It seems that they understand at time especially when you trained them and has grown up with the owner.and I believe that dogs are sensitive with their master's feeling.
@azazel87 (97)
• Bulgaria
3 Dec 09
I like cats. I had a cat and I love her. I don`t hate dogs but I prefer cats. I like pets who can take and hold, something fluffy and tender. My pet now is rabbit and I like him so much. He is so harmless and all the time he needs me. He is really good animal, little stupid but so naive and charming. He never hurts people and all the time he wants someone to play with him.
• Canada
3 Dec 09
I would say both have their pros and cons. A dog could be very loyal to you, depending on the size could protect you. While a cat is very solitary. It might not interact with you as much BUT some cats do like human interaction. A dog requires alot more maintinance.