bible bashers
By jb78000
@jb78000 (15139)
14 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Dec 09
hi jb you old blue bunny you, no I am sure the bible doesnt say anything like that. one of the ten commandments is thou shalt not kill, and I dont know much about the koran but I doubt that it says
kill those you dislike either. its time people quit using the bible to excuse their meanness and evilness. I am a Christian sort of in that I do believe but I do not go to church all the time and I pray by myself. I try to live my beliefs however and one is that I do not preach to people. I hate being preached at. I have my own views and they are mine. I try to keep the ten commandments and the golden rule and thats the best that I can do.

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Dec 09
I just mean that the bible says "thou shalt NOT kill"... Not sure what the Koran says. I have a copy here, but I haven't read it yet...

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
5 Dec 09
Amen to that!
it also doesnt say be rude and talk down to other people if they dont beleive in that God
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
5 Dec 09
Hi rabbit, it's full of ancient edicts which are picked out at choice to back up a position taken, it's rather like finding links to whichever source you want to agree with. The problem is these things were written by men a long long time ago and they only cover ancient ways and are not applicable to modern more enlightened times, which is why you find the ones which quote them often don't tend to have particualarly enlightened minds.
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@Louc74 (620)
6 Dec 09
Hurray! Voice of reason.
All sides are guilty as well. Absolutely, have your beliefs, but don't use them as a way to relinquish your responsibility for the hateful things you do.
I think, whatever God an individual chooses to worship will be mightily ticked off with those who use her/him as a reason to commit wicked actions against others.
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@ruchimom (280)
• Australia
19 Dec 09
I totally agree with you.
But the problem is that everything in moderate will work wonders but in extreme it will create problems,
Religion is teh same,I think God made religion so that people have a goal and they are God fearing but this has taken a different turn totally.
@jb78000 (15139)
19 Dec 09
hi ruchimom, yes i agree it is partly to do with extremism. i also think it is partly because some people have a nasty spirit and with express this no matter what their religion or ideology. if they are religious then this becomes an excuse (some religions seem to be used this way particularly easily)

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
6 Dec 09
Oh yea!
I don't bash Quran or Bible. I believe in Quran very much. both do not teach to kill. Quran never say to kill one you dislike or non-Muslims.
I believe in Quran, Quran never support killing innocents. ok.
Now something about Bible, I write Bible verses sometime, which might have hurt some Christians, because they follow church not the Bible.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I agree with you. Religion is no excuse ever for all the hate and judgement that seems to come OUT OF RELIGION. I don't get this whole thing with different religions hating each other and trying their damndest to refute or slam each other. That type of behavior just reminds me of bratty kids who don't know how to get along because they are TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND COOPERATIVE PLAY.
The bible and other holy books state that the only one who judges is 'God', and since none of us can possibly claim to be 'God', none of us ought to be judging anybody else at all, not each other's intent, not each other's motivations, and by all means we should never be going about saying that we are right and everybody else is wrong lol.
I'd love for people to learn a lesson but I'm not cruel enough to prefer they all die just because I don't like their message. Geez. There seems to be a lot of hate and division related to religion, just like there is a lot of hate and division and lies in politics. The simple answer here is to get rid of the source of the hate and division - namely religion and politics....
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Dec 09
Dislike? I think it goes alot deeper than that! Koran thumpers, bible bashers? It isn't dislike. It is land and tradition and some of it is mind washing. These traditions have gone on for many, many years. Who are we to stand against that? We are trying to do what is right and help a country through a very bad time.

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Dec 09
That is so true. It is hard to portray facetious online.
@jb78000 (15139)
17 Dec 09
well you are right. however in any religious sect there will probably be some who are genuinely good people, and some who are of a nasty (often self righteous) turn of mind and use their religion as a handy excuse for nastiness. and yes i know it goes beyond dislike, i was being deliberately facetious.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
5 Dec 09
Actually, Rabbit, the Old Testament is full of orders from God/Allah to remove unbelievers from the face of the earth. It seems that the people of the Book (Xtianity, Islam and Judaism) have all got large elements of believers who still follow those old orders three millennia + on.
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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
5 Dec 09
ya know, you NEVER hear about Satanists harming other people in the name of their religion...I mean really, when was the last time anyone you heard of Satanists (not the red neck teeny boppers playing big bad satanists) hurting or killing in the name of that religion or it's edicts?
in the Atlantic, there was a very good question, for those that believe...."For all the advances & wonders of our global era, Christians, Jews & Muslims seem ever more locked in mortal combat. But history suggests a happier outcome for the peoples of The Book. As technological evolution has brought communities nations and faiths into closer contact, It is the prophets of tolerance and love that have prospered, along with the religions they represent. IS GLOBALIZATION, in fact, GOD'S WILL?"
they should all start playing nice, immediately, 2012 is coming up fast 

@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
5 Dec 09
All of these works are open to man's practical application of them. That is what divides out the various religions and sub groups within religions. Men pick out the parts they believe and leave the rest. This applies to all the great religious works such as the Bible and Koran. People are killing each other because of their belief in their way of life - they just like to hide it behind religion because that way it feels like there is a greater power they are trying to serve. The problem is there is only one Earth and we all have to live here. So we each fight and scratch to bring people over to our way of thinking and/or living or to protect ourselves. Take the American war in Afghanastan - I support it because the people there threaten our way of life and attack our country, not because they are Muslim.