using plastic water bottles right..

December 5, 2009 9:28pm CST
do you think using poly ethane and plastic products in our life is safe for us and our environment.. are we leading our next generations to a danger.. your comments are welcome....
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6 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
6 Dec 09
Hi neelima, Earlier I started a discussion about ‘ban on plastic’ and what I gathered from that discussion is, in many countries already introduces the jute bags and paper bags and there is no ban on plastic but the shop keepers are giving incentives to the people who are carrying their own jute/cloth bags. In our place plastic banned but people are using the same like earlier. Now authorities are also confused why they banned plastic and it is true that in our day to day life we can't avoid the use of plastic. There is only one option is there, use good quality so that our health won't be in trouble.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
7 Dec 09
Thanks for the BR dear. I also happy to see your daughter again. Love and hugs to her.
• India
7 Dec 09
my pleasure to encourge my friends, and thankyou for your love to my baby.. have a good day too.
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• India
7 Dec 09
hi sree, well set..really i appreciate you my dear..first of all everybody should understand about this situation, yes, we don't stop the plastic usage immediate, but, try to avoid slowly.. thankyou for your nice response, have a nice day.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Dec 09
There may have been a time in my life where I thought that it was safe and even smart to use plastic bottles to refill with my drinks and such, but that time is now passed. I do use certain safer plastics to store my leftovers and to drink out of, but the ones that I use only have 5 ppm of the dangerous stuff. I use Tupperware simply for the fact that it is safe and it is also guaranteed to last for life so I may pay more money upfront for my storage containers and the cups that I drink out of, but in the long run I am saving money and saving our health.
• India
14 Dec 09
hi dora, yeah, even i use tupperware, it quite comfortable for storage provisions.. for the water bottles also. anyway thankyou for your response, have a nice day.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
6 Dec 09
hi neelimaravi, thanks for the comment,every body must know that the plastic using is dangerous to health and environment,we have to practice not use plastic in future,but is it possible for us?only god can save us,have a nice day
• India
6 Dec 09
hi yugasini, yes, using plastics is dangerous to health.. everybody should know this..our people are very inteligents..still so body will do use plastics.. thankyou for your response, have a nice day too.
• India
7 Dec 09
I have always been against these recycled plastic bags and recycled plastic bottles. But most of the people use it saying it is easy to discard it after use. I feel people should be given more awareness about being environment friendly and proper usage so that they can say good bye to these plastics. I personally carry a cloth/jute or paper bag when i go shopping also request all my friends to do so. I say no to plastic covers when are offered. We are really endangering our future and also our environment from being healthy with the use of these plastic items. Happy mylotting.
• India
8 Dec 09
hi bewitched, good to hear from you, yeah, me too the same, i won't even suggest to give or take plastic usage.. if everybody like this, the plastic usage problem will permanently will get banned. thankyou for your response, have a good day.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
6 Dec 09
I do not think using plastic items are safe for storing food items. They are having their own reactions and it is not good for health. So as far as possible, I will try to avoid any plastic wares except buckets and mugs which we use it for bathing and toilets.
• India
6 Dec 09
hi vathsala aunty, good, yeah, slowly we should avoid plastic things, automatically it will band.. thankyou for your response, have a good day.
• India
6 Dec 09
Hi neelima, I have seen in so many departmental stores and in other shopping complex the people have started using paper bags. But still we see polythene covers given in other shops. Its not good for health. Those are the recyled once. They should ban this first. Have a great day.
• India
7 Dec 09
hi deepa, yeah, so many departmental but not every store.. first they should band about the plastic, then no body will get the covers.. from stores only we are getting the covers.. if they avoid using plastic, we won't get from there, anyway, thankyou for your nice response, have a good day.