Sen. Barbara Boxer doesn't care if climate change is fake get the whistleblower!
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
December 3, 2009 5:47pm CST
Yup, I knew one of our corrupt congressman would do this. It was just a matter of time. No, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. doesn't care if climate change is fake. She doesn't care about fabricated or manipulated data that has been used to shape public policy and push ridiculous crap like cap and trade.
Her anger is directed at those who exposed this farce. She wants criminal charges pressed against those who leaked the emails that show the truth about global warming "research". After all, she's in California, where these environmental extremists run the show and fund her campaign.
With this woman it's just one thing after another with her rude behavior towards Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh for calling her "maam", or her condescending attitude towards Harry Alford of the Black Chamber of Commerce whom she basically said should support her climate change legislation because other black people do.
Now she's really out there with dismissing the evidence and focusing on going after those who would dare expose the lies about climate change. Does anyone really believe it's more important to prosecute the whistleblowers than the people who have been telling lies that have drastically impacted our economy and public policy?
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4 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Dec 09
It's part of the new mindset of the only enemy being the right.. and a sort of bring on the thought control police (it's just not acceptable to think differently than the plans had by the far left!)..
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Dec 09
It's an expected response, much like AG Jerry Brown in California promising to punish the two journalists who videotaped ACORN workers conspiring to commit fraud but hasn't breathed a bad word about ACORN - the organization he is supposed to be investigating. It's like Obama firing Gerald Walpin when he discovered one of Obama's friends committing fraud with federal funds. You can be fired or prosecuted for doing your job IF your investigation is truthful and turns up evidence of crimes being committed by those on the left. If anyone thought Boxer would investigate the institutions and scientists that receive billions of federal grants to produce reports supporting her beloved party's position on the climate, they are way too naive.
There is so much here on this whole global warming scam that it would take years for me to post all the discussions. Michael Mann alone deserves a great, long post. Anyone who refuses to see what is and has been going on is much more interested in agendas than in truth. They should be ashamed of how easily they will give up truth and support a lie.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
4 Dec 09
I just heard an interview that suggests these emails may have been leaked instead of hacked.
Regardless of how the information was obtained, the important thing is that the proof now exists that the whole man made global warming debacle was nothing more than an elaborate hoax and scam.
The criminal conspiracy was perpetrated by the so-called scientists involved in this fraud.
I think that Boxer is on the wrong side of this issue, which is her usual position on any issue.
These hoaxers should be ferreted out and prosecuted, and forever barred from any scientific endeavor in the future, as they have now proven that they are not true scientists.
They have given real science a black eye with this hoax.
Al Gore should be prosecuted, and the money he made from this fraud should be confiscated and he should spend a very long stretch in prison.
I knew this was a scam all along...
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@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
5 Dec 09
Barbara Boxer is part of the congress that has got to go. She is one of the most ridiculous senators out there. Typical behavior to ignore the message and kill the messenger. Ever since she so arrogantly instructed General Walsh to call he Senator - yet she called him Sir. I believe his rank of General was earned through dedication and devotion to our country. She bought her way into Senator she did not earn it. Vote these yahoos out of office ASAP. Explode their offices with mail bags letting them know they are going to be fired by the people of the US for doing such as poor job. Picket their local offices - stay peaceful - anything else just negates your cause. Whatever you can do be active and peaceful. You can let them know you mean business while remaining calm and orderly - it also benefits your position and shows you have the intelligence to protest the right way.
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