why american facing problems .....
By peercc
@peercc (332)
December 4, 2009 1:02am CST
they said that they are superpower but they are creating problems for them....
3 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Dec 09
There are many political and economic reasons that could be given for why America is facing problems, but the problem we created was turning from God. I know many will pooh-pooh this idea, but look at how things have gone since we turned our back on God and forced Him out of our lives and everything. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. If we say we don't want Him, He'll leave, then where will we be? I hate to think.
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@Revan2009 (469)
4 Dec 09
I don't fully understand what you mean, but I guess I do agree that America is currently facing huge problems that will take years to resolve. Not as much as China and India, who are still developing because much of their countries are still facing poverty despite their rising status as global powers.
America will be a Super power for a very long time still. Currently there are 2 countries and 1 continent that can equal America - which is Europe, China and India. I guess they will be known as the Big Four in the next few decades while true power is going to shift to the Asians (India and China) as they're currently not warring, have lots of friends, and strengthening their economy constantly. While the US's reputation was almost destroyed with Bush in office and a policy which seems to suggest that the US had a belief (while Bush was President) that they're some kind of global police due to the size and power of their navy/airforce much to the annoyance of other nations... even their allies.
Whatever happens, I do wish America, Europe, China and India a prosperous future.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I respectfully disagree. I do not think that Bush weakened American's status. Bush did a much better job of protecting our reputation as a strong country that could not be pushed around. I did not agree with a lot of Bush's policies but he didn't make us weak and he stood firm on his policies. He also had strong people with solid experience supporting and advising him. Obama is constantly going around apologizing. Apologizing for what? Our reputation as a world power was intact until Obama took office. He is weak, indecisive and hasn't the understanding to pull the country out of this economic decline. Anyone who has a checkbook knows you can't spend your way out of debt. He is on a mission to destroy the country and then build it back into a Socialist nation. I think we are much weaker now and I think other countries just sit back and laugh at us for electing him President. Those same countries we have been annoying sure were glad to hold out their hands and take our money.
@Revan2009 (469)
5 Dec 09
I agree with some of what you say. Bush and Obama are not good Presidents... or could've done better.
Although Bush did ruin the US's reputation by declaring on a country that didn't have WMD's, without virtually any proof. Nor did he war terrorists directly, rather found himself warring average non terrorists who later became, or rather were forced to become terrorists as a result of the invasion further fueling hatred and thereby providing the terrorists easier recruits which can only be BAD.
Strategically Bush failed, as the terrorists found themselves in better moral ground than they should have amongst Afghans and Iraqi's because Bush' wordings of the war early on ("Crusade" for instance) helped the TERRORISTS gain support as freedom fighters protecting against an invading foreign force.
Hardly the sort of impression you'd want the President of the US to have amongst the Middle East, since opinions matter more in the Middle East if the US wants to succeed in ensuring there's no more terrorists... unless of course this is a genocide, in which case it doesn't matter what kind of langauge the President uses.
The US is wasting billions fighting those that should have been avoided if the planning was done properly, not to mention the war might have been more legitimate had the UN sanctioned the war, which might have also provided Bush more troops and acceptance amongst the Muslims.
Obama cannot harm the reputation of the US by apologizing if it will slow the recruitment of terrorists - there's no shame in being polite, humble and truthful of the past 8 years of innocent men, women and children dying for Bush's arrogance and incompetence as Commander in Chief, nor the unnecessary torture of victims who by law (the courts NOT deluded Bush officials) weren't terrorists (some at least) but people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those that were terrorists should've been killed and buried secretly avoiding the whole martyrdom stuff, not kept in prison and humiliated/tortured like animals then executed like Saddam. Which can only inflame the Middle East. Total opposite of US policy, right? Or am I wrong? All that costs billions of US tax payers money, apologizing cost nothing.
However, Obama hasn't done enough to capture the leaders of Al Qaeda, and has as you've rightly said spent too much energy on apologizing rather than dealing with the problem. The wars are taking too long, either send in a much larger force that can actually defend itself or leave. It's surely better than being sitting duck to rocket propelled grenades and road side bombs.
@jerro39 (23)
• United States
4 Dec 09
America is running into problems because they are trying to pay debts with money that they don't have. The leaders in Washington are trying to get out of debt by spending money. Common sense tells us that this will never work. The current debt of America is about 12 TRILLION dollars. Another problem with America is that they seem to have no friends. Canada and the United Kingdom and a few small European countries have good relations with the United States. That's about it though. I wouldn't expect to find many America fans in Africa, South America, or Asia. These countries don't exactly like to help the United States economically. There are many other problems plaguing American but I find these two to be the most prevalent.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Dec 09
The U.S. is in decline because [1] we are kicking out God, [2] therefore traditional values and family is spiraling downward [3] and so there are lots of unplanned babes we are terminating which the Old Testament says was a last straw w/ God [4] our once small, limited in power government is morphing into huGe government which wants to run all things (have control over so much of life and resources) and [5] we are hesitant to fight against threatening forces in the world yet western modern weaponry is more and more in the hands of those threatening forces which have no hesitancy in waging war or dying for their great cause and also in their hands is direct access to wide news outlets which shape how the u.s. and Israel are seen, as evidenced by the doctored photos sent to the A.P. and others from Hezbollah..
- The U.S. prospered because of the Magna Carta, the Constitution which brought freedom and free enterprise, and the checks and balances upon power they produced, but now we are being convinced that if we prospered surely it was because we are evil and we now deserve to decline even be punished.. This is the western liberal way of thinking and the western liberal propaganda being spread throughout the world. When there is no more superpower blocking world domination, it will be interesting in history to see what happens next.
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