Is it good to take kids part into adult conversation?

December 5, 2009 4:21am CST
When I was a kid, my mom don't allow me to take part on adult conversations. So when visitors arrived I just simply say, hi and hello and then my mom would asked me to leave and play with other kids, because it's not good for me. But now I don't mind kids staying around while talking with adults, since soon they will leave. How about you, do you think it is good for kids to listen and participate adult conversation? Do you allow your kids to take part in adult conversation?
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15 responses
• India
6 Dec 09
No careguarden, I donot think childrens to be allowed in such discussions. Adults discussions does not begin with zero they are just continution of one after another matter. If childrens gets involved in it they may not have proper have infomation and may its to early for them to get involved in it. Thus half or incomplete information would prove to be harmful to them and may involve them in wrong thinking. so they must be away from such disscussions.
@MrKennedy (1978)
6 Dec 09
I must certainly agree with what you are saying MAHESH. Children cannot fully understand and grasp what adult conversations are about, and could walk away misinterpreting the information they have just picked up, which can be very dangerous, especially if such a child has a nasty habit of having a blabber-mouth.
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• Singapore
6 Dec 09
Hmm. I dont mind kids allowed in discussion. But when there is such discussion is made, I would rather not allowed them to join us.As maybe it is not good for them looking at their age.
• United States
6 Dec 09
Interesting topic, careguarden. I feel that children should take part in adult conversation (topic appropriate, of course) because it will give them insight on how adults interact and will improve their language skills.
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Hello hrobertson, I'm glad that you like this topic. Well anyway I agree with you, kids will learn so many things from adult, it will improve their social communication skills. It will build their confidence as it will improve their knowledge. However provided that there are some topic which they are not allowed to listened and take part. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekend!
@MrKennedy (1978)
5 Dec 09
I have mixed feelings about this, and think that this is a very good question that many parents should seriously think about. When I was younger, I was generally excluded from conversations of an adult nature. They were a big no-no, and I just simply could not be trusted without running my mouth off and blabbing to others at a young age. However, I accepted this and was fine with it. I mean, I had no reason to be part of the gossip, nor would I have had anything worthy to contribute to the conversation as a whole. Usually, things like relationships and finances would crop up in such conversations, and these are things that kids do not need to hear about until they are at an age when they can understand and be mature about this kind of discussion. However, I don't agree with dismissing children from every conversation the "grown-ups" have, especially as they begin to grow up themselves and get older. It can be beneficial for them to listen to certain conversations providing they aren't too "mature", as it can teach them many things about communicating with others and about how social dynamics work.
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Yeah, I agree with you. Since I was even excluded from any adult conversation. And I found that it will be good for kids to take part on adult conversation as it help will them to learn and aware of many things, provided on certain limitations. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• India
5 Dec 09
Never careguarden, kids are like mirrors, they reflect you. I think you should stick on to what your parents did. You might think that our topics of discussions are not interesting for them and they leave, but you will be surprised to see your kid repeating what he had heard from your last discussion.
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Actually, I've learned from what my parents did to me. It build confidence if you allow kids mingle with adults, they will learn to socialized and entertained with people. Although I know that there are limits. I know when to let the kids hang around and listen with adults, and when is the right time to asked them to leave. I know how to balance. That's what I've learned. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!
@samwon (54)
• China
5 Dec 09
Kids may learn something frome adult conversation,whether it is good or bad to kids.That depend on what kind of conversation adults are having!
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Yeah, it should be restricted to kids when adult were having discussions that's not appropriate or good on their young minds. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• United States
6 Dec 09
kids should be aware fo whats going on in the world so they are not ignorant. howver these conversations hsould be factual so its not propganda beign fed. at the same time, tehy shouldnt be exposed mor eoften than they are to their own setting of childhood, so they can enjoy being akid, at teh same time, growing up with awareness
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Yeah, kids deserve to be aware with whats happening, not just on their surrounding but also with the world. Though they have limitations, they should only be exposed to things that not beyond their understanding. Kids will learn a lot from adult. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekend!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
22 Jan 10
My parents were the same as yours and we weren't allowed to listen in on adult conversations (though I have eavesdropped). Now I have kids of my own, my husband doesn't mind them taking part in adult conversation...but I still think it's not right. I went along with my husband at first but when i realized that I didn't like the way our son was losing his innocence quite early, I want to stop it...and always keep asking my son to go play with other kids or to play by himself in his room when we have guests.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 Dec 09
Young babies listen to language and by the time they are a toddler they begin saying words. Before that stage they babble away. I think that young children should be allowed to listen to adult conversation. Over a period of time they will learn more and more vocabulary. My toddler son is two and a half years old and he understands much of what is said. He can say around sixty different words. I talk with adults and my son listens whilst increasing his knowledge of words. My baby girl is only five months old and she is taking in an early knowledge of language to say in the future.
@magic9 (980)
• China
5 Dec 09
I agree with you, maximax. Children learn faster than we can ever imagine through adult's conversation. but for some teens, we adults need to be cautious sometimes. by the way, maximax, why there is no star next to your username ?
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
My mom allowed me to stay. However my aunt doesn't let her children stay during adult conversation. From my experience, I think that I learned a lot at a young age. It's not necessarily something good nor bad. I used to live in an appartment which was really small and only has 3 rooms, 1 would be the kitchen, toilet, and the combo bedroom/living room. Adults might talk about serious things. From my experience, I think that I learned a lot at a young age. I knew alot of secrets and things that are related to my cousins and that they don't even know. In a way, it made me grow up faster and become mature. I think like an adult when my cousins are older than me and are still acting like children. Probably I heard some bad gossips about people and didn't want to become like that so i shaped myself. Sometimes, my mom asks me for advices. Most of mylot questions I answer are adult difficult situations lol. I think it will also help myself in the futur.
• United States
9 Dec 09
It just depends if there are words that are inappropriate for them to hear but more so if they are really young. I hate the idea that they get corrupted so easily if they hear cussing words. Having some adult conversaion is somewhat good but not where it would make you a bad parent. I am a mom myself who is expecting a fourth girl in February and somewhat is tired of being pregnant. I am however am doing good for health reasons with no back problems compare to the other three girls whom I was pregnant with. If the kid decide to leave, then it is good. Maybe some kids would like to hear the adult conversation but as I said, it just depends if the other adults would be saying inappropriate stuff or not. Kids need to play with other kids anyway.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
12 Dec 09
The same goes for us our parents never ever let us hear a thing , but then I watched all my relative do so and if their kids are not part of that conversation they will elt them know afterwards. This is so bad, coz adults might say things to each other which are okay due to their age group and thinking etc; whereas a child might not be able to understand it and later on question it which might lead to complications etc. Its better to make the kids indulg into someother activity while adults are busy in their own chit chat
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
5 Dec 09
My mom was a little like your mom. She didn't allow me to get involved in the adult's conversation but if I were to sit quietly, I was allowed to stay in the same room as the adults. Sometimes the things that they talked about can be quite boring so I ultimately will leave the room. With my children, I do let them stay in the same room as other adults. They would eventually get bored and leave to play with other children of their age.
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Yeah, kids aren't really interested in adults conversation. They would rather leave and play with children. Like kids around 3-7, but 7 and above sometimes they prefer to stay around that's why there are times when I asked them to leave, if we're talking things that's basically not good for them to hear. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@allknowing (142033)
• India
6 Dec 09
I dont find any kids these days. With the kind of exposure they have of the world what with tvs, pcs and the like they sometimes know more than us. There is no point in barring them from joining in the discussions.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
3 Apr 10
Well, my case i would not allow kids when ever there is a serious or sensitive talking with adults. Kids are easy to capture any things or actions we does. So its always better to involve them while a good conversation with adults and rest have to avoid them.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
5 Dec 09
No, I don't think that is good at all. It makes a child seem as if they are grown and older. I never let my kids engage in any conversations when I am talking to an adult. I will just tell them to go into another room while I am talking. Kids can pick up things that you would not want or expect them to hear. Keeping them out of conversations can be the best thing to do !