What factors prompts you to watch a movie you've never watched?
By magic9
@magic9 (980)
December 5, 2009 8:10pm CST
what prompts you watch a movie you've never watched?
people's comment? commerical promotion? certain actors and actress in it? or mainly the director?
For me, I am more prompted by the director, for example, Yimou Zhang, who is a big shot in directing, Chinese director, who is much argued. If you still have no clue who Yimou Zhang is, let me remind you by this--- the 2008 Olympic Beijing, opening ceremony is mainly the masterpiece of his. Anyone who is familiar his style like me can recognize the elements in the ceremony and can quickly decide this perfomance must be directed by THIS director.
Each year, at the end, movies fans are bestowed good movies. And now it is almost the time, so this month I am gonna watch a new one, comedy directed by Yimou Zhang. This is his first comedy. I am sure I won't be disappointed by his work.

18 responses
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I watch the previews about the movies and if they look interesting then I will watch the movie. If I am buying a movie to watch at home I read the back to see what it is about and look at the pictures on the carton to see if it looks interesting and if I think it could be be interesting after doing this I will buy the movie.
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
That sounds like me. I will buy movies I've never seen all the time. My ex used to get so annoyed with me lol
@Wizzywig (7847)
6 Dec 09
Just lately, our local charity shop has been selling off videos very cheaply so I have been buying them regularly. I tend to read the back of the case before I decide but, sometimes, even though it doesn't really look like my sort of film, I'll choose it because of the actors and, at the price I'm paying, it doesn't really matter if its rubbish. I've watched a few that have turned out to be much better than I anticipated.
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Walmart always seems to have movies on sale. I love looking at all the movies for a really long time and usually leave with about 30 dollars worth :) It's worth it!
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
6 Dec 09
If it holds something of interest to me. LIke with Twilght there was the vampires. My whole life I have always been facinated with and always like to read about them. I almost didn't see it because Its supposed to be based on a book thats geared toward teens and I might not like it since I'm an adult. Then I found all these people even older than me who loved the movie and that made me curious enough I just had to watch it.
@justszack (333)
• Indonesia
9 Dec 09
For me, usually and mostly i watched the movies after knowing who's the casts and director and then the story behind those movies
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I think I'm more prompted by the director, too. I really like all Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino's movies.
I also like to pay attention to what critics say, although I don't let what they say completely shape my perception. I also really like to see the previews- movies with fantastic visual effects (like New Moon and The Lovely Bones) get me really intruiged.
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
If the previous gets me interested, then I may be more inclined to watch a movie. Also, if I've read the book and enjoyed it. The final thing that gets me interested in a movie is if someone I like is in it. Right now, anything with Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson would get me interested. Or, if Christina Aguilera were in a movie, that would be a MUST SEE no matter what :p
@twinklee (894)
• India
6 Dec 09
Its a mix of some significant factors that would entice us to watch the film which is just to be screened....if the director is a BIG FISH that would also drag some of the audiences on to his side not to take out the credit when top actors & actresses are apart of the film....but all these can come out good only if the script of the film is good & that is the point to be highlighted....
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
The only factor that prompts me to watch movies especially in the theater is the special effects that was used in the movie. As a computer enthusiasts, I am so fascinated with how the computer graphics imaging has helped a lot in order for an idea to be brought on widescreen and people to be mesmerized by it.
@MrKennedy (1978)
6 Dec 09
For me, it depends on several factors.
1) How recommended the film is. If I have heard many positive things about the film from reviews, friends, co-workers etc., I will feel inclined to actually spend the time and watch such a film to see if it deserves such acclaim and hype for myself.
2) How discussed the film is. I always feel like I am missing out on something if a particular film is brought into a discussion or is even the main topic of the discussion itself. This usually makes me more excited in watching a film because I too would want to be part of the discussion and have that feeling that I am not missing out and am connecting with others. Also, the film will provide me with a suitable topic of conversation if I find myself running short of ideas.
3) Who directed it. If I have already viewed past film contributions made by the director, I will feel more inclined to watch a film because I know that I am probably more likely to enjoy it since I enjoyed past films of the same director. Furthermore, I will know what to expect, rather than to sit down wondering what the film has in store for me.
4) The subject material. This is perhaps the main factor for me. If the film is about a subject or topic that I have absolutely no interest in, such as anime, I will probably give it a miss and not waste my time. However, if it is about something I am interested in, then I will most certainly make an effort to sit down and watch it because there is more of a chance that I will enjoy the film.

@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
hi magic9,
I must say the trailer of the movie, the critic's review about the film and the story itself. Sometimes the lead stars and director give me great interest in watching a film. I also ask friends and co-worker on their view about the film, if it is like a film that was book inspired or was created by a famous writer i make sure to check out the story on line or have at least an idea how the story goes or its flow. 

@jaunty_mellifluous (31)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 09
The movie trailer, theme and story. I wouldn't watch a movie just because everyone else likes it and/or is talking about it. I might read a review on that movie and would see for myself if it is worth watching for me.
Because frankly some movie topics are awfully boring and just are not worth looking into.
Having said that, what I might think is boring to me might be interesting for somebody else!
@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
6 Dec 09
Firstly, i will look for the type of the movie,ie, adventure, romantic, comedy, historical etc... then, a good story, making an idea reading the back cover brief about the movie... and then the casts... sometimes, my favorite actors/actresses make me ignore one or more of these factors...
thanks and happy myLotting...
@b4balaji (410)
• India
6 Dec 09
I usually find the ratings of a particular movie in IMDB. Whenever a new film is released, I will see the movie rating, then get a copy of it.
I like thriller, mystery movies. I find the genre action, animation, horror more attractive while going for a movie.
Whenever a movie has a rating of 6 or more, in imdb, I wont hesitate to see the movie.
This is how I usually get prompted to see a movie.
@earnwidfun (93)
• India
6 Dec 09
people's comment prompts me most to watch a movie which i never watched. if some of my friend likes it a lot and narrates it in a good manner then i also feel like to watch tht movie so that i can also comment on it or can join the discussion on that movie.
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Like Revan2009, the first thing that comes to mind would be the genre of the movie. There are certain genres that I prefer over others. For example, I would be more likely to watch an action film over a romance film. I also take the story into consideration. If the summary sounds interesting enough I would probably check it out. I also like movies where the plot moves at a decent pace, I can't stand films that drags on and on. The actors and actresses come next in importance. Even without knowing anything about a movie I would go out and watch it if my favorite actor/actress was starring in it. An example would be Harrison Ford. I'd watch anything as long as he's in it. I don't really pay much attention to the directors though. Lastly, I'd probably be prompted by my friend's recommendations. A lot of my friends have similar tastes so if they say that a movie is good then I'd probably like it too.
@smartjack (520)
• India
6 Dec 09
i never check all these factors. For me any movie will be ok. The main thing what i would prefer is a comedy movie. i always like the laughter factor. That keeps me smiling and happy always. Other kind of movies like thriller, suspense, sci-fi etc are also ok for me.
@krystalheart (842)
• Philippines
6 Dec 09
I think the main factor that prompts me to watch a movie that I've never watched is the story itself that interest me. Sometimes the actors and the actresses, how the movie was promoted to the public, the trailer, and its moral values are the factors that also prompts me to watch the movie I have never watched.