Negative Rating!

December 3, 2009 5:45am CST
From 97 to 92 ranking all for today. This is what I get for speaking my mind so freely even though I tried to be careful I still pissed someone somewhere. I don't know if I were a victim of a troll who likes to rate negatively or someone must have hated me so much. I only responded once and this is the second discussion I made for the day. Somehow I can pinpoint where I got this negative rating. Someone couldn't properly comment back in the long response I made so that certain someone just negative rate me I will rise from here again soon even if someone negative rates me everyday
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16 responses
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Oh, my Hexe, I am certain this isn't some glitch which happened a few weeks ago when almost all of us turned six in our reputation rating. this is quite alarming frankly. it's either this, some of the discussions that you have responded or started on had been deleted and this could cause it, but that would mean a lot of post. or the usual way of knowing it is when some one is abusing the rating system every day..i don't know what to do but try to rate you up if i get to see one of your post. i can tell this is really unfair.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
i feel sad about this. but you know, that's life here, but that wasn't the worse one compare to the last time before they limit the rating system. don't worry you'll get back at your feet
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
I know I can get back up because I got friends like you. Thank you once again
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Thanks Letran! So there was another glitch here in mylot, I didn't notice it because I'm a bit inactive this month. My case, I think, is not possible to be connected to the glitch. I think someone just negatively rate me because I'm pretty sure that no discussion of mine got deleted for I never posted any discussion since the last payout until today and this would be my second discussion for the day. I always check my star every time so I'm also sure that it never went down from 97 until today. Thanks for your support I will get everything back as soon as I can, just have to organize my busy schedule for the mean time.
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@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
3 Dec 09
Hi, friend. I am so sorry to read that somebody rate you negative. I have read so many of your post on the discussions and I think you are great and so positive! Don't care about that! Do your best and everything's gonna be OK. I think some people don't have a work to do so they just doing bad things. What is troll?
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Wow! HI there KompitaPita! Thanks for the positive feedback, I'm quite flattered Don't worry I'm still a positive person and always cheerful. I will be responding more after my busy schedules are done. This is the meaning of troll according to wikipedia: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2] Source: Wikipedia
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• Bulgaria
3 Dec 09
Thank you for that information. I didn't knew that. Well... you have a troll beside you who loved to rate you negative. I hate people like this - if you /I don't mean really you/ don't like someone, just don't talk with him, don't read him/her discussions, don't post on him/her discussions...but to rate somebody just like that with negative rate it's just ...
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Don't get mad at them because the more you get angry the more you make them happy Let's follow your advise and just don't mind them. It really wont affect your character because for sure your friends and you,yourself, will be the one to know who you really are in the end. Actually I don't care about the star even if it reaches zero(I'm a bit curious on what color is assigned for zero) I will continue to speak my mind and advise everyone to be positive and share a smile everyday. Making someone smile is more satisfying than being popular because of the star
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• Spain
3 Dec 09
I had the same problem as you, but my discussion kept on getting removed. I guess someone here doesn't like certain things, like if you donĀ“t like and answer that does NOT mean you will rate negative. you rate negative when the answer is on a completely different topic. for example if you ask, how to turn on a car, and someone answers, well birds fly when they need to. things like that you know... But for speaking your mind freely, i do believe there is someone on mylot rating everyone negatively or removing the post.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Actually this is not a rare case. It happens quite often and I've even participated in discussions similar to mine. Just think positive and always try to speak your mind freely but with utmost care upon delivery. It's a fact that "one cannot really please everybody" Don't mid such insecure people There is always some friends who could help you and does not criticize you. Just be sure you don't violate anything in the guidelines
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
3 Dec 09
Hi hexeduser, if you can pinpoint which discussion it happened in and you said nothing against the rules then report it as abuse as it's against the guidelines for someone to negative rate for a difference of opinion. How it generally happens is if as you say you pissed someone off, they probably got a few of their equally nasty friends to come along and neg you too. It hardly takes any negs to reduce your rating but an awful lot to pull it back up. I can pinpoint exactly the last two times it happened to me, one of them was even boasting about it. It is the revenge of the petty though and they knock their own stars at the same time as yours by doing it. It isn't returning trolls as they usually get spotted these days before reaching the requisite 100 postings which allows them to rate.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
3 Dec 09
I don't know if they do anything or not but the last person who boasted about doing it to me had also made lots of abusive comments which were reported and it would appear that a warning has been issued as the tone has definitely changed. Letran it is very easy to pinpoint someone. I was in a discussin a while back and my Romanian friend had posted a response. Someone else then came in the box below him and made a 'funny story' about a Romanian chap who stunk. This had absolutely no relevance to the discussion and was obviously inspired by the fact that my friend there was from Romania, so I went in and told her to apologise as I found it offensive. She refused to do so and another Romanian friend came in to point out her ignorance, she (religious type) then went and rounded up her friends and my star dropped before my eyes, so it was pretty simple to workout who had intiated it. I still maintain that she should have apologised in the first place as it was tacky and tasteless to post it anywhere, but especially where she did. The whole discussion ended up being deleted but my rating took weeks to recover to 98 and then got slaughtered again immediately in politics.
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
I surely would like to know how you pin point an abusive user, though.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
I'll let it pass for now but if my rating continues to drop then I will surely report it. Thank you for the info, I learned something new again about mylot today I never knew we could report this kind of abuse. What happened was really awful because he/she had the guts to boast about it. People like this would never enjoy in a somewhat utopic world. I don't know why they post discussion when after all they wont accept other people opinions and views Glad to see you again in my discussion Ms. thea09
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@Reyachan (589)
• Romania
3 Dec 09
Don't tempt them!:) There are a lot of vengefull people out there apearently. I'm sorry for your bad rating, but I'm happy to find another optimistic person over here. Let's see if you can get my title of hopelss idealist, lol (that's how my friends describe me) Just for the record, I believe you did the right thing speaking your mind. And if that got some people anry it just means you were right. Because truth hurts most of the time. I don't know the actual context, but I do believe that honesty is a good thing. PS : this reminds me of an episode of House MD I watched last night. One in which a guy suffered from dezinhibition of the frontal lobe.And from the hypocrite smoothtalker facade ended up looking like the biggest jerk! Very funny episode! Kind of reminded me of the movie "Liar,liar". Happy mylotting and may your reputation grow back to its former glory, lol!
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• Philippines
3 Dec 09
That title would be yours forever I assure you. I am somewhat of an idealist but more like Don Quixote. I want to watch that House episode tooThere are just some sore losers everywhere and they wont stop until they realize they're not doing anything mature Let's just continue lotting and be happy with what we learn and contribute to the community everyday.
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
Those lotters who rate you with negative maybe like to become popular to take this place. If they are so insecure they should try to post their own intellectual discussion if they like to become interesting. maybe even in real life they are bunch of haters, jealous types and so insecure full of evil thinking. The lot should investigate this as good lotter may find this place not enjoyable one as they drive those lotters who make a good discussion stay away from this site.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
yup, those trolls only encourages good lotters to become active with this site as they destroy the peace and some good lotters may be discourage to post when their star drop rapidly...
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
If you allow them to get into you then you should try to be more positive Don't praise them, negative things are music to their ears If I may say, I believe that good lotters wont be discouraged instead they would contribute more wonderful things despite those negative rating
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Dec 09
Imsorry someone did this to you. There are people out there who just cant handle anyone disagreeing with them. They want to be right and they want everyone to approve what they are saying. I never rate people negatively for disagreeing. I will only ever rate a - if the person has been offensive. May I ask what your discussion was about, that casuused this negative rating?
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I would like to give you the title of the discussion but I'm afraid if I did that, it would only make matters worst. I don't know but I just responded to a discussion about mylotters/lotters. Just because lotters doesn't meet his/her standards in how to respond in his/her discussions he/she wont agree with them That's how I ended up being rated negatively
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
Oh that usually happens in here. It is really hard to please everybody in here and you just have to accept the situation in there. I am thinking that we can survive this though avoid those controversial topics like religion, and sexuality issues. It is usually in that topic that bashing and negative ratings are given.
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I can see that many mylotters avoid such interest but I'm quite adventurous and I'm not afraid to speak my mind and I can readily accept and admit my mistakes if I need to. It was my first time to receive such a biggie
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Feb 10
my dear hexeduser22 you are up to 95 now so you are only two points down, this varies in tens a lot I was aten once, trolls did a number on me over night from ten to a 5 but I complained and mylot admins caught the two culprits and kicked them out. but they only raised my star to an 8 and now finally I am a red nine. so you will be back soon and smile at least you were not minused to a five. I will not negative rate you as you do quality posting and anyway I just dont hit the minus key,if its that bad I will report it. You will get back to maybe 98 bet you. cheers.
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• Philippines
14 Feb 10
Hi Miss Hatley! I'm sorry to hear about that experience of yours when it comes to trolls and negative rates. I would like to thank you and the others as well because if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be seeing my favorite blue colored star. I'll surely help you get to blue. I really don't mind about the numbers associated with the star, all I care about is the color of my star. Blue is my favorite color so I really loved seeing a blue star next to my name I will cheer you too
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
well, your rating is not yet terrible much damage is brought to me by those unfair rating even though i avoid joining interest like religion or politic. I become active for the last 3 week. i got a 97 then it becomes 85 . then, I observe this happen when i post many discussion instead of my reputation to rise it even decrease every times i make new discussion. Then, everyday my star reputation is either down by 2 points and like the last 2 days each day down by 1 points, which is very unfair as i never rate other with negative. i do not argue and even gives them good advices.
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
Whoah that's even terrible than mine. I'm so sorry to hear that and I hope you got over it by now. Let's just continue to do our thing and contribute wonderful things here in mylot Don't forget to make someone somewhere smile today because it really is satisfying to make someone smile
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
4 Dec 09
I've stayed pretty much between the 79 and 82 range for the longest time, and I've spoken my mind on quite a few things. It doesn't bother me, though; I don't pay much attention to the color of the star next to my name. I respond to what I want to respond to and start discussions on what I want to discuss, and go about my merry way around here.
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I like your optimism! Like you I really don't care about the star value. What bugs me is that it changed color. I like blue. I made this discussion just make some clarifications and show the one who negative rate me that I'm okay and I've got friends to support me here
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
well, that is the case all those who have a sudden drop in rating reputation need to unite to file complain with my lot so that those who rate negative could be caught. those trolls should get a life of their own they only bring disruption to this place.
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
The admin of mylot is doing their job and we should all be vigilant to help them caught and punish those losers
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@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
4 Dec 09
Thanks for posting this discussion, as a newbie I was a bit confused about the ranking and reputation ratings but this has made it a bit clearer!
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I'm glad that my discussion helped you. If you have other concerns don't be afraid to ask. Me and the rest of the mylot community would surelyextend a hand for you
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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
3 Dec 09
I face this regularly coz i have responded to many discussions in making money interests and trying to improve my rank which was at 918 last week and i had climbed to 475.but today it shows some nine hundred plus which is really bad.These days i am responding to new members discussions which contain repeated ones so i they have an impact on my ratinr as well coz they get next time i must be careful in responding as well.gud day.
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Whoa, don't make a hobby out of it Just try to be careful next time and if you're responding to new users discussion try to guide them in the right direction so next time you respond to their discussion it sure won't be a repeated discussion. I'm sorry for your loss too but I know for sure we'll rise again soon.
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
17 Apr 13
Unfortunately opinions are not highly respected here at mylot - at least from my own experience. I lost a point today..probably just for speaking my mind as I usually do. I never understood this community and their negative rating of people and I have been here 6 years. I hardly EVER rate anyone negative unless they are off-topic or down right mean and rude. I love having a good debate..but its very hard to do that at times here without someone hitting that - rating. Its a shame because my initial thoughts about mylot were that we were encouraged to post our personal opinions. I guess I could be wrong. Hell I just learned yesterday that mylot isn't actually a "discussion" forum it considered more of a Q&A (at least that is what was posted from the FAQ). I say take it in stride. If people would like to follow me on here and rate me negatively so be it. Haters will hate! And anywhere you will always have a hater or two.
• Canada
4 Dec 09
What was the discussion that made people low rate you?
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
A discussion made under the "mylot" interest that concerns lotters