Yee-haw! I am going to crash me a tea party.
By ladybugmagic
@ladybugmagic (3978)
United States
December 6, 2009 10:47am CST
This stems from another thread about the "Pink Slip Campaign" where some nutters had spent $29.00 sending all of congress pink slips as a reminder that they work for us.
They have now had 8 million takers because they don't want things like universal healthcare, and one year ago, had 705,000 takers opposing the Matthew Shephard hate crime law at $10 a pop.
They spent $232,000,000 telling congress they don't want universal healthcare.
I think I will go to the next tea party (must consult wmd for locations). Natch, I will dress up in my finest wife beater and coveralls, remove my partial denture so as to fit in with all the rednecks, and round them all up.
I will tell them I am throwing one ginormous tea party, and we should secede from the country. We can take Alaska, and chop off Utah, and somehow affix the two and make our own little country.
We will do a head count at the party, and divide $232,000,000 evenly amongst everyone. There we can all worship christianity and outlaw homosexuality. Oh, and Muslim. Just the word "muslim". Not even the word faith or terrorist.
There we can let our own citizens die if they can't get healthcare they need. We can be as racist and homophobic as we want.
It'll be just dandy, yo!
Necessary disclaimer: Not all tea partyers are hillbillies. Only the majority are. Some actually have brains, but, not enough to disassociate themselves from the random splinter groups that all ban together.
$232,000,000 could have helped people who needed healthcare, idiots! But, lets waste the paper, the money, and the time spent with this tongue-in-cheek protesting, telling Congress we don't want them to waste our money.
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7 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Dec 09
*shakes head.
Ouch ladybug...ouch. I am NOT a "nutter" and neither are the other several million tea partiers. If you honestly believe the sensable ones are the minority, you are perhaps more lost than I had hoped. True there are random occaisional nuts, but certainly not the majority.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I really think the nuts outweigh the reasonable ones. But, I like you, X.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I am in my own minority category. I am athiest vegan who supports universal healthcare, equality, industrialized hemp, and is prochoice.
Anyone who falls outside that category is just plum bizarre to me.
But, I like you X.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Dec 09
Reminding Congress that they work for us has nothing to do with any particular issue. But I will remember, the next time someone tells me that liberals don't discriminate and don't show bias, have no prejudice and love all people everywhere, to show them this thread. There's more of what you accuse the tea party movement of in this post than has ever been exhibited by all of those affiliated with it. But that's okay, I get it. You guys can do all the hating you want to, it's hate from the left so it's pure and good.
Luckily, only 19% of Americans consider themselves liberal. I would be truly concerned about the disappearance of sanity, rationality and civility in this country if that number were any higher. At least there aren't very many of you.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Dec 09
I realize you think it's funny, but I also realize you believe it's true of the Tea Party movement.
I think it's funny that a lot of leftists express these same opinions about the Tea Partiers and yet, initially, people like Chris Matthews and Barbara Boxer were complaining about how rich they were, all dressed in Brooks Brothers suits. You guys can't even decide if you hate the middle class, the upper class or the low-income class you're supposed to be championing. Any label is okay, as long as you believe it will make your opposition look ridiculous.
When people actually have real issues to discuss, then discussion is possible. This sort of spewing of stereotypes is exactly what liberals do while telling us all how morally superior they are. Don't you think that makes them look more ridiculous than those they are lampooning?
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Dec 09
It is the upper class, and the idiots in the lower class and middle class that they are duping. I believe that to be true of the movement.
There are oddballs here and there like yourself and x who make some sense, but I do believe the majority of the tea party is doing this country an injustice and makes us all look like "stupid americans" to other countries.
It appalls me that they would rather someone die out of want of healthcare than contribute to keeping someone alive.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Dec 09
You know this was a joke, don't you, Rollo?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Before I even read the responses I knew there would be those who wouldn't "get it" at all! They won't admit there are some in the tea party movement that are on the fringe. I've always acknowledged there are some from the left who are just as much "extremists" as the farthest right of the right wing extreme and I've denounced them over and over again, but the tea party gang denies their existence and blames us for mentioning them.
By the way, I've reminded Congress many times that they work for us and I've yet to pay a penny to do so!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Some people take themselves MUCH too seriously! Sometimes satire is just that and exaggeration is often used in humor. Like Ladybugmagic, I suppose I could also be called a "redneck". I currently drive an older vehicle and my daughter and her family live in a TRAILER, so I guess some would call them "trailer trash". I didn't go to college and I got pregnant before I got married.
I've also had some missing teeth but now I have!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Dec 09
From the original discussion:
"Not all tea partyers are hillbillies. Only the majority are. "
How does that indicate that the OP thinks they are "on the fringe" as you say.
It's stereotyping, you liberal types aren't supposed to be in favor of that. Tsk, tsk.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Rollo - I have a very dry sense of humour, and usually am the first to concede that both sides have their nutters.
Let me enjoy just one post without having to justify every sentence.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Dec 09
It's a pity you have such hate and vitriol towards anyone who disagrees with you. You'll never grow as a person if you show nothing but hate and intolerance and hurling childish insults without taking the time to understand people with different points of view.
We should all be happy that honest hardworking citizens have found a constructive, non-violent, way of showing those in power that their power can be taken away.
As for who that money could have helped, they would have to spend 6,465 TIMES that much money to fund this piece of garbage masquerading as a healthcare bill. Do the math yourself if you don't believe me. I'm sure you don't care though, you just want others to pay for your healthcare. Those evil rich people who couldn't possibly have worked hard to EARN the money they have.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Satire and sarcasm are just tools to get your point across. The use of such does not negate your anger or hatred for people who have different points of view.
"I am athiest vegan"
Yeah, I figured as much. You're behavior is quite typical of that crowd.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Taskr -
I pay for my own healthcare. I want to help others who can't pay for it.
I think there are two funny parts about this thread.
1. It attracted just who I thought it would.
2. Somehow some of those who it attracted are not aware of what a satire or sarcasm is.
This is cool, because it does show the ratio between the nutters and the logical ones.
There are billionaires in our country. The should feel it. Not the working class.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I am just above the poverty level, as I posted in another thread. I find recluses very interesting, in that they are thought provoking, and often intelligent.
I also posted that I have no formal education, I am actually a high school drop out, used to work two jobs, am ridiculously in debt, and could also be classified as a hillbilly.
I was making a joke, and knew it would go over most of the expected responders' heads.
But, I tend to embrace diversity, and root for the little guy, or, in this case, people who can't afford healthcare.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I've lost faith in the tea-party movement because it was taken over by the anti-Obama crowd and has lost a lot of it's original meaning. I don't think criticism is necessary of the money spent because, as someone else said, it's their money. What they choose to spend it on is their choice. Mind you, $29.00 for me would be better spent on groceries or Christmas presents rather than an overpriced slip of paper. Besides, if I donate to any cause it would be the Red Cross program or NORML.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I think the money thing irks me, because, had people put their heads together, they would have realized that money would have been better spent helping people. We have already seen their marches.
We know they oppose it.
They say they don't want to waste money, yet they wasted millions in an almost redundant move.
It reminds me of prop 8. The haters gathered $40 million dollars to protect the sanctity of marriage. NOT ONE of those dollars went to help seven year old girls sold into marriage. It went to break apart two consentual adults in a loving relationship.
Very wasteful, and mostly obnoxious.
And here, in a tangented way, they are at it again. Tell the government you have no money, but spend $200 million telling them that. Let them all die, but at least some money was spent telling the government they should all die, because you have no money.
A cycle of stupidity and greed.
And, I can't apologize for getting mad about it. I won't.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I agree, and I disagree. As I have stated before, yours is an opinion I truly value. I think you are very intelligent, and admirable.
But, I see things on a bigger scale. Like, people are protesting the war, to spare 500,000 children, women, and innocents being bombed daily. They are trying to prevent the next, "oops. was that an aspirin mill?"
I see people who are trying to legalize hemp as trying to get much needed use of the plant, both medicinally, and for industrial use. That is to help people.
I see people who support gay rights as trying to prevent any more inequality and abuse, and on a larger sum, they are trying to help people.
I think that as long as a measure to improve the world for people is made, it is worth the money.
I think that if the bad part of it outweighs the good part of it, that it should be avoided. Because it sets all progress back.
I think we should tell our government that they work for us, but, the whole sending $29 worth of letters does show you have money to spare.
That is the money that people are saying they don't have to chip in to help their community thrive. We all are a part of this world. We all have our personal responsibilities in both our own lives, and as part of the community.
People wanting to pay for their own health coverage, and not see to it that their fellow earthlings are receiving care are the ones wanting a free ride, if you ask me.
At the root of this, what is happening today is that five year olds are being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Can anyone fathom sending that five year old a letter saying, "Sorry. You have to die, because I didn't want to have to pay more in taxes."
That is what those pink slips signify.
That is not what a human does to another human, and certainly not what christians proclaim themselves to be about.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Stop calling yourselves liberals. There's nothing liberal about you. You claim to be for the poor, then you make fun of them behind their backs. You set up impossible rules for them and give them the "no excuse" rant when they can't live up to it. I've been to welfare offices where people are treating less than human and any social worker that shows compassion is thrown to the dogs.
I was against welfare reform because it punished the poor. The ones who were the cause of the trouble got off scott-free while poor women were called "welfare queens". What you offer is no better.
And for your information, the majority of us aren't against health care. We're against a program that isn't going to work. I just received notice my daughter will be getting medicare and now they are going to be cutting funding to it. How, exactly does that help her? Especially when the premiums are being raised.
At the end of all this I won't be surprised at all if the biggest idiot is the one YOU see in the mirror.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Dec 09
So what you're saying is you want the government to take over every part of your life and you want the rest of us forced to go along with it.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I'm just going on what you said that you want to government to control you. Seriously, at what point would you not do what the government says for you to do?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Dec 09
The suggestion that this is the slippery slope to martial law and dictatorship is ridiculous. And too hard to debate, because you actually believe it.
Which is what the insurance companies who pay lobbyists one million dollars a day want you to believe.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
7 Dec 09
haha....ya you do that...see what happens. Most of the poeple at these things are NOT rednecks or crazy. But they will certainly think you are.
Also you criticize the fact that they spent their money sending the pink slips.
Well it is their money. They earned it. They have the right to spend it any way they want. YOu don't have to agree with their choice of how to spend their money....but they do have that right. You need to respect their right to decide how they spend their money...even if you don't agree on how they spent it.
I don't wany anyone micromanaging how I spend my money....therefore I don't micromanage others.
It is a respect issue.
As for this bills. As we have discussed before...This perticular bill is not good. Therefore I see no rational reason to support it. Now if they put a bill in front of hte american public that was good or even decent I would support it. But this one is not.
I won't support it just because "we need an over haul". THerefore taking any stupid ill concieved bill that they throw out. Yes it is a solution...but is it a good one? NOPE.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Dec 09
No we don't have THIS only opportunity. They want you to believe that so you will take any stupid and screwed up bill they offer you. But you don't.
There will be other chances. I don't believe in suporting something just for the sake of supporting it. That does not make any sense to me. YOu either like what is in the bill or you don't.
As for the pipe dream of "they can change it later". Good luck with that one. After the whole mess that is bill has caused not to mention tempers of the american people/lobbyists,etc....if they do manage to pass it...they won't touch it again for a LONG TIME. Political Careers WILL be destroyed over this bill. IT is a very hot topic and this bill is a mess. Not only will they not want to further tamper with it for fear of ticking off the american people again, but also they won't want to admit they made a mistake on it the first time. Let Reid or Pelosi admit they messed up this bill. It would be BIG TIME used against them in their next re-election run. They wont let that happen. IF they bill gets passed they won't touch this bill or the health care topic again for at the minium 4 years. That a long time to make some poeple criminals for not having healthcare insurance and a long time for the middle class to be taxed at 40% for their PPOs.WHich means you better be able to live with whats in it. I can't. I won't.
If this bill passes they will just move along to the next problem or item on their agendas and not look back. That is why it is sooo important to get this one right the first time.
If you want to get mad at the lawmakers for making such a horrible bill. They could have done it right....but they didn't. It IS their fault. They wrote it.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
10 Dec 09
The lawmakers are voted in and supported by the citizens, so we are where we are now, in part, due to all of them, both the lawmakers, and the citizens who put them there.
It is a multi-faceted issue, far too many hands are in the pot, but, ultimately, if the republican party gets their wish, and gets in office next term, and the universal health coverage did not pass, that will be another four years that no one works on this.
Do you seriously think the conservative party would work for universal healthcare? They are the ones terming it "socialized" healthcare, so it has a damning connotation to it.
It is a gross exaggeration saying that people will be made criminals if they are not insured. That happens now if people drive without insurance.
It's also a way to make this sound scarier than it is.
This is the greatest smear campaign I have ever seen.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Lil - we might have this only one opportunity to adopt it. We have to see it through this term and reinforce it next term.
Nah - most of my friends are rednecks, or, dare I say, even illegals. They side with me on this. ;0)