New Super Mario Brothers.......

@CRIVAS (1815)
December 4, 2009 1:56pm CST
Okay so as most gamers out there know, Wii came out with a new Super Mario Brothers game. My husband and I couldn't resist and went out and bought it. I have to say that it is all I thought it would be and more. The story is basically kept in theme, the characters are great and the game play is amazing. I love the graphics and the game controlls are really easy to use. I think that over all this is a great game to play with the whole family. I have 2 daughters one 3 years old and the other 4 and they both love to play with my husband and I. Have you played this game yet? What did you think? Do you have a game that is your favorite? What is it? Why? What other Mario games have you played? Which was your favorite? Why?
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9 responses
• United States
3 Jan 10
I recieved this game for X-mas and immediatly started playing it. I love it. I have always been a fan of the whole Mario Series and have played them since the days of the original NES system. One of my favorite things about this game is that they brought back the Koopalings from Super Mario Bros. 3 and now they are in 3D. My all time favorite Mario game would be the first one, Super Mario Bros on the NES. I used to play that game constantly by myself and with my mom in the last couple years of her life. RIP
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• United States
1 Jan 10
I loved NSMBW and playing it with my friends! I also love Mario Kart Wii. Being able to play with my friends online or off is perfect!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I am jealous... I want this Game so bad. It is even on my Christmas list, so hopefully I can be able to say I own it soon. I am sure that this is one of the Hottest selling games right now for the WII. When I heard that this one was coming out I was excited as I can remember it from back in the day for sure.
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• United States
6 Dec 09
I've had this game for awhile now and play it pretty much daily. I do enjoy it and I do like the fact that it's kept pretty much in line with the rest of the storylines in the series. I love the graphics and I love the fact that it feels like I'm playing any of the old classic versions of Mario.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 May 10
I really, really liked this game. It definitely made my top ten list of favorite video games I have played. I also like to play Tetris, and Dr. Mario. I like to play Halo as well, but haven't done that much lately. The Super Mario Bros. game for Wii was definitely worth the money my boyfriend paid for it. It's spectacular!
• United States
19 Jan 11
Looks like I need to add the new Super Mario game to my wishlist. I haven't yet played it, and can't afford to buy it just yet (sniffle). I do love the series, though. So far, my favourite of the series is Paper Mario. I also like Super Paper Mario, but the first is definitely my fave so far. I'm not sure exactly why it's my fave, I just it. My favourite game of all time is harder to decide on. I think I'll have to get back to you on that. It's gonna take some serious considering to decide.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
17 Dec 09
This is good news. I have always loved the game Super Mario Brothers so to know now that there is a Wii version with a new one, that's just awesome. I have not played this yet definitely, but I will try my hands to get on one, if possible. Great family game, I totally agree. I enjoy my time last time and taking turns with my sibling and cousins to play. Fabulous..
@jakccorp (60)
• Canada
7 Dec 09
As i mentioned in a another thread my favourite would have to be Starcraft, with the reasons mentioned there. I have played quite a few Mario games, but the only ones i liked are the Smash Bros; coldn't take the side scrolling action since the first Mario. ;p
@Akio963 (12)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I want this game so bad, i have played every single mario games to date, i even have an arcade controller for the original mario games (NES) i have every nintendo system too, except for the gamecube because the Wii can play those. I'd have to say out of the "Mario Brothers" games, 6 golden coins for game boy color is my favorite.