By dorannmwin
@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
December 5, 2009 3:44pm CST
Do you recycle in your house? What are the things that you recycle? Is it something that you do just because it is ingrained in your or do you get something in return for recycling?
As I was pulling our Rosie back to the house today I thought of this question. When we lived at our old house the trash company that we had there didn't provide for recycling bins without paying extra to be able to have one. Now, we live in a house that has city trash pickup and included is both a recycling bin and also a yard waste bin. I have definitely found that the amount of true trash that we have has gone down a whole lot.
We recycle anything that has the recycling symbol on it now. We recycle aluminum cans, cardboard, plastic, paper, junk mail, everything. We don't get anything in return for it except for knowing that we are helping in our own way to make the future world a better place for our children.
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19 responses
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We do recycle in my house although we don' t recycle everything. We have a recycling bin that the city provided us and we use that to recycle our plastics/glass/cans and then we have a medium sized garbage can that we use strictly for aluminum cans because we have an older gentleman that comes about every other weeks and picks them up to recycle for money. We hardly ever have glass and for the most part I just toss that cans like veggie cans into the regular garbage just because most of the time I forget and then don't want to dig them back out but if I remember I will set them out to be recycled. We don;t recycle paper or cardboard...

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I probably wouldn't be as good about recycling as I am now if it weren't for my daughter. She is really like the recycling person in our house. Every day she makes a run through the house looking for the things that she can put in the recycling bin. Thanks for sharing.
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I know that I should be much better about recycling because it saves our planet and I do try a bit with by recycling our cans and glass but I never really thought about recycling my cardboard and papers. I just started thinking about our garbage the other night because we had some old boxes that we were throwing out that we had used for our Christmas decorations and the boxes were getting old so we through them out and I realized the next morning that the boxes were gone but the garbage was still her so we were thinking someone must of taking our old yucky boxes ans we were thinking why but now i realize that it was recycable and the recycable man took it...

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We have a recycle bin that is provided with the trash bin as well. I recycle things like cardboard, paper, milk and juice jugs, and things that I don't want to clutter up my trash with. I save and put aside plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass, etc and I take those separately to a recycle center by my grocery store and get crv for it back. If I did not get enough crv to make it worth it, I would not recycle at all. The things I put in the recycle bin at home we do mostly out of habit and also so that we don't fill up the trash can. I wish we had a yard waste bin included, as it is, when I have yard waste it just goes into the trash dumpster. It's not cheaper if our trash can isn't full, so we really have no incentive to cut down on the trash. Also, if we run out of room, sometimes we put a bag into our neighbor's trash and vice versa.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
6 Dec 09
If there were more incentives period for reccyling or doing other things like cutting down on waste, I think more people would get involved. The problem is, government and special interest groups do things to penalize people instead, like CHARGING for a recyling bin or CHARGING for people to have a larger trash can. I feel that incentives should be given as benefits without penalizing anybody, because it just makes me angry that people are penalized.
For instance, there were some discussions around for awhile about those plastic grocery bags. I bag all my groceries in plastic unless I specifically need paper bags for something. Sometimes I reuse the plastic bags, other times I don't. In some of those discussions, people were talking about charging people for the bags or refusing to have them in the stores, more or less forcing people to use reusable or cloth bags. I think this is lousy and it definitely does not make me want to be 'green' since somebody else is trying to force me to do something I have no intention of doing, ever. Now if I were offered an incentive like 10% off my total IF I brought cloth bags or didn't use bags at all, if I wanted to take advantage of that, I just might. Clearly I wouldn't do it every single time but if it were a choice I might from time to time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
You are right, there does need to be some sort of incentive for people to cut down the amount of trash that they produce. One thing that I have thought of that would work in our community would be for those that regularly fil their recycling bins to have a slight discount in their property taxes. I say property taxes because we have city pickup which is paid for with a portion of our property tax.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
To start off by reusing is a great thing. The more time that goes on, the more that you will see that you will start doing it more and more and it truly will become habit for you.
@avizmanos888 (149)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
My wife is a recycle-addict. She wants to help Mother Earth while earning on the side. I simply do not have the time for it.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Mar 10
It used to only be important for me to recycle because it did put a little bit of our money back in my pocket, but now, it is important to me for different reasons. We have a recycle can that comes with our trash pickup and though it doesn't put money in our pocket, it still makes me happy because I know that I'm doing my part to help save the earth.
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
15 Mar 10
Hello you are certaily doing a grat thing for the days to come, here i keep the plastic cans, pvc bags, pouches, used glass and plasti bottles in a card board box out side, a guy takes them sells for some money good for him though
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Mar 10
It is good for him, for you and for the earth. I am happy to hear that you are doing your part to save our resources.
@SaNdRa15 (128)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Yes, Yes and Yes. I recycle everything! I think it comes from growing up in the eighties and nineties when the movement towards recycling started to increase people's awareness of the importance of it. I feel that it only makes sense--at present, the earth is the only planet we have to draw resources from. If we continue to drain all its resources, our children will have nothing.
My mom lives in Florida and the local utilities make it particularly easy to recycle. They have separate days for trash pick-up, yard clippings pick-up and plastic and aluminum recycling. It is a great system that truly encourages responsible recycling. When I visited my cousin in Kansas, I was shocked at all her family threw away in the trash. I asked about recycling and she said that her city government did not do anything to assist with recycling because Kansas had alot of land for landfills. I was surprised and saddened by this response.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Mar 10
We have a system that is similar to what you've described in Florida. We are on the city service route, so we have our trash pickup regulated by the city. We have a separate can for trash and one for the recycle stuff. Both of these are picked up on the same day (Tuesday) but at different times in the day. We pull both cans out front on Monday night and then on Tuesday morning the trash truck comes first and picks up the stuff from the green can. A couple hours later the recycle truck comes and empties out the blue can.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We recycle our cans, paper and glass. We have a recycling set up at our local Walmart that the city takes care of. So, we just get our recycling in bags until our next shopping trip and then we drop it off on the way so we don't have to worry about paying for curbside recycling.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I wish that there was something like this that was offered at some of the shopping centers here in town for those that aren't as lucky as to be able to have curbside recycling offered for no additional price.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We recycle, but our town does not do pick up. Once a week I load it up and take it to the drop off place. We do cans, cardboard, paper, and glass. Our local drop off also takes used appliances and such. I also recycle kitchen scraps in a way by tossing them in the compost bin to use this spring. Anything that makes less trash to throw out makes me happy. :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I'm so glad to hear that you are this dedicated to recycling and reusing. Thank you very much for sharing.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
6 Dec 09
In my household, we regularly recycle aluminum cans, but that is about all we recycle. It isn't because we don't think it is important to recycle, it is because our trash company charges for recycling, and we simply cannot afford the extra each month. My kids take most of our plastic bags to school for recycling too. As a matter of fact, they argue over who gets to take them in each time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
That's the same reason that aluminum was the extent of our recycling when we lived with my mother. They wanted to charge her more to have a recycling pick up each week but as a courtesy they would give her an extra Herbie for no cost at all. I personally think it is crazy.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
6 Dec 09

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Yes, you are right. We do reuse a lot of things in our house before we send them to truly be recycled, so in essence they are recycled more than just one time. Not only do I sell clothes that we no long use in yard sales or donate them to charity, we also buy a lot of our clothes that way as well.
@neelimaravi (1793)
• India
6 Dec 09
hi, dora, yeah, only candles, i recyle, nothing other than anything,my husband knows to recyle the candles.. so, even i help for her to do.. its very easy also. i made some decoration on that. every body likes that. thankyou, have a good day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
That is a great idea. We've also used the leftover wax from candles to make more candles because it saves the resource and it also saves money.
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
Yes, I do recycle stuffs in my house..
Recycling materials in your house gives new creativity.. it shows how creative you are in the most simpler ways.. It is a nice feeling that in a way you felt achieved and was able to realize that you have an art of re-inventing new stuffs in your house and making them also appreciable in others eye..
in this art? it gives you additional productivity in yourself and make the most of your time to enjoy..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
As I mentioned to another person, I really do need to think of more crafts that I can do with the children concerning items that can be reused. Since my son and my niece are at an age now that they are really starting to enjoy crafts I need to look for more crafts that they can make with items that would ordinarily go into the trash.
@blackflorinel (474)
• Romania
6 Dec 09
recycling is very important 4 our future it all depends on us if we dont recycle ho will ? nobody it's our planet and we have to take care of our only home i hope everyone on in the world would recycle there trash to make the world a bether place to live!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I've actually told my mother and sister that they should keep their stuff that can be recycled separate from their regular trash and then they can just bring it over to our house and we will put it in our bin. I think that everyone should make more of an emphasis on recycling as well.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
6 Dec 09
Here in the UK we've only just started recycling in a serious way because of Landfill charges (been to a couple of landfill sites whilst in Waste Management) and they really are dangerously full. In my opinion members of the public should visit landfill sites then I am convinced recycling would rise even more. They can't though because of Health & Safety.
Personally, I would like to recycle more but the Council only puts out one Green Box that we can place paper, tins and glass in. We have no bag to put plastic in but in other parts of the city there are Wheelie all depends on what type of house you live in and if there is room for such Wheelie Bins.
Here in Carlisle we have a good recycling response at around 50%. The target was for about 38% of waste to go for recycling so we're doing OK.
One problem in this country though is that some of the recycling is being shipped to places like China and India rather than the plastics, etc being made into other things in this country. Apparently, we are becoming so good at recycling that there are not enough companies making new products out of it, which kind of defeats the object. If companies don't get a government "bonus" for re-using recyclables then I really think they should. Has to be an incentive in my view.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
My view is that the incentive is the fact that the landfills are not being filled nearly as rapidly as they were in the past. However, I also agree that the recyclable objects should be used in the country where they originated from as well.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I live in California, so yes, we recycle. My whole family, including my boyfriend's family, we all recycle.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I do know that there are certain places that do have more of an emphasis on recycling and I think that it is great to hear that both your family and your boyfriend's family recycle.
@coldmoon (1088)
• France
5 Dec 09
I recycle all the things that you referred, thinking that it's helpful while the environment is downgraded and the natural resources are day by day running out. At my district, the city staff has put many recycle bins to sort: cans, papers, plastic, cardboard, and clothes. I always respect this protocol.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
It is so great to hear that there are other people that recycle as well and I think that it is great that the city's staff has the bins out for you to sort the things into.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
5 Dec 09
Sounds like our town we recycle everything.What is worth money such as scrap like the metals my hubby waits till he has enough,price has to be up to take for cash.
It is certainly amazing given the choice how many just don't care.I often wonder just why people are to lazy to separate things,such a small sacrifice to help our planet .Green is the way to go ,being self aware for these people who don't really care
or think it matters,would be even nicer.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We used to save our pop cans and take them to the recycling plant to get a little bit of cash back as well, but now that we have our Rosie, we just put those into our recycling just like we do all of the other recyclable items.
@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
5 Dec 09
I absolutely recycle. . . and my favorite part of doing that Is that I turn many recyclable things into useful items. My favorite is taking cans and making so many things out of them. . I decorate them and then I am off. . from Herbs on my windowsill to a handy kitchen mini garbage (useful when you are cutting veggies and dont want to go back and forth to the garbage pail) I also keep my many wires in them... tends to keep them untangled!!!
Oh I could go on and on.....

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
That is something that I need to do more with the children is turn things that look like they could be trash into treasures of some sort. We really like to do crafts here and there are some things that I save to use for crafts and I really should try to save more things as well.
@Kristeen5 (23)
• United States
5 Dec 09
We recycle everything in our house. In fact, we average about only one bag of trash a week. We have community-shared recycling bins, and it bothers me that people do not take advantage of them enough. On the other hand, people abuse the bins too by placing trash inside them. Due to this, our recycling bins are at risk of being taken away.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 09
We average a bit more true trash per week than your family does, but I think that a big portion of that comes into the fact that between my son who is still potty training and my fifteen month old niece we have a lot of diapers. In retrospect with my son I wish I would have used cloth diapers but the appeal of the convenience of disposable diapers was just too overbearing for me.