Do you know if there are side effects to have the H1N1 flu shot?

H1N1 flu shot - Will you have the flu shot and are there any side effects?
December 6, 2009 12:16am CST
In a few more days, all the students and teachers in our school will start to have the H1N1 flu shot. All the students must have their parents signature before they receive the flu shot in case something bad should happen to the recipients. I am also considering having the flu shot, but I have no idea whether there are any side effects. I guess that there must be some people who have already had this flu shot or are considering having the flu shot like me. So do you think that there are side effects to have H1N1 flu shot? Or will you take it into consideration to have the flu shot?
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10 responses
• India
26 Dec 09
Hello my friend williamjisir Ji, We both and no members in our family had sduch shots so far. But one thing is very much clear, people responsible for giving shots i.e.Govt. and medical know that there copuld be some after effects , so to save their skin from any legal bindings , they want pwrents concent in writing. If they are 100% sure taht there would not be any after effect, they need not take any signature. Also bussiness people will be more intereste to sell their product. What I feel, till it is not needed , why to take that shot. Wishing you a very happy Chrismas and New Year-2010. May God bless You and have a great time.
• China
26 Dec 09
Hello friend. Right now our students are taking their turns to have the flu shot. I am also waiting for my turn to go and have it. My son has already had it in his school. It is good to know that my son does not feel anything special after the flu shot. Have a good time.
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• India
27 Dec 09
Hello my friend williamjisir Ji, WE all should accept a thing in positive way. Like Jesus, Meera, Bhagat Singh and many others are example. While takin one must feel it is for goodness. I am happy that your son is supporting you and an example in front of you. Wishing you a very happy Chrismas and New Year-2010. May God bless You and have a great time.
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• Malaysia
7 Dec 09
What I know people with allergies to eggs are not allowed to take H1N1 flu shot. Little side effects are sore arm, feel tired, low fever and headache after taking H1N1 flu shot scientifically speaking, no vaccine is a hundred percent (1005) safe. Whatever, there is no other way in modern treatment to 'fight' swine flu and public health is to promote vaccination against disease. There are many traditional treatments or home made remedial 'vaccines' but not popular because the government in every country in this world has to follow WHO (World Health Organization) instruction in getting full support and aid once this kind of pandemic happening in one country. p/s Dear friend, William. So sorry for my delay in responding to your posted discussion because since Dec. 1, 2009 I've started my FREE ONLINE TUTORIAL' to MBA - Entrepreneurship Management.
• China
8 Dec 09
Hello Michael. I am very happy to have read your response to this issue that I concern. I see that every coin has two sides, so does vaccination. I wish you to enjoy your online tutorial to MBA - - entrepreneurship management. It is a subject that is hard for me to learn though. Enjoy your work, my dear friend.
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I will not be getting the H1N1 flu shot. I am to worried of the results if I do. Ainge
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• China
7 Dec 09
Yeah, I see. When something new comes to us, we usually have the feeling of getting nervous about it unless we know that it is completely safe. Take care, Aingealicia.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Dec 09
williamjisir I had the Hini flu shot ten days ago and had not even a sore arm let alone any side effects.I am happy knowing that I will not get the flu and the bronchitis I usually end up with as a result of the flu. at my age of 83 I do not need that aggravation at all. no side effects i am just fine.
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• China
7 Dec 09
Hello Hatley. It is really good news to hear about. I thank you so much for the response that I feel rested for the flu shot to be received. Take care, my dear friend.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Hi, williamsjisir! I don't know. But I have been hearing the bad side effects to the nose spray. I took my kids to their doctor on Friday to get their flu shot. They had all of the flu vaccines. So, I just let them take a seasonal flu shot instead. I am very skeptical of getting any other. I believe that there are side effects but I have no idea whom may have had bad side effects. I am just going by the word of mouth. I think that these doses can be very strong to fight off.
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• China
7 Dec 09
Hello cream. I can see that you would be skeptical of it, especially when it is some new vaccine. So we can get to know more about it going by the word of mouth. Take care, my dear friend.
@MrKennedy (1978)
6 Dec 09
Speaking from personal experience, I received absolutely no side effects whatsoever from the H1N1 flu shot I was given. In fact, the only side effect I received was the reassurance of knowing that my body was protected from yet another disease that is being spread throughout the world. Understandably, I did have an ache in my arm for a few hours after I had received the flu shot, yet it was nothing to worry about as my arm always aches for an hour or two every time I'm given a medical vaccination.
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• China
6 Dec 09
Hello Mr. Kennedy. I am happy to hear that you have already had this flu shot without having side effects. So there is nothing to worry about. Thanks for the response. I appreciate it very much. Take care.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I will take advantage of the H1N1 flu shot when it comes to our city within the next couple of weeks. Since I am not high risk, haven't been able to get one just yet. Our daughter, son-in-law and two grandbabies all had the H1N1 shot and had no side effects. This doesn't mean others won't but they had no problems at all. Both our daughter and son-in-law are first responders and it was highly recommended they were innoculated. I did have the regular flu shot and had no complications or side effects.
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• China
6 Dec 09
Hello my dear friend. I am so happy to know that there is no problem for your family members with the flu shot. It is good news to hear about. I appreciate your comment so much that I have learned something positive about this discussion that I do care about. Take care, friend.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
6 Dec 09
From my childhood, I have been taking vaccinations for different diseases, the last one being for Hepatitis B. No bad effect has occured so far. However I never heard from anyone that somebody has taken swine flu shot and that any side effect has taken place. This discussion of yours will be helpful to me too.
• China
6 Dec 09
Hello Buchi_bulla. It is good that no bad effect has ever happened to you so far. So I guess that the flu shot is also ok as usual. The medical researchers must have tested it dozens of times before it is put to use. I have been observing news of the flu shot. Thank you for the comment, my dear friend.
@benny128 (3615)
6 Dec 09
I am asthmatic so the flu virus can be extremely nasty to me, but I never have the flu shot and this year have already have swine flu. Really it is no big deal I was ill for about 4 days then I was fine really don't know what all the scare mongering is all about. So personally I wouldn't even worry about having it as swine flu itself is a minor illness.
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• China
6 Dec 09
Yeah, it is no big deal so far as swine flu is concerned if we take good care of ourselves not to be exposed to places where there are a lot of people. Take care, friend.
@meapas (2436)
• India
6 Dec 09
I have not taken so far and I have not heard anybody saying anything about side effects in my circle. All said and done this H1N1 is the most dangerous of our time after cancer and aids so better to take precautions. Precautions is better than cure.
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• China
6 Dec 09
Yeah, precaution is better than cure. I have a few days to think about it before we take the flu shot. Also I am glad to know that you haven't heard anyone saying about the side effects. Take care, my dear friend.