A Christmas Mircle

United States
December 6, 2009 9:27am CST
Do you believe in mircles, well I had a Christmas mircle happen for me yesterday. Have you ever had a mircle happen to you?
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8 responses
• United States
6 Dec 09
Good for u. I consider waking up every morn a miracle along w/alot of other things .
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Yes I know I had a miracle happen to me it was thanksgiving 25 years I was hit by a forklift an was told I would never have a child or walk again well two daughters later I walk whereever I go just to prove the doctors wrong i was told that day there was an angel sitting on my shoulder
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• United States
6 Dec 09
I believe in miracles all year through not just at Christmas.
• United States
6 Dec 09
I had an accident 4 years ago and was given 3 hours to live. I did not die (obviously) but the prognosis was I would never walk again. After 4 months in rehab I was walking again and now walk just as normal as I did before the accident. So yes I was blessed with a mirAcle.
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• United States
7 Dec 09
I don't think I've really had a miracle exactly. But if you are talking about injuries as other posters have then when I was in 2nd grade my finger was nearly severed in the door at school if not for the mitten I had on I would of lost my finger. Beyond that delivering healthy children is a miracle for many families.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
7 Dec 09
Yes I do believe in miracle. The whole creation is itself a miracle. The rising and setting of sun, the blooming of flowers, the lilies that grows in the fields and mountains, even the very existence of men are all miracles God himself created, the entire creation. or this whole world itself is a miracle and God is responsible to all these miraculous creations. Many people would like to find miracle and could not find because they are expecting for something really extraordinary and phenomenal before they consider an event a miracle However, if we will only look around, we can always find miracles.
@chulce (1537)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Life is a miracle in itself. However, I have been blessed by many in the past few months. For example, my husband getting well, both of us finding work again..... Our family growing close again.... Life is wonderful
@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I have miracles happen all the time, some might call it good luck or even coincidences but every time a car backs out right in front of me in the parking lot and I see it soon enough to stop I call that a miracle. Every time I just don't have enough to go around I ask and then i get a far out idea on how to make do. That's another miracle to me. So I guess it all depends on what you define as a miracle.
@Boofybutt (316)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I believe in miracles. I have 2 wonderful children, and I think they're miracles. Merry Christmas.